Explain this filthy americans

explain this filthy americans

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There were never 100 million native Americans here.

But you're a clowntard to repost every meme you see.

have immune system of an invalid
cry when supperior germs appear.

amerindians btfo

Fair argument between this and the Jewish bolshevisation of Russia.
First nation is best nation.

>native americans
When will this meme end? They are not native to America. They came from Asia.

Capitalism did the most. Considering that it won WW2 and has led the west down into ethnic suicide.


The fuck?

Nowhere near 100 million natives in the Americas when Columbus landed.

The vast majority of those who were here died from diseases brought from the old world, not from conflict.

i remember this story from somewhere else

What about those Armenians, Roach?

We BTFO of those damn Siberian immigrants didn't we

>Implying OP isn't more concerned about the billions of roaches killed in the United States each year.

>100 Million
Where did they get that figure from?

>condemn someonelse for a genocide
It really makes you think

you are proud of killing women and children and taking their lands? good job, upvoted you shameless so called human being

>Nomadic hunter gatherers
>Population of 100,000,000
ayy lmao

I don't see why they give a shit when the natives were already killing themselves well before any Europeans got there.

What the fuck is the difference, one indian killing another for land, but oh nooooo the evil white man killed them AND gave them technology!

Whovever thinks the holocaust was the biggest genocide in human history need to pick up a history book

Even if it did happen it still wouldn't have been the largest

they died of disease years before the settlers. The natives had massive civilization but reverted to tribal living after they were decimated. Read "1491". Not a bunch of hippies in tents. Culturally sophisticated. Think of the Central American civs

The inferior culture lost. It's how society works.

>Even if it did happen it still wouldn't have been the largest

But it IS the most IMPORTANT one

We have the cure for this disease.

Oh wait, we didn't bring any doctor just guns.

yes, but it is still not morally correct

Nothing wrong with conquering. The thing is that you have to stop the conquerors who are conquering you.

I can understand that muslims want to conquer and are conquering Europe but I will do anything to make that stop. For my nation and people.

Maybe they should have spent more time developing science, technology and written language in the 11,000 years they were here before we arrived

>There were never 100 million native Americans here.

Islam kills more people in a month than the US killed natives in the entire history of the country

are you hohoho?

>100 million

this is like the holohoax all over again. they keep inflating the numbers lmfao

You dont understand user, the indiands would never fight amongst themselves and they had no concept of land ownership. Thats all stuff the evil white man brought with him.

Natives pretty much killed themselves, there was no "genocide" it was their fault.

Armenian genocide, you filthy Turkroach

Well at least your natives got past the stone age

is that .png legit?

can't find any info on it

the population of the Roman Empire at its largest was estimated to be 70-100 Million. A bunch of high-mortality hunter gatherers aren't going to be near that.

It's historical irony that many native americans dedicated to non-native USA despite being slaughtered and discriminated by whites.


Shame on yanks.

Just pointing out that "Native Americans" is a meme if everyone wants to be factual about it.

Go back in history far enough... they were fucking Russian migrants.

The natives lost.

All the more reason to keep illegal immigrants out.

>correct vs. incorrect
wew lad

At the height of Rome the population of all of Europe was 25 million.

If there had been 100 million people here there would be ruins and nifty shit everywhere.

There isn't.

>100 Million
Bit of an over kill, aye?

Pretty sure both Native Americans & the Europeans slaughtered each other & fought plenty to live here.

Oh please share your great rule book on objective morality, it could solve so many of the worlds problems!

The word "Native American" is weaponized Jewish propaganda designed to alienate white Americans from the land that they conquered and the ethnicity that they belong to. American Indians are foreign nations to the Americans. Americans are the sons and daughters of white Europeans who settled and conquered this land.

How many native americans did other native americans slaughter?


Also how about the Armenian genocide?




It has been shown the Europeans where in the Northeast Atlantic coast before the "natives"
Vast majority of the deaths where unintended through infections.

And 87% of all deaths happened in South America

Weren't like 90% of the natives killed by old-world diseases?

get it through your fucking head you stupid white male.

the native Americans had a utopia, everything was peaceful and a generous society. there were no wars and it was beautiful. until you white devils came and killed them all!

There is no cure for smallpox.

...its one of the only diseases we've managed to nearly eradicate

or were you just being a big silly?

