Hi goyim

ask a jewish national socialist anything

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you dislike how neurotic and self destructive other jews are?

Also known as an Israeli

and I can't stand non israeli jews, honestly

Is mossad on the payroll of the banker jews?


OY VEY!!!!! A jewish national socialist!!!!

My beautiful grandmother was turned into soap and used to lather the uncircumcised genitals of SS officers! I still cannot use soap today without being triggered!! Shalom

quite the opposite
it can't afford placing a potentially succesful hit on them

yes ffs
do it yesterday


Finally another one shalom my friend zeig heil

So if large parts of cia serves wall street which in turn serves those families, is cia working against mossad? Seems like they share common goals and interests in the middle east, namely destabilize the region.

don't use that filthy frankish tongue
it's not part of JEWISH nationalism in anything aside from ideology basis


(fucking post timer)

Was Hitler one of yours?

its a fuckfest, you're guaranteed to get laid multiple times.

the all seen eye spotted

In the Land of Blind Dupes (Goyim) the one-eyed Jewish psychopath is King.

Hey, 1/4 Jewish and eligible for the Jewish naturalisation myself. Observing a lot of Jews, I could say that their national trait is obsession. Once they obsess over something, they literally devote all their life and effort to it. That's why there are so many successful Jews, but equally many self-destructive ones.

Also, don't you think that national-socialist Jew is a bit bait (although, that's what Israel is and not what Nazi germany was)?

Will you please take our leftist american jews. Please?

Yeah Saturn cults always promote orgies.


Was Hitler part of jewish plan?

You got Israel afterwards

That is motive

of course they have conflicting interests part of the time, Sven
Saudi Arabia and Iran both have an interest in keeping ISIS direct influence away from the gulf. yet one side funds it and the other fights against it. it entirely depends on the specific location and provintial agenda

>jewish national socialist

so a self hating jew ? then you are a """good""" jew

>boards.Sup Forums.org/o/ven

Time for the sane jews to send some help to us over here in NA, before the occultist jews feed you to the arabs

If you want to kill yourself use a rope

He just said he can't stand them silly goyim

what jews will do when France and Germany will be full Islam?


Why can't other Israelis see that Jewish nationalism is just as justifiable as a white nationalism? Why do so many zionists seem disgusted by other races having their own ethnostate?

Gas them. They'll just destroy our country from the inside like they're trying to destroy yours or mine from the outside.

What do you mean? He is a Jew supporting his own race instead of destroying the others.

You're doing good. Heil competition!

You use "zionists" as a blanket term for jews you don't like. Most leftie jews hate Israel, and thus, the opposite of zionists.

Go make your ethnostate, tealeaf.

well, as is usual with the goyim the answer is "yes but not intentionally".
hitler did hate us and did not recieve orders from us, and wanted the jews out of Europe by himself so we didn't need to ask him for help in kicking us out
what we did exploit was his short sightedness and this allowed us plenty of jews to recieve ample compensation in exchange to leaving their property in Germany, AKA haavara, which helped us economically
after the war itself we just exploited a given set of circumstances into guilt tripping the UN to make the UK arab cuckolds finally leave here because they've failed in taking in european jews to appease the muhammads. once the UK was gone and Hitler failed agenda gave us a manner of moral high ground, we simply kicked the arabs out and started the country

what israeli jews did NOT intend was for the guilt and anti-nationalism trend to stick for so long. it's making our own policies much harder to pull through to this day because the arabs are obviously trying to do the same via paleshits

a year or two around here will cure them of any communism or SJWs tendencies

It won't cure them, they'll just move to Tel-Aviv and vote (((Buzhi)))

bizzaro pol rules

What would happen if all the Israeli Jews finally cut ties with you? Specifically the ones in America that are keeping your relations with America alive.

> he thinks it's a jewish influence that keeps Israeli-America relationships
Israel is an unofficial 51st state. It's a country sized US Military base in the middle east.

Is god real ?
dose god love money ?
do you know anything about age of aquarius ?


No! There is a reason why the Jews hate him so much.

He stopped the communist jews plans, that want to enslave humanity.

If they (goyim) ever figure out what evils the Jewish tribe has done to humanity.

They will get a real Holocaust.

They know it.

They are scared

So you're telling me there haven't been administrations and politicians over the decades that have questioned your relationship and even suggested giving less support?

No I just use it to refer to Jews who want their Jewish state, many of these people act like lefties who hold hypocritical views. They'll say things like immigration is good for europe and america but not for Israel. They're like right wing neocon Jews who only pretend to be left wing when they're in any country that isn't Israel. It's stupid to just call them lefties, because whenever the subject of Israeli policy is brought up, they suddenly become right wing. They flip back and fourth like it's nothing.

I'm just asking you to explain those kinds of Jews.

None of those down here, mate. The Right wing here is glad to see any based people anywhere in the world. Every right winger in Israel I know celebrated Brexit, Trump, and is devastated at Europe's cucking.
Diaspora kykes are subversive ashkenazi bastards and I hope they get gassed.

Korean far-right wing worship Israel.
What do you think is the reason?

Do you want to gas the goyims?

