> Take a picture of yourself and your group in "pussyhats"
> APOLOGISE for being a 'white man'
> Offer your grovelling assurances that you will try to "improve"(read: become an even bigger cuck
Just nuke this nation already.
> Take a picture of yourself and your group in "pussyhats"
> APOLOGISE for being a 'white man'
> Offer your grovelling assurances that you will try to "improve"(read: become an even bigger cuck
Just nuke this nation already.
Source article:
Oh, and BTW, today a photografic museum decided to hike the prices for only men by 15% in order to "protest the patriarchy".
And then people ask "how come Sweden fell?" Really, nigger? Really? You ask this question?
We've only just begun, we have a long way to go.
Amount of illegal aliens is set to SKYROCKET. Yet the Swedish MSM is full of concerns for them, not the Swedish society, in covering this.
BTW, did you know that if an illegal is gone for 4 years, then they are no longer counted into the system? It's in the article. Fucking shocking.
You just have to apply for asylum, if you get no, go underground, wait 4 years and then you're set.
swedish men are weak cowards
You know maybe it's better if white people just die out
Put them out of their suffering
I'm so sorry for your loss Sweden.
This isn't fake news right, like you're not hiding some amazing blonde bimbos where it's 10 women per 1 man and free food and money given out daily?
Not much of a real party that you're hiding?
Because it's bad here, but holy shit it's almost unbelievably bad there
Swedish retail therapy.
Wait I can get a child bride if I move to Sweden? :3
Sorry, you can only keep them if you bring them with you :(
You guys are welcome to move to Canada.
I fucking love my country
>it's almost unbelievably bad there
Finnbro, you're cucked too. Your PM offered to take refugees into his house.
Rumor is that a young girl got raped who was on friendly terms with his family, and then he shut off the taps.
For now. In 2016, you've had several "marches for multiculturalism" in Helsinki. You're just behind us by 15 years.
No, NUKE SWEDEN. Do it right.
sweden is real life reddit desu
Nobody is behind us in 15 years, Norway 5 years, Finland 7 years, Denmark 4 years.
Sweden would obviously be less cucked if only white men are rapists.
All good Swedish men went on to pillage and conquer foreign shores. All decent Swedish men died in Poland from Russian bayonets. That's all that's left.
A nuke would be a waste of resources and potential. You just need a well trained and well armed insurgency. That's far more likely than a nuke, and more likely to achieve intended results.
Ask Trump to drop a few battalions of a Green Berets all over the country. Give us a few years and we'll have that place overrun.
It's 2017. Does there even exist a country that isn't cucked in some way or another?
You're being anti-white now, only white countries are cucked.
what is he thinking about?
They would freeze to death in 20 minutes.
Sad but true
Maybe now I can get out of the friendzone
Wondering if Sup Forums will recognize him because he is active on /fa/
>> APOLOGISE for being a 'white man'
I like those obvious attempts to get pussy.
>I never should've interned for these guys.
>be me
>First row far right
>hey user do you want to celebrate 8 march
>Forced to wear a pussy hat
>I can handle it, I can handle it, I can handle it
>I can't
>Random guy come to take the picture
>Why i'm doing this ?
>bunch of weird cucks yells "sorry we're white males"
> I just wanted to smash and respect woman but well
> Photographer says "Says cheese"
what a shithole
Goddamn kuksugare. And "neger" doesn't even mean "nigger", it's the equivalent of "negro".
This. It's always this.
>Finnbro, you're cucked too. Your PM offered to take refugees into his house.
Honestly, that's not cucked at all. That's standing up for your beliefs, no matter how flawed they may be. In Sweden, the politicians all live in all-white, all-swedish areas and would never take a refugee into their homes. Then they have an asylum center built next to your house and tell you to let a refugee live in your apartment. I'd much rather have liberal politicians who are willing to personally accept the consequences of their decisions than politicians who will have you face the consequences of their decisions.
Maybe you don't deserve a nation.
Wew swedebro. Other men couldn't handle your climate yet you're surrounded by cucklords and muzzies? Got it.
Better get your prayer mat out. I hear the Sharia enforcers coming to make sure you've done your 3rd prayer today
You deal with these "men" by reminding them constantly white knighting will not get them laid. Hearing the truth pisses them off, and it may even wake a few of them up.
where are the vigilantes, if I was her father I'd find a spot in view of his front door and shoot him in the stomach the moment he steps out of it in the morning, then I'd do the same to the rapist
Nice trolling, retard.
