Is He /Our Guy/?
Hey Sup Forums
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"SHE ' only time ill do that , is totally our girl !!
She deserves the oven
He's a fucking attention seeking slut! NO SHE WILL NEVER BE OUR GUY!
Sup Forums has a new guy/girl every 30 minutes and they all suck shit
I don't understand why that faggot is so popular. He's even more popular than actual hot girls who formulate much better arguments than he does.
The younger generation must really be into trannys.
no just another attention whore
I want to ____ that tranny!
Shit tastes senpai
I would love to sniff Blaires cummy pissy panties. though.
Please do not post such obscenites.
Degenerate Candid shill. Into the trash.
No fuck off faggot beta orbiter. Don't forget to donate to his patreon faggot cuck
Muh aeronautical wind turbine.
violently murder
I'd diddle her.
Wow, that guy really looks like my morbidly obese cousin
Candid shill.
>he has the exact same nose as me
>b-but muh pronouns
No, stop with this idiotic ideas even if he have some reason in his mind it doesn't mean we can change the reality of his being because he's likeable
It's also funny that She™ agrees with us and says that she'll eventually end up in an oven.
Threads like this are proof of why white genocide is needed.
see the boobies of
She is doing good work for the TS community by showing to alt-right that trannies can be good people and are not all mentally ill.
I would eat a mile of her shit just to see where it came from.
Also I want to point out that Blaire browses Sup Forums so anyone with a American flag could be Blaire
I'd need to see it naked before I'd make any decisions desu
he looks like marlon wayans in white chicks.
straight to the oven.