Blacks will one day rule this land

Blacks will one day rule this land.

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they'll starve to death during the winter and people with better abstract thinking and genetics more fit to the region will take it over, again

Anywhere above the 37th parallel, non-whites begin to suffer from vitamin D deficiency and there's no way they'd survive a single winter without whites to carry them through.

There's no chance, either Europe is populated by whites or it will turn back into a wilderness.

you mot m8

Well, the first Europeans were black and eventually evolved into pale-skinned people. Crazy, huh?




shut it you maori savage!

thank you for this


They're already coming in the untold masses about to be the inheritors of Europe.

Mate, they can't even rule africa.

>or it will turn back into a wilderness
At this point, I don't think starting over would be a bad idea

meant to quote

fuck the land, save the people

How many blacks Americans brought as slaves and how many are there now? How many have been imported to Europe last year and how many there will be in 200 years?

>ruling anything

>and how many there will be in 200 years?


no...based alps will keep them out

White people are disgusting I can't wait until their inevitable extinction

You are wrong OP

that would be interesting to say the least

that's not true

We all know this. Its not too late to stop them and send them back.

Why do people come hear and try to demoralize?

not while i still draw breath

>Implying I have no love for everything valuable in my land my people built and took care of

white girls belong to asian men

It is, that's why white people exosr in the first place, they adapted to the environment and survived through genetic mutations, without modern civilization (which will be destroyed without whites) they can't survive in mass numbers, a good 90% of them would die after a few generations

go pirate somewhere else

He is swedish you nigger, didn;t you hear that Sweden changed their flag few months ago?

>Salty cumskins ITT
Your just mad cuz u scretly love BBC

Top meme

I hope my race one day ceases to exist I am so white people for all the evil thibgs my people have done to you. My race truely terrifies me to death as I have witnessed our savagery up close where I was nearly stabbed to death in school and they all just stood there with their phones laughing at my pain.

let me give you a quick run down on why blacked women are going to the gas chamber

Reminds me of this woman I know who fucked a black out of spite towards her ex, and the black guy had a tiny penis

stop pretending to be black.

stop being black


Blacks can't "rule" their way out of a plastic bag


>muh dick

Fuck you African shit I cant believe I am one if you vile things and that my slave ancestors might as well be classified as wild animals. I noticed I had something most blacks dont and that is empathy sure I can beat up people but Ill feel terrible about it hours later. This is truely a gift as it stops me from being one of you disgusting creatures you niggers. I dont care if you are my race statistically speaking I am more likely to be murdered by a black person than any other human on earth. We are evil humans from Africa that is what we black really are, call me uncle tom all you want.


Chill bro, there are nigger and there are regular people. Africans have more niggers than normal people.

I am Russian, lived there for half my life - its the same shit. Niggers and regular people.

>africans needs more land mass for their open-air toilet.

See : A literal mountain of human shit, Lavender Hill in Ghana that can be seen from outer space photos.

i know there are many tourists in bahama. crime rate there isnt high. stop pretending.


Only people that have abstract thinking and that can delay gratification are able to practice the agriculture needed, in order to survive the European winter.
NIgs won't be able to produce enough to survive winter and will start killing each other in order to survive.

The majority of nigs have tiny benis

No. They weren't.
The "out of africa" theory has been debunked


No, it'll still be the jews.

There is computers in Somalia?

>Slavs pushed the most advanced fighting force of its time out of their lands despite their superior tech
>thinks we'll bow down to a bunch of niggers

I wish they tried, we would be in South Africa in a month with a long trail of blood and black corpses behind us

Blacks can't rule anything

The first Europeans were dark skinned hunter gatherers with blue eyes. Not black but like pic related. Hunter gatherers don't lose as much melanin in cloudy environments because they can get vitamin D from dietary sources.

Later they mixed with lighter skinned (but still not white) brown eyed farmers from the near east who migrated there. Then then skin got paler as everyone converted to farming because you can't get much vitamin d into your diet that way, so pale skin was evolutionarily advantageous.

Pic related

HIstoric examples are not on their side.

Roman Empire had a population of 40 million. The total amount of people that moved into it during the germanic migrations were 750 k.Less than 2% of the population, and they managed, over time, to change the whole culture and ethnicity of those territories.

Where do you live? I might have been that black guy.

Look what happened to African countries when whites left them.

There is currently no threat of blacks in Eastern Europe. Generally the number of muslims is growing faster than the number of blacks. If whites dissapeared, muslims would be controlling the Europe and they would not treat the blacks as nicely as European liberals. So no blacks will never rule the Europe.

Plenty of retarded and violent white people out there. Glasgow is the most violent city in the UK and has a low ethnic minority population, it's all whites stabbing each other.

And your evidence for these assertions is ?


No, ofcourse no. Europeans were fighting with each other almost all the the time through their history. No one can compare with them. Even outnumbered 1 to 10 europeans will retake not just europe but the whole earth from anyone. They are now in deep pacifist phase, but that won't last long.

I'm Asian, and I'm doing fine, I make sure to include Vitamin D rich foods in my diet.

I like it up North - less niggers.



Yup, the Day of the Rope would be when there aren't enough white people in charge to protect their pet niggers.

We Asians will wipe out the parasitic blacks.

This. You know what they say, good times breed soft people. We're now in the phase where hard times are starting to hit, and strong people will rise up as a result.

Holy fuck that is badass.

*tips fedora*


By that time jews will have aready inter mixed with your people and will be controlling your governments and 90% of the populace wouldn't even recognize these new breed of jews as non asian.

The "out of Africa" theory has been confirmed by modern genetics and haplogroups. We can tell when the two mutants who started the european (west and slav) strains of DNA were born, too.

Blacks can't fight whites, specially without supporting from external powers like China/USSR.

blacks can't even rule their own porches

orc manlets btfo

We won't "fuck with you" openly, goyim. No, we'll never openly declare war on you. You'd destroy us as you've been doing since the dawn of time. We'll rot your mind with Hollywood and vidya, fatten you up with burgers and fries, and censor your every word under the pretext of 'raycissm.' We'll flood you with immigrants, radicalize your women and liberalize your feeble-minded, and cuck your politicians. You'll fade away till there isn't enough of you left to change a lightbulb, let alone start a revolution.

If it wasn't for white welfare in the form of humanitarian aid, Africa would be far more of a desolate shithole than it already is.

Blacks can't even take care of their own countries - there is no way they're taking anyone else's.

when antibiotics stop working they'll probably all die of syphilis and other diseases.

In my country several hundred million nonwhites live above this line, and their population hasn't suffered at all.



>several hundred million nonwhites live above this line

Try again. Most of your niggers and spics live in the South or Cali. Jew York and Detroit as well as some small nigger populations make up for maybe 20 mil above this line

He's talking post-apocalypse. That is, without modern vitamins and food supply line, niggas gonna die.

Which is 100% true.