P.S. Guess how many refugees he took?
That's right. Zero. And yet you fell for it. You're a total retard. Too bad Sweden is filled with mentally deficient subhumans like yourself.
You can't appeal to cuck. You can only nuke it. Sweden must die.
Why are they like that?
Is this some sort of mental illness? How did such a downfall of all self-worth occur in a living independent person?
Pityful and embarassing.
I also have an urge to smack the guy's face with a fist for some reason.
Fair enough. I wasn't familiar with that particular case.
literally 'shitskin'
There are no Swedish men, just women with vaginas and women with feminine penises. Swedish men died with Gustavus Adolphus.
I know there are still good Swedes, it's not fair to them to be forced to live like this. It would require ethnic genocide to fix the situation and probably the execution of traitors that allowed it to happen.
Because muh sweden
Pick one and only one
These "men" need to be lined up next to a wall and shot
They've been demoralized. He would just apologise because in his mind he's doing everything the correct way. It's a sad unnatural state, like a small dog that only wanted to please his owner but was wickedly abused.
you were saying?
He looks gay
It is 10 women per 1 man over there.
That's the problem.
I feel like I'm looking at a photo of a man being hanged.
Nothing from Sweden can surprise me anymore at this point
I think I have found an angle to start sowing seeds of change.
Bear with me but in your Sweden Yes! memes, could you start including that you like Vikings and our history?
Reasons for this is because the Cultural elite has been working on purging our culture from the books to make us easier to control and demoralize. So if you could shame us into start honoring it again we might start to find our roots and slowly start to uncuck us.
That one got me.
their media is in hands of a jew family
There are places in the US that get colder than Sweden. Your winters are overrated to be honest
In the long run, Swedish women were just too beautiful and the men couldn't help doing whatever they wanted. Even if it meant becoming this.
>40 something year old man
>says he's 15
>why the fuck not
>rapes a girl
>this is fine
>ignores the raped girl and allows the Dindu to prowel around the school like an unchained feral dog
This is literal psychological torture.
Jesus fucking Christ.
>Hey everyone faggtony man-on-mano here, the Internets busiest music nerd.
I am so ashamed living in such a faggot nation... disgusting. All these pictures posted in this thread, thats where the majority of the taxes are going. Pathetic, hopefully we'll have riots and guntrucks from Putin will be dumping ak47s so that all these madafuckin muslims and fagget will be shot 1 bullet per head. Two bullets cost too much, if you miss, you finish with the knife.
Here, let me cheer you up.
I think every Swedish citizen, a true Swede, should write to Putin asking for help. Our government is flooded with Soros agendas, faggetnation, these are not our polititians. The day of the rope must come, the day of the rope... annihilate all muslims
Most of these guys are old as fuck and were probably been weaned off sex by their wives long ago.
You know they would just regard you smugly and tell you that they believe women have more to offer then sex.
If a grown man can't get fucking laid and turned into a cuck in his age, then he's a fucking trashbag.
My grandpa got a new wife and a child at 62. Would still go out hunting with his rifle. Age is no excuse for not being a man in the broad sense of that word.
All this is happening all over Europe is because you're afraid of the police and afraid to fight.
It's happening because you're too afraid to fight. All of you have no one to blame but yourselves.
>btw British police are jailing so many whites here that we're taking over the prisons
The word cuck is thrown around too much but sometimes it's the most appropriate word
Hey "based" sweden you're sooooo cool and tolerant...we also have subSaharan negro scum here...why won't you...teach us stupid meds a lesson by taking them too...i mean you took greece and Italy. ..
Not even mad, Swedes need to be outbred as soon as possible. It's just a weird, voluntary natural selection of the 21st century. Not even Darwin could've predicted this anomaly
Nigger =/= Neger
Which makes it even more laughable she got a fine
Dont worry senpai I've got your back
Nothing is happening in Sweeden
Just fake news
You know, everything is fine
>the faggy one
hes a beta faggot just like his fag friends that get naked and flex in the forest
I really mean it
Just fake news promoted by the alt-right.
There are no no-go zones
Everything is happy
No rapes
No murders
No nothing
Goddammit, Swedes. Do something about these animals.
best ally (after Germany)
why is he so oily, he looks like he has some sort of egyptian curse
what the fuck