Damn, the memes were true, Sup Forumsacks are truly intellectually gifted.
Pic related, my IQ test I just took.
Share your scores, even if you're retarded.
Damn, the memes were true, Sup Forumsacks are truly intellectually gifted.
Pic related, my IQ test I just took.
Share your scores, even if you're retarded.
Other urls found in this thread:
Source: test.mensa.no
When thread like these pop up, 130 seem to be the median.
There's a self-selection process going on ( only people not really insecure take the test, people not doing well probably don't post it ) so it'll never be accurate, but Sup Forums being above 100 is a given when you look at the average grammar, the average use of arguments, the... RELATIVE lack of logical fallacy, and of course that burning love, that never-ending craving for TRUTH.
To be part of the Eternal Dialectics in the first place, you have to be if not gifted, at least not a retard.
Well given the amount of mainstream propaganda, brainwashing in the educational system and unbelievable sea of blue pilled zombies trudging about, you have to be truly intelligent to sift through all the radio noise to understand how the world really works.
Real red-pilling only functions on intelligent people.
tards get out
You probably knew all the answers already. Germans with an IQ above 145 don't exist.
yeah that's exactly what a tard would say
Tru. All the highly intellectual nazi were killed by the Soviets. Only German retards are still alive.
So why is it always the same test? Where can I get another one
That and Hitler sent all the German scientists to the Eastern front and they all died.
Smart people don't exist in Germany anymore. That's why they don't have any more nobel prizes since 1945.
The norway mensa test is pretty good in quality.
This one is good too: iqtest.dk
Hello, Sup Forums here. 1st try.
What's your political ideology?
Libertardian? Natsoc? Lefticuck? Conservatard?
gooks BTFO
>Low IQ ape detected.
top kek
clearly memorized all the answers
>implying it's a new screenshot
kek at your mental disability
>mexican intellectuals
brainlet reporting
Im slightly better than competent in mathematics but Im terrible at logic puzzles so IQ tests kill me. Civics and history are my real passion anyway.
>Real red-pilling only functions on intelligent people.
I don't have any Illusions about my own intelligence, but I tend to agree here. I've known plenty of retards to walk around talking about how they hate niggers and buy their tractor parts from a KKK Grand Wizard. They wear it like a badge of pride but can't tell you why they think what they think and do what they do. Showing off your racism is just fashion to them, much in the same way it's fashionable for leftists to virtue signal about immigrants on social media. It's rare to find independent thinkers these days, people not totally driven by ideological motives.
>mexican iq tests
142 mexican iq points is considered mentally disabled in human iq points
>tfw you just found out that Mexico's government is white supremacist and just sends all their shitty mestizos north
you guys are dicks
There's something fucky here. Took the test, got bored halfway through and mashed random buttons. That's about 20 questions with a 1/6 chance of getting any right.
Result = 117. I'm smarter than 87% of people without really trying?
The bottom 50% of the normal distribution is black.
Hmm, really makes you think.
Why would that be? With a standard deviation of 15, an IQ of 145 is approximately 99.9th percentile, or one out of a thousand. I certainly would expect quite a few of those in Germany, a country that I'm assuming has a native national IQ of about 100.
I forget the part where non verbal reasoning === intelligence.
Nothing special, average for Sup Forums probably.
The questions get harder later on so it's quite logical to score above average by answering more than the first half correctly.
Why do I see the same thread every day?
oh shit I thought I got everything correct :(
must have gotten 1 question wrong
fact: IQ test is shorthand for spectrum test
Fucking tired and I rushed it, first time too.
Might give it another go in the morning prob fucked up a few that I could have answered correctly.
You're basically explaining why the average IQ of Sup Forums is something along 130. Only critical thinkers find please to stay on an anonymous imageboard like Sup Forums without being rewarded by "karma" or "popularity". Still what I hate the most is the "Everything is only an opinion" meme. Sheeple don't even try to question their beliefs due to them being "as true as any others".
that's exactly what a dumb person would say...
nice score.
i got 138
you studying in NL?
>i forgot the part where intelligence == intelligence
spacial reasoning is the most important kind of reasoning. Its what lets you target artillery barrages on intuition alone
We have a lot of shitposting 90 IQ edgelords though.
I got a 125 too but I was distracted and on the phone so I wasn't able to finish the last few questions.
If I retake it is it the same test? I feel like that's cheating.
yup, studying computer science
>I feel like that's cheating.
It is. you are not supposed to take the same IQ test twice.
Internet tests are all bullshit though so who cares.
implying people with an iq of 90 even pass the captcha test
well I'm a little more braindead than I thought
Yes, but its not really cheating, You arent given the answers.
How were you not able to finish, distracted or no? Did everyone ITT use most of the time? I finished with 15 minutes to spare.
Don't have pic but 145
Its fucking late here cunt, give it another go in the morning.
aerospace engineering.
comp sci where at? faculty overrun with indians?
Well said...
These are the kind of tests they get monkeys to do. They don't prove anything. Looking for patterns in non-relatable shapes is for autistic people. That's why you all get such a high score. Cause you're spergs.
I was looking at the last question for like 10 mins before I finally saw it
only had a couple mins left after that
The hardness of those questions shouldn't matter unless the test is weighted towards them *and* I got very lucky (like, 1/6 ^ 4 or more).
I refuse to believe that 87% of people couldn't do better than me wasting time on the shitter.
Jesus christ, does every fucking western country have this problem?
