I'm beginning to rethink the notion of blacks being lazy

I'm beginning to rethink the notion of blacks being lazy.

Maybe shit like what's written in pic related goes down more often than we realize? Maybe black people resort to gibs because people are seemingly more willingly to give them welfare etc than give them a fucking job?

Other urls found in this thread:


Things that didn't happen.

Also, was it a black man or an easily identifiable nigger?

in that specific case a little background would be nice. if jamal dresses like a street thug he won't get hired. if he talks like one he won't get hired. maybe he had some history with this restaurant. It's so easy to yell "das racist mon" about every little thing.

It was on the internet, so it MUST be true!

freedom of association

dont be retarded
yeah they get black applicants, but when they hire them, they turn up late, act rude and dont do the fucking job
so then they stop hiring them

Guys i get it but ..if there are people who want to work instead of being a thug we should help them to do it

WTF I love socjus now.

>made up stories on the internet are all true

>lol hiring blacks ever
Employers have a right to avoid an obvious liability

Also fake and gay

>Impying she's not just on some psycho pissed off female vendetta against that place

If it were true, which it's probably not, that black person was better off going somewhere else and finding a job.

Did the black person look like a homeless thug, or were they normal?

Did the person declining the job applicant happen to know them or of them before hand, that in fact maybe they are a piece of shit/trouble?

There's just too much to go on.... stop eating up bullshit so fast

Yeah, I have definitely seen hiring discrimination first hand over and over and over again. Lots of folks dont want a black dude reporting to them. Just the way it is.


Fuck Americans are disgusting looking creatures.

>libshit false flagging


This. I hate statist fags so much

doesn't matter. denying an application in most states is illegal. even if this lady made it up, every fast food / fast casual restaurant is hiring, all the time. turnover in that job market is insane.

He had several tumors in his neck due to infections from a gunshot wound. The guy was a LEO prior to the injury, but now he is on disability.

Nah, man, you don't get it.

See, it doesn't matter if a black person is trying to improve their situation like we keep saying they should do, at the end of the day he's just a dumb nigger so who gives a shit?

Whites are pathetic cucks kissing up to nigs at the expense of their own.

the place is "big boys", not "good boys"

Guy in the back is Pepe in his human form.

You're a big boy.

Leave big boy alone!!!

>Excuse me but I ordered a burger with no mustard and this one came with mustard on it. I think you should give me a refund for my whole meal for my hassle
>Sorry ma'am, I can't give you a refund. We can, however, give you another burger with no mustard.
>Apparently you don't understand how customer service works. That's fine. I'll show you. You're gonna lose so much business when I tell everyone on Facebook about this.
>*grabs job application as she struggles out the door*
>They have no idea what kind of power I possess.

ill take 10 things that never fucking happened
I swear to fuck these liberals lie about everything they can. Their lies are actually getting innocent people killed.

That old dude doesn't even know where he is and is without a wallet.

They have security cameras in big boy restaurants it will be real easy to tell if she's lying

It would be a shame if she was

What the fuck is a "Big Boy"?

Someone I know owns a restaurant. What he does is tell his employees that only he can answer questions about hiring.

Nignog comes in and asks for an application, he gives it to them, then goes and shreds it.

Smart small business owners find any way they can get away with to not fucking hire black people, especially restaurant owners.

Too bad the nigger didn't kill him. In due time, one eventually will.

In IT here, whenever we get a notification from HR to setup accounts for an incoming employee, we have a pool on how long they will last, based entirely on their name. Over the last two years, of the ones with a nigger name, less than a quarter of them passed the background check (we're in healthcare, no criminal records allowed, clearly stated when you apply) and showed up for their first day. To note, recent immigrants (we have a lot of Somalis and some Liberians) are a completely different story.

I thank God every morning I wasn't born white.

you aren't black, you literally wouldn't have a clue.

Sit down burger joint

This didn't happen.

Hmmmmmmm....... I have an idea for a YouTube channel where we can test these things out. I'm a Mestizo, so I think this works perfectly. I can dress like a thug, an immigrant and like someone who has assimilated into the culture (my normal self) and see what happens.

When will an Indian or an Asian make a Facebook post about an employer not hiring a black or a white? Never because they aren't cucks.

Cuckolding is a mental illness. Whites = mentally ill.

>we don't want blacks in our establishment
this is bad, how?


>Please share

aka "gibs me likes"

and people take their children there for breakfast?

I've been saying that for a long time.

making fun of children is just mean

Who the hell draws theses

I worked in a supermarket when i was 15. A Turkish kid (i guess, he looked Turkish...) asked me if we we're hiring. Told him i had to ask the manager. Went to the manager and told him someone asked if we are hiring. The manager asked me: Is he a foreigner? I told him no. Okay he said, and he gave me application form. I gave the application form to the kid and never saw him again.


Niggers usually have a bad attitude at work or steal shit and are stupid as hell only reason people hire them is because of affirmative action

Why should I begin to entertain this?
Everyone is given an application, even if they say no we aren't hiring.
They still hand you an application, to apply anyway.

i don't care what causes them to be niggers, they're still niggers you fucking retard desu


>businesses don't have the right to hire the people they want

>Tyrone comes in with with his gold teeth and pants hanging around his knees and says, "hey cracka gimme dat application"
>gets denied
>white woman politely asks for application
>receives application

Probably much closer to what actually happened.

never heard of washtenaw (stupid name but whatever), this sounds fake, and who would want some dumb nigger touching your food or attempting to count the correct change..

