Wikileaks just released a new website which is called the library of babel. In it, they released every single document the CIA has ever made.
Wikileaks Leaks EVERYTHING
Other urls found in this thread:
someone help me find something good in there :)
fugg dis is ebin!
Fake and gay. OP is a faggot
what is a leako
Seems like garbage but my bump digits say some else should take a look.
Kek read the room dude no one is going to get the joke
Where do I input my credit card details?
fake and gay
kill yourself OP post your clickbait elsewhere
We wuz Borges and shiet
seems like a nice way to get a virus, saged
Fuck off Blueshare.
Seems legit to me
sweeftjlbazceve 9
>not using the Anglishize feature
Not going to open that link, officer.
This has been around forever you fucking idiot, i've had it in my bookmarks for the past couple years
Honeypot. Fuck you, op. What a waste of a vpn
Lol brilliant. I got da joke
Fake and gay, kys.