Where'd all those Armenians go?




The 100 trillion or whatever number the Jews make up Indians here had plenty of time to get their shit together before whites arrived but couldn't get along with each other.

Also, if they had any decent leadership they could've ended up with a lot more land and resources but instead of bargaining they just fought with each other,

>talking about morals

Sure thing kiddo

You are right mr. Somali. Here we see these American murderers and their complete lack of morals.

>explain this filthy americans
Don't look at us. Look at the Spaniards/their conquistador rape babies down south. We just kinda moved in and ignored the eviction notices until it became war.

There's some native culture down in South America that has their own version of Halloween. They make wooden masks and wear them to chase away evil spirits.
They've been making those masks to look like Spaniards for the past few hundred years now. They can't think of a better face with which to scare off their demons.

>moving the goalposts

Perhaps if you weren't a stone age civilization, you'd still exist today.

Manifest Destiny, bitch.

my life sucks and my parents lives suck as far as I can tell. I feel no guilt.

You talking about the Turks, retard?

I hear it gets cold in Turkey. Do you need any blankets?

Well, those too.

These tards sold their land for beads, and
alcohol, it was bought, not stolen.

Fuck feather heads.

>turkroach namefagging

The ego of the psuedoarab is astounding.

Why do you think anybody gives a shit about your identity, you faggot?

Go be a creepy little weirdo somewhere else.

so because there was some war and fighting before whites got there it's ok to kill them all? you're retarted

It's a running tally. Something like 100,000,000,000 people have died in the history of the world. The problem is that they attributed every unreplaced death to white people n sheeit.

guns n ' chains
>gibs us dat gold


>small pox was da real nazis

>texan education

I was told we gave them smallpox blankets....

Is Australia the Flintstones??

Don't be ridiculous. The Flintstones had the wheel.

>high-mortality hunter gatherers
Professor, that's a nice phrase.
will use and say is my own

Some of the societies south of the Rio grande had large populations and cities equivalent to European cities.

The 100,000,000 figure has been revised, and is probably near the low end of their population.

But the main point of disease being the primary cause of death is correct.

Source ?

Many HanGooks went and died in Viet Nam because Big Brother told them to.
> Nation of Kimchi Cucks

We didn't have cures for the disease, just a natural resistance because everyone without resistance already died.

The natives often died before the Europeans returned. The diseases spread quickly and most died before Europeans every witnessed their society.


More like proto Chinese, but yeah.

Some theories promote that amerindians and east Asians were the biblical Cain and Abel. Cain and his descendants were marked by God and sent away to wander. The amerindians are the only population in the world that can't grow facial hair. Really jostles your junipers doesn't it.

>implying we only slayed them, and had no confrontations

>trying to blame a group of people based on the actions of some due to location, from hundreds of years ago

Says the ines that were nearly wiped out by Ygioslavia by superior guns.

>A fucking roach

Germs have no agenda, they don't care who they kill, they're equal opportunities.

Not sure if bait or not.

Amerindians were vicious fighters. They invented scalping and numerous horrifying tortures.

They did you autistic redneck


Incorrect Canadicuck while your sucking islams long throwing cock you forget that fur trade and how you fuckers dragged Indians into your pointless maple syrup nonsense and what that encompassed, you try to excuse shit you don't understand.

they were here before whites, i.e. we were "invaders"

but they wouldn't nor could drive us out because we had more technology and more people.

the mass "genocide" of the indians wasn't planned nor is it unnatural.

what we need to do is learn from the past and stop all immigration into the US so that we can fix and then maintain our own culture instead of letting it become 100% niggerville

>germ theory was invented before 1776

I recommend you all read 1491: Americas before Columbus.

It's a redpilled academic read that sheds some light on the Americas and portrays what happened in a non (((political))) manner.

Kek. You don't have a very compelling argument, and you swear like an impious jew.

I'd rather be a Jew than some shitskin Indian Patel pretending to be white.

That's what happens when one group is more technically advanced than another. Taking another group's land by force was nothing new, but this gets the most attention.

>burgers benefited from koreans who fucked with Vietnam commies
>now complain about this


Very true. Sad that US censored TV does not show the shows about native genocide commited by americans. Gosh, you're buried in blood of innocent world!