Was #VAULT7 another CHESS MOVE?

Did trump want this leaked so he had reason to dismantle parts of the CIA/deep state?

If so that would be 10D chess confirmed

The timing with his wiretapping allegations and vault 7 cannot be coincidence

He is the president, it's likely he got the heads up on what the leaks may contain and decided to spin it to his advantage.

CIA blew his mind

could easily be another snowden running off to Ecuador or russia sometime soon. if anything this makes trump look good, so he doesnt have to spin anything

This would give him good reason to the public to dismantle parts of the CIA

>implying trump understands what a zero day is or any of this at all

>implying trump is not a smart person
>implying nobody around trump understands any of this

you win shill

I suspect this was his evidence of the wiretap. They were doing it to everyone. Of course the media has all but ignored it. Just like they ignored the DNC leaks and Podesta e-mails that showed collusion between the media, DNC and the Clinton campaign.

Fake news isn't just the stuff they make up, the stuff they don't report is worse. Suppressing information to keep the sheep compliant. Just like was said in Podesta e-mails.

>implying a president with an iq of 165 surrounded by advisors wouldn't know

>telling the truth is shilling
He can't even work with a computer, and you know that just as well

Hehe. That's cute. You're still pretending Trump is a fool.

you're right man. he probably won't even win the election

>hurr the guy that won while the entire establishment shilled against him is an idiot durr
yeah man, he just slipped on a banana peel, conveniently slid into becoming a multi-billionaire and then he fell and his ass just happened to land on the presidents seat in the white house.

Overcame the the establishment, the media, the corrupt DNC, hollywood, the educational system, the never Trumpers, the fake polls and he still won. Oh yeah he also built a multi billion dollar multi-national company. That's pretty good for a dumb guy.


the timing of everything is too coincidental to be a coincidence

he at least got tipped off about what was going to come out

They killed Kennedy's son to give Clinton the New York senator's job, but failed with Farage, so they are not invincible

They have to be stopped or the maniacs will continue their drive to subjugate everyone and profit from our misery

Of course! Everyone on this forum should do some research on Steve Piezenick. Donald Trump is a high ranking member of the Free Masons.

He is the head of the Revolution against globalist pigs that was launched in 2012.

Wikileaks is being feed intelligence and it is being used by trump.

Whether or not there was a wiretap on Trump, we know the DoJ tried to get one in June and was denied!!! At the very least the sitting President's administration tried to spy on the opposing party's campaign. What isn't that a HUGE story???? Oh right, because the MSM is just the propaganda wing for the globalists.

whos they? the CIA?

it seems like this is a coordinated effort.

would that mean they are just using wikileaks as a tool to defeat globalist scum? Or is julian also a member?

well thats obvious, the under reporting is the most damaging thing they do

they were absolutely spied on its just a matter of whether or not it was listened to

Communist Russia only allowed the government source of news to be heard. The MSM can't do that but their goal is the same. They try to discredit other sources as conspiracy theories to eliminate them from the narrative.

Sup Forums isn't a forum

What's the definition of a forum?

just about there m8

Sup Forums is indeed a forum, stay on topic of cia getting splintered into pieces please

It's (((them)))