If Trump signs Trumpcare, will this board finally wake the fuck up and realize this guy is a fraud? Many already seem to have gotten red pilled to this guy.
If Trump signs Trumpcare, will this board finally wake the fuck up and realize this guy is a fraud...
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new healthcare bill?
this is great news user!
Yeah, I don't like it. Especially the changes to Medicaid. I fucking hate the left and right so much.
but I like trump care. it affects me negatively in exactly zero ways
Stay salty.
Hes very leftist in issues like healthcare and trade agreements. Its like hes nationalist and socialist.
Trumpcare plz.
You and Obama can go the fuck back to kenya and talk shit about it.
Nobody likes you.
Weve all had about enough of your shit.
drumpf is a populist centrist and Sup Forums got cucked hard. Funny how nobody wants to admit it yet, but soon. Soon....
So just like a normal redpilled person, unlike an edgy stormfront teen?
>poor people dying
>bad thing
Yeah keep your ponyshit out of here, freak.
He's a corporatist you dumb faggot.
For owners those old gents sure tried to get his opponent Crazy Cannibal Cunt elected.
Go away Sharia Blue
Insurance market opened up?
You stupid fuckers are even more stupid than I already thought.
I keep hearing trump is a populist explain how Hillary or any mainstream politician with support is not...
>For owners those old gents sure tried to get his opponent Crazy Cannibal Cunt elected.
Pretty easy to make someone out to be controlled opposition when you fund both sides.
You mean rand care?
Fuck off shareblue
>You mean rand care?
No why did you think that. I'm talking about Trumpcare.
Good, poor burgers die instead of committing crimes. About time. Next step, cut welfare and watch all niggers die. One step closer to ethno-nationalism.
IDC, as long as that gay mandate is gone. Insurance is a fucking scam. The hospitals are rackets.
If I need treatment I'll go medical tourist or go to the ER without any ID and give a fake name.
>as long as that gay mandate is gone
You still pay 30% co pay increase. You dumb faggot.
This healthcare bill is awesome! Up until now GOP members could rely on democrats to attack Trump and just sit back with their mouths shut. Now they are all forced to go on record. Either support the bill and have it used against them if it ends up being a dud, or face the wrath of Trump. This will cause more chaos in the republican party than anything up to this point.
those are all good things
>explain how Hillary or any mainstream politician with support is not
are you genuinely stupid? people hate hillary.
the democratic populist candidate was bernie and he would probably have won against trump
He's been a fraud for decades.
I don't like the new healthcare bill, but it seems like a centrist thing to stick out there.
It really comes down to if any democrats at all are going to support the thing. If not, and the fiscal conservative right shuts the bill down, so be it. think this is the best shot the left is gong to have, and I think Trump will certainly listen to them right now.
Say the republicans put the bill up for a vote and get zero democrat support, and loose say 3 Republican senators. What happens in 2 years? Can Obamacare be left in place, really bleeding people badly, with the message from Republicans being: well we need just a few more seats to fix this, we have tried and failed to get a bill by working with the Democrats.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Quit shitposting Ahmed.
No, because next to nobody on this board seems to actually understand what it is. I ask what bad about it and 90% of the time its
>hurr no state competition
when Trump already said its been thrown into the second round of the bill.
The fact it's Obamacare with a different name might be a concern.
Trump only won because Hillary was worse.He needs to turn down his ego and listen to people who know what the hell they are doing. He's more of an amateur than Obama but at least Obama listened to those around him.
It's been really fun watching this guy crash and burn. But in all serious we can't let him get the tendie codes.
Is that so bad? You can just pay cash if you want.
That 30% is if you have no coverage, but get sick. Then you buy 'insurance' knowing that you are already sick, and the insurance company is being forced to cover you, is it so unreasonable that the insurance company can charge you more?
I think the insurance companies being forced to cover you is pretty dumb because of that very realistic scenario.
fuck off reddit faggots trump is infallible desu
As a liberal democrat, I love this bill. Once it's in place healthcare will be unaffordable for older Americans, meaning they'll die quicker! :D Baby boomers and the very elderly are republicans only base, so them dying sooner means the coming elections will be a cinch!
I don't think you know what a populist is m8
>what is gen z
>what is gen z
7-16 year olds. I was a conservative in middle school, too. But then I took my first civics class.
Wait, I don't WANT the Government in my healthcare, why is Trump not FUCKING REMOVING THE GOVERMENT FROM MY FUCKING HEALTH CARE!!?!
>Every single person is a Jewish puppet
This is the original "muh Russia" shit.
Because he said several fucking times he's a big government conservative.
>support a fascist
>This is the original "muh Russia" shit.
You have to go back to plebbit.
its funny how wrong you are. stormfags are nationalist socialist, which he just described trump as. hitler gave it a bad name desu i think thats why nations are afraid to use it. theyre either too nationalist or too socialist. a blend is ideal
>the opposite of how how people find politics.
nice try m8
The left has lost the future and the children as they have become to pervasive is no longer cool to have the same opinion as not only your favorite celebrity but also that of your parents teachers and local librarian, this is why celebrities power to sway opinion on politics have dropped significantly.
I can practically smell the reddit on you, you bluepilled fuck.
We will hate it. Normies will think it's great.
Unfortunately for conservatives. The Dems are going to run a literal socialist next go round. Trump needs to play to the center now or he'll be toast.
I desperately hope liberals dont get in the way of this bill and see it as the opprotunity it is to speed up the mortality of the republicans only base, old people.
You dumb fucks. He can't just say TO HIS OWN COUNTRYMEN, fuck you and now you must pay an expensive health insurance.