>Jew supporting ethnonationalism for Jews in Israel
>opposes it when it's any other nation


Will Trump bring in the messianic era?


Thank you. You're definitely right.

Meant for you m8

> Jews are one person

I'm guessing you replied to me, deleted my post and made a correction.

That does seem believable, lefty diaspora Jews who genuinely hold some kind of double standard. So what about all the Talmudic stuff about the Goyim? Are you a religious Jew?

What kind of meme are jews when you have blond blue eyed ashkenazis, nigger ethiopian jews and even chink jews.
How can you be natsoc when the only thing tying you all together is a religion but no racial basis?

All Jews are racially the same and inbred.

Talmud is a rabbi's imageboard, full of shitposters and extermists. Any rabbi can make new "rules" for the Jewish man, but you shouldn't take any of it seriously. I like quoting this one - showering naked is bad. I wish I could make this up. Nobody believes in that shit except for orthokykes. Every time you read something about how goyim are animals and should burn, remember it extends to all non orthodox jews too. Nobody likes them. They live of welfare, poop kids to get more welfare every 9 months, and don't serve the state in any way.

Of course there have been, but once you get the big chair and get briefed, you find out the truth - we are basically another state. "Aid" is just federal defense funds. Israel is a strategic asset. Don't take my word on it, it's just my theory and the only explanation for the ongoing relationship that makes any sense, unless lizard people jews mind-controlling presidents makes more sense.

It's suprisingly pleasant to watch conflict among you guys. All that divisiveness. One the one hand you got the Ashkenazis that are the brains and finance of your country (even the diaspora has had to bail you out from day 1 when your farming projects failed and still do your bidding around the world) but are more liberal leaning and on the other hand you got the Arab Jews who are dumber but vote more right-wing. It's beautiful to watch really, because you can't stand each other but you're both completely dependent on one another. I also see that the birth rate among your more religious group is the highest and they refuse to serve in your military or get jobs. What a clusterfuck.

This is the red pill about Israel which the posters don't like to talk about.

>it extends to all non orthodox jews too

No it doesn't. Only non-Jews (goyim).

Also if you don't take it seriously, why did this man get the largest funeral in Israel to ever be held?

Jews are based and worlds first racial socialist nationalists, they are gonna fuck your country up if you let them in though.

Orthokykes have more political power than you can imagine. Comes with being the state religious service.

And trust me, I live in this country. The orthokykes repeatedly state how people like me are subhuman. We are WORSE than goyim. Their way of life is the only way of life that is worth living, according to them.

And yet, somehow, we keep it together. Besides, the slavjew generation is growing up. We have the ashkenazi intelligence and the mizrahi based politics.

Are jews the most redpilled race/religion of all?
>take no shit from normies (goyim)
>have lots of kids
>strong communities
>super smart
>rich and prosperous
>work in good jobs
>cute girls
>no gross foreskins
>basically white
>get spiritual help from the friendly neighbour rabbi
>run the world pretty much
>realise the importance of an ethnostate
>good sense of smell
>hannukah looks like fun
>menorahs are breddy aesthetic desu
>pristine synagogues for g-dly worship
>aren't afraid to ask the muslim question
can't argue with this Sup Forums...

Can confirm non israeli jews are mostly leftwing muzzielovers

> menorah
Menorah is the candle holder in the temple, and it has 6+1 canes.
Hannukiya is the Hannuka candle holder, 8+1

I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy and parasitical statement. There's plenty of "racial" tension between the different sects of Jews in your country and it's often reached boiling points. You're just lucky to be in a position of constant threats from your neighbouring countries and the Palestinians, because that's the one thing keeping you all "united" and barely so because you've also got a huge population of "lefties" or "liberals" by your standards that protest your government and it's treatment of Arabs and it's wars. You're no different than any other Jewish population of Jews around the world, it's just that you got a slightly higher percentage of rightwingers.

>treating everyone in the world as subhuman slaves that should be slaughtered is "based"
>meanwhile they need non-Jews' help to create Israel and still to maintain and defend it now

>We are WORSE than goyim.

Lying kike, you're not fooling anyone. The Talmud specifically differentiates between Jews and non-Jews. They even say at one point that "even gay Jews are better than non-Jews".

>unhygienic lack of foreskin
>Zionist reduce efficiency of other races so little space exploration
>hardly care about longterm effects of pollution and biodiversity crisis
>not cool

At least, despite the differences, we have some feeling of unity.
> you're lying
No, mate. I'll get stoned if I walk through an orthodox neighborhood in short sleeves.

He's not lying about the Talmud though, the Talmud is a fuckhueg collection of rabbinical shitposts basically.

Fucking hell, that really IS the portal to hell

>and I can't stand non israeli jews, honestly
but would you gas them? that's the 6 million question

So is the Bible, except they're apostles, gospels, etc., but it doesn't stop it from being followed by most Christians.

/Pol worhsipping Hitler pisses me off to this day.
I blame his decisions for killing millions of Europeans for nothing.
I can't blame you guys for using this to your advantage, but you need to use your influence to help us get our nationalism back.
These leftists are dangerous.

how true is the "punished trump" meme floating around /ptg/?
>POTUS trump assblasting leftists
>israel suffering a demographic catastrophe when iran goes nuclear


>blame leftists, not Jews!