Lonely women make things up on Facebook thread again...

what a fat cunt attention whore.

joobooke gtfo out of here


I'm going to play double's advocate and say that slavery was the best thing to ever happen to blacks.

They had stable employment, they were fed, housed, clothed and had a defined purpose and place within society.

Does she know what she discovered is a sexist hiring policy?

A restaurant or retail location generally want women for servers, hosts, any face outward.

If you're a man you'll get the backroom positions, dishwashing, cooking.

I love in a small apartment complex with 7 units. We divide the responsibility of taking all the trash bins out by address. When it's the responsibility of the 3 black women to take out the trash, guess what happens! This White man ends up doing it just before the trucks come...

/this. They take applications and shift thru them later, if they need/feel like it. Industry standard at this point

fug... xD


It's also likely they were hiring WAITRESSSES and most places only hire women for the front. They may not have been hiring for the kitchen. Regardless, most people just take your resume and throw it the fuck out if they do not like you.

I love how whites call (insert non white group here) and then proceed to spend their day shitpostin across the web.

>politely inquire
Nonsense black people only act polite when they are gonna rob you.

Niggers are lazy.
Have you never worked with one?
I try to avoid giving them applications due to it too.
Half the time they stop showing up after a week the other half stay but are always late or no show and they have to be told a million times how to do their simple as fuck job.
One out of 20 ends up actually helping but that doesn't at all make up for the rest of their race. Not by a long shot.

tl;dr Niggers ARE lazy. You'd have to be crazy to want to hire them.

that guy looks somali haha

if they do thats fucked up. but this smells like le commisar is printing propoganda again?

>ay, wat else u got?

Blacks are the the most hard working people around here. Maybe because they aren't niggers but educated africans looking for better life.
Same with vietnamese, but fuck chinese

That's why they first called it 'mongolism'

hey rabbi

Well obviously, the company wants to promote an anti ageist, pro feminist policy. That's why it prefers to hire old ratbags like op.

Because they rape, steal, lie, dont show up to work, smoke weed all day, broke all the time.

That fat trashy woman looks like she lives in that car. Per nigger lover probably asked for a job and she got rejected, she most likely lives of disability and wont take the job they offered.

Into the gas chamber, both of them.

yes they dindu nuffin, good boys tryin to get they life togetha

That thing that causes you to ride horses and rape and murder people?


Probably faked. She just wants to get outrage points. The idea that she got in head to even ask about a job after seeing that means she sees victims everywhere.
If it wasn't faked I don't blame the company
>Gas station near college
>Have friend who works there
>Literally can not hold onto a single black employee
>5/6 were stealing by either directly taking shit or letting their ghetto friends come in and just walk out with stuff
>Store had posted a $2,000 loss through theft by just blackies taking shit
>College town is like 90% white
Even better was
>Police stop in again after arresting one of the employees outright
>Bsing with me and my friend
>Flat out tells us nearly all of their crime is from out of town blacks from Chicago
I honestly wouldn't hire a black without knowing them first. Not even racist, just common sense. If 75% of them will steal from you why even gamble when you can fill it in with a different person with a lower chance of being a shitbag?

or maybe the "young black man" looked like a ghetto nigger.

what a nosy fucking bitch

Yeah there's no selection bias toward hard work among African emigrants.

Africa is such a productive place after all.

I can't wait until that restaurant sues her fat fucking ass for slander.

Are you serious?

Well, backs are niggers.

The only people who can 'rethink' this are those who don't have to deal with them

>when you're talking about weird foods and the normally jolly-fat-happy Liberian who immigrated to America after living through the civil war gets a thousand yard stare and just says "when people get hungry enough, they will eat anything"

I am not ready for those stories.

Then again we have like couple thousand blacks in the entire country.
I imagine if they made up bigger percentage of demographics they would become absolutely fucking useless, just like gyppos.

Hard-working Africans are needed in Africa far more than in the West.

They expect us to have some historical guilt when they don't even give a fuck about Africa today.

>doesn't matter. denying an application in most states is illegal.

No, it isn't.


Someone needs to give these bitches a reality check. If they have all their front teeth and a c cup they are going to beat a guy in a retail or service job everytime


You realize that failed states don't keep records, right?

Id like to see the race of her son. Also she probably took badly to a server or didnt get a free meal so complained in tue most effective way she knows how.

Aye, but they also actually bother to show up for work. For the American nigs, even when they get through the background check, its no better than 50/50 as to whether or not they will show up.

>denying an application in most states is illegal.

Lol what the fuck, no it is not.

Do you seriously think it's illegal to not hire someone?


It's believable that the first-generation ones are better than average becuase they had to come though some selection process.

Regression to the mean is a bitch, though.

>says the guy with Abo's in his native lands

Businesses should be allowed to hire whoever the fuck they want.

I believe he was saying its illegal to not give them an application. Which it isn't. That said, refusing to give them an application or accept a resume has been the basis for lawsuits. General advice these days is that no matter what, give them an application if they ask for it. Even if you circular file it, there is much less risk than "he denied me an application when the only thing he knew about me was [Insert Protected Status Attribute Here]".

Gib Kiira


>because people are seemingly more willingly to give them welfare etc than give them a fucking job?

How many blacks do you employ?