#1. Trump Cannot by himself. He has to convince congress to do anything.
#2 Because .gov promised all sorts of nanny state shit back when we had a functioning economy, that even then was known to be a fiscal nightmare.
Now the bill is coming due, with the boomers having saved almost nothing for retirement and no gas in the economic tank.
Senators and congressmen do not want to be the one to break promises they know that cannot be kept, so kicking the can is the order of the day. Better that than do the right thing and actually absorb some political heat.
The crazy thing is that Peloski, Obama, and the other Democrats have to know that none of what they have done makes any sense at all, but they are smart enough to use everything as a political tool.
It takes actual leadership, intelligence and hard work, (and even sacrifice) to actually fix problems, and this is something that does not exist on the Left.
The RINOs on the right are not a whole lot better.
I can't wait to see shit lib's faces when they finally learn the vile truth about the demonic bitch.
What am i supposed to be seeing?
You do realize that millennials vote democrat 3-1, right?
It will always be PaulRyanCare
No, even in its current form its better than Obamacare.
isn't it the same but it removes the fining niggas who willingly go without private and opt out of obamacare
>what is gen z
you do know that the new way gen-z kids call each other fags is saying "your triggered"
you guys are fucked in the new generations. you went to extreme left
millennials dont vote retard
This too.
How so
Old people get worse health care under obama care rationing. they would do better off on cheaper better quality plan
Yet you are the one still shitposting about it.
>kill self
How old are you? I was a lot like you when I was in middle school. Arguing with people on Sup Forums about how the SJWs are literal cancer. But then I grew up.
Im pretty sure theyre voting more than dead people, user.
>millennials dont vote retard
What are you talking about you dumb faggot? They are the largest voting bloc in the country.
No need to worry
All is as it should be
If SJW existed when you were in middle school your younger than me m8
people always become more conservative with age.
not by percentage they vote m8
not gunna lye, former hitler here, dis hurlerius watchin him crash n burn, but srsly we cant let this goy get dah alien tech.
Shit if Sup Forums existed when you were in middle school your deff younger than me
implying it makes it out of committee
>trump promises to repeal and replace obamacare during his campaign.
>why US dont have cheap Universal Healthcare?
The concept goes back to at least 1989, when the conservative Heritage Foundation proposed an individual mandate as an alternative to single-payer health care.[118] It was championed for a time by conservative economists and Republican senators as a market-based approach to healthcare
The 1993 Republican alternative, introduced by Senator John Chafee as the Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act, contained a "universal coverage" requirement with a penalty for noncompliance—an individual mandate—as well as subsidies to be used in state-based 'purchasing groups'.[124] Advocates for the 1993 bill included prominent Republicans such as Senators Orrin Hatch, Chuck Grassley, Bob Bennett and Kit Bond
>In 1993, kristol rose to fame as he led opposition to the Clinton's universal health care plan.
>Prominent opposition to the Clinton plan was led by William Kristol and his policy group Project for the Republican Future, which is widely credited with orchestrating the plan's defeat through a series of now legendary "policy memos" faxed to Republican leaders.
Obamacare was always Romneycare, the enforced payment of profit bloated insurance company billings, and it was invented by the conservitard Heritage Foundation.
Does not mean they show up to the poll
The Ryancare bill is shit. Rand Paul's bill is better.
>people become more conservative with age
Incorrect, baby boomers have always leaned republican, even when they were millennials current age. In their first election cycle they voted for Ford over Carter 51%-49%
>support a fascist
Shariablue plz leave.
>Does not mean they show up to the poll
Yes we do you dumb faggot.
>t. Kike
>older people becoming conservative has only been since baby boomers
I am talking about literal proven history in general and psychology
But this is Obamacare 2.0, not a repeal.
Ugh I'm literally shaking right now, how did we let this guy get the nuclear codes desu?
Does it open the goddamn markets?
Literally show me any generation that has become more conservative as they age in the modern history of elections
lol no it's not, unless you consider wine coolers Everclear lite
>Does it open the goddamn markets?
No because if you want free market healthcare you would have to repeal all government period.
I'm gonna trust some jew. Riiiiight.
After the 2016 election of Donald Trump as U.S. President, Heritage Foundation played a major role in shaping his transition team
they started obamacare
>The idea of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) originated with Heritage Fellow and CNP member, Richard Allen
CFR-affiliated foundations include: The Carnegie Foundation, The Ford Foundation, The Heritage Foundation, and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, among others.
seeEvery generation m8
>lol no it's not, unless you consider wine coolers Everclear lite
Yes it is. It's Obamacare, only worse.
The problem with the USA is everything is far to the right on economics.
>every other country
>get sick, we have either public option or single payer healthcare
Anything is better than what we have now. All Obama did was institutionalize fraud and make you pick up the bill. If you're not furious about Obamacare, you're a complete idiot.
Does anyone know what's on the bill? Anyone got a link to it?
>Anything is better than what we have now.
What did you think the new system was going to be like?
Did you think it was going to involve heath tribunals? Magic crystals?
Explain fraud? Are you claiming Trump is a jew? Because he is not. hes not red pilled. We all know this.
>teenager who is on his parents insurance
I wanted Rand Paul's bill not Ryan 2.0. I'm hoping something goes down here.
>Does anyone know what's on the bill? Anyone got a link to it?
30% increase in co pays
Cuts to medicaid
Abortion funding banned
Less coverage
People who win the lottery are banned from medicaid (they spent sections on this stupid shit)
Keeps the rest of Obamacare in tact expect the funding, outside of the 30% co pay increase.