JIDF pls go.

>right-winger jews unironically becomes a major part in uncuckening the West

the digits confirm!!

Except, nobody follows the shitposts. Most Jews stopped following new threads a few decades ago, only stopping by to get updated on proper integration of new tech in the office (like rules on the emergency use of a Sabbath pen in Sabbath or which kinds of monitors are better left on if you HAVE to)

But we are, m800. Netanyahu keeps tweeting support for the wall, and 3 weeks back he literally named the (((marxist media)))
The earlier Europe starts uncucking itself the happier I will be.

>tfw literally getting Jewed in responses
That wasn't my point, but anyways.

I've said it several times, I'd love to see a full on Crusade. I can share Jerusalem with Christians, at least I can trust them to keep a deal and not snackbar buses.

Would you sieg heil along the ride?

we don't want to be in the middle east though we tried that before.

>"Israeli right-wing Jews" are the ones who pushed the US into the Iraq War partly to help Israel's position in the Middle-East
>this is still being used by them to justify flooding Western countries with "refugees"
>surely if we keep doing it, things will turn out well


Hey, Ahmed. Nice confusion tactics there.
> the pic is leftie fuck "rabbis" who live in the west and probably like homos
> but Israel flooded europe with refugees

I keep seeing that sentence. How exactly did Israel flood the west with refugees? I never told anyone to open their borders. Every country that got cucked cucked itself by trying to be "tolerant", and they are always the same countries that try to convince Israel to be "Tolerant".

Stop being cucks and stop trying to cuck me.

>jewish nationalist socialist
Its usually just abbreviated to "Israeli" here, btw.

My digits confirm that we will prevail in the end!

Shadilay, brother. The uncuckening of the world approaches.

But what if the Messiah were really Jesus though

Jewish neoconservatives, groups like AIPAC and Mossad organized the invasion of Iraq War. They had been planning for more than a decade.

>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction".

>"If you take out Saddam, Saddam's regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region." -- Netanyahu, 2002

>Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said yesterday that Iran, Libya and Syria should be stripped of weapons of mass destruction after Iraq. "These are irresponsible states, which must be disarmed of weapons mass destruction, and a successful American move in Iraq as a model will make that easier to achieve," Sharon said to a visiting delegation of American congressmen.


And then Jews, using their position in the EU, the Western governments, groups like the American Jewish Congress, and financial and corporate institutions, lobbied to accept create more "refugees".

Whether it's the "left-wing Jews", or the Rabbis in Israel or other countries, they're generally all complicit with a few exceptions.

Soros admits creating the European migrant crisis:

Soros tells Europe to take in 'at least a MILLION' refugees every year:

Soros finances 'Handbooks' to spur EU-bound immigration:

> still infographics with diasporakykes or orthokykes
> still pastaing the same
Yeah, there's no ahmed shills on this site. Just totally innocent leafs who just happen to have this shit saved and ready at any moment.

Remember how soros funds anti Israeli shit?

>> still infographics with diasporakykes or orthokykes

There's a lot of them, don't you think?

>Remember how soros funds anti Israeli shit?

I don't think Soros is anti-Israel. Rather, since Israel is a "democracy", and there are still some disagreements between Jews, he probably opposes some political groups in Israel. But he would never try to get Israel to accept so many "refugees" or fund all these left-wing/revolutionary groups like "Women's March" or BLM or the Arab Spring in Israel, the same way he does it in Europe, America and other places.

Every defamation of Israel is a weakening of its security, because Israel responds by tying its armed forces' hands harder. Soros, like all leftie diaspokykes, is one of tge "pls goyim im not a zionist" crowd. He hates Israel with a passion, like orthokykes and diaspokykes do.

To all the kikes here who claim that israelis are based while placing the blame on marxist western jews, what are you gonna say when it is discovered that Israel played a huge role in 9/11 and has been spying, stealing tech and money from the US and buying/blackmailing its politicians to push for a pro-Israel agenda while disregarding American interests and its people?

American Jew here. Just gas us senpai, we're beyond saving.

Nothing because it won't happen.
Except for spying, but then again, all countries spy on their friends.

i am half jewish and my whole family is in line with you idiots so i don't need to ask shit.. All i can say is its sad. 100% closed minded and no ability to reach any form of conclusion outside of Karl Marx and super advanced technological society. No respect for nature... and as far as it benefits/hurts you. No respect for purity... no respect for creation. Fuck you

גולן זה אתה?

If no war occurs against Muslims of Europe, and let's say they get to do their thing for some 20 or more years, in what shape will Israel be geopolitically?


Yes but if the whole world suddenly turn redpilled you will be pretty much beyond fucked. Most of Sup Forums is joking about a genocide while actually only caring about their waifu but the casual sheeple retard you find in this world could easily go on rampage. Thus being Zionist is ultimately the most appropriate way to secure the existence of the Jewish people desu.

that is one hell of a stretch not naming the Rothschild and theyr master plan ...

Nor the fact that hitler aknowledged father is probably not.

Hitler was a Rothschild and you know it.