Computer related shit and engineering is overrun with poos here as well.
The only >100 brainlets on here are those from the Anglosphere who don't have to struggle with the language barrier.
really makes you think
UvA, Science Park
>overrun with indians?
not at all actually, it's mostly white, some asians here and there
It's ok to be a brainlet user, no need to be upset.
Let's look at Germany 1945-1991 (because I'm too lazy to sift through pre and post division Germany and am just using ctrl+f) and China 1901-2017.
In Physics, that's nine West Germans, versus three Chinese (all of whom had lived in the United States since at least the 1950s).
In Chemistry, that's eleven West Germans, versus zero Chinese.
In Physiology or Medicine, that's four West Germans, versus one Chinese.
And none of that is taking into account that China's population is more than ten times Germany's population.
yeh but i don't really mind them that much. they just sit all day and program for their PhD, bettering the name of our institutions. There aren't many smart people here not getting a PhD spot due to them so i'm relatively ok with them.
all the real jobs (upper management) go to the actual dutch.
but they do
If you only answer the last question wrong you score 2 points lower but if you answer the first wrong you lose 7 points.
fuck off dirty chink
It's an education that's not as saturated with applicants as medicine, so they can get in on lower grades. Plus, they have their entire family saying they should do it so they see it as an investment.
I scored 127 in an IQ test before. They are all bogus. Confirmation bias is real ITT.
>gets low score on intelligence test
>n-no this can't be, I'm smart!
>tfw to intelligent to be measured
English is the language of science and technology, Hans. Sucks for you to have to unlearn Reichspeak in order to function in the modern world.
> y no iq test in deutsch
> i can count to 6 gorillion
I'm too lazy to take it though
I remember one where I went out of my way to answer every single question wrong and it gave me an IQ of 110... and then asked me if I wanted to buy a certificate.
My IQ was high enough to laugh at it.
T-that's not what they're saying user...
Hate the god damn cunts, especially if group work is involved. They never pull their weight.
I think you greatly overestimate the intelligence of the average human being.
>implying pattern recognition doesn't help in sifting through the bullshit. reset your life, hopefully you'll get a higher roll on Int next time.
Of course it is. What else could it possibly mean?
that was the test
if you're smart enough not to waste time on this, you have a 150 IQ
If you add Austria (which was part of the Third Reich and thus should have been equally devastated according to his statement), that's another four.
>what I hate the most is the "Everything is only an opinion" meme. Sheeple don't even try to question their beliefs due to them being "as true as any others"
Well, you can blame the Frankfurt School for that. Critical theory makes it so that the promotion of small narratives and even wrong ideas takes precedence over the "oppression and abuse" of the dominant narrative (e.g. decolonize science). It's all about dismantling culture. It destroys meaningful debate and makes people take personal offense to arguments made from the dominant perspective.
The first of two things that bother me most is that people seem to have no concept of self-interest and self-preservation when it comes to personal politics. They see any appeal to self-interest as selfishness or greed. The second thing is how they refuse to acknowledge inborn inequalities and insist on interpreting everything as oppressor vs. Oppressed, invalidating the concept of personal responsibility, exceptionalism, and deserved power in the process.
I wish they were as good at doing work as they are at creeping out white girls.
Some people are more special than others. You are one of those people. You are special, user. And we're going to give you a special padded helmet so everyone can see you're special.
See I dont get this. Like if I dont get something quickly I dont feel that Im more likely to get it by waiting. Ill think myself into a rut. I might get it after Im done, but thats not even all too common. Im a retard that way.
Its a theory of mind thing. Intelligence is inherently narcissistic and can only know what it knows. Its nearly impossible to truly understand others so you can really only judge them through the lens of your own mind. You know that most people are not actually retarded, so its difficult for you to grasp how they can be legitimately dumber than you in this context. Just like its almost impossible for people with spacial intelligence to understand how someone can have trouble rotatin objects in their head or judging distance without resorting to "well theyre retarded".
If 87% of people can't do better that I did we should just gas ourselves now.
We are truly a race of gifted genius intellectuals.
Finally I will get the pussy I deserve by showing how much value I have with my true genius level IQ.
Nice. I'm mildly cretinous...
143 in that test is 110-130 normalized.
Take a proper IQ test and report back.
You mean like this one?
If I'm so smart why ain't I rich?
I think it's actually through the lens of your own ego. If you are humble and think about yourself less, it makes it easier to come closer to actually understanding others
I'm scared to take the test. If it turns out I'm stupid I'll have to gas myself according to my own principles.
The fuck you blabbering about? I'm not the one have problems with your language which is retard-tier in terms of difficulty.
Also German was the science language before you kidnapped our scientists after WWII.
115 in this test is 95 to 105 normalized, so be happy.
How'd I drop 6 points?
lol typo
Also, if you're not Anglo, you must have an advanced level of English to post/lurk here.
Could've just remembered that you're Irish and not waste time taking tests.
Fugg how will China ever recover?
Just because something is difficult doesn't mean you have to be smarter to get it.
Nah that ego stuff absolute bullshit. Thoughts are qualia, not structured assertion or assessments, and thus cannot be known by those not experiencing them. You cant know someone else because you cant be someone else.
so I'm slighly above normie level?
i got 126 with iqtest.dk
so i guess is acurate
The high scores online are mostly exaggerated, but i have only seen low scores in individuals who earned them.
Online iq tests aren't the same as irl ones anyways, i personaly don't give them much credence, they are just a fun barometer i suppose.