Why are liberals so afraid of America and Russia being allies?
Why are liberals so afraid of America and Russia being allies?
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CIA shill ops
Agent Low IQ is too busy shitposting on twitter about russia while an FBI agent is plowing his wife. This results in everyone with a similar mind to the CIA agent's believing his bullshit. This is also why its only cucks that believe the "muh russia" conspiracy
Dont you have an FBI agent to prep? Do you suck FBI cum out of your wife's gaping twat?
True answer?
America lives off painting Russia as a villain and this whole attrition. In exchange of protecting Europe, they lick USA toes.
And to be fair, Russia ultimate goal is taking what it's yours by what they consider by right. And you can't go there without annexing part of Europe.
So it's a mix of a real issue with some fear mongering added to it.
Neither America or Russia re good guys, they're just different kinds of bad.
The world's two only nuclear powers getting along is bad i guess
>The world's two only nuclear powers
American education everyone
They need an escape goat to cover up all the shit they're doing to the American citizens
retard there are like 10 nuclear powers
the neocons have realised they can sell a war to the shitlibs by targeting Russian, the majority white, Christian country that utterly rejects cultural marxism.
Russia isn't interested in being allies with us
Stop this meme. 99% of russians never heard about him and the others know him from internet memes. Nobody never took him seriously.
it's the neoliberals' go to boogeyman
>Why are liberals so afraid of America and Russia being allies?
dunno are they? maybe just Hillary is
Leftists hate Russia for a couple of reasons:
>they gave up on communism
>muh Pussy Riot
>muh anti-gay media law
>muh Syrian rebels
>too white
>too Christain
The World is too small for both countries to be prosperous. It's already stretching and straining to provide a lush life for the western world. Winner obviously don't want to share. So being bros is impossible, it's either you or them. Don't worry about ideologies or whatever mumbo jumbo they feed you, look at more grounded values.
The us and Russia are nuclear superpowers. Our stockpiles dwarf all others. Our combined stockpile dwarf every other countries.
So I mean the two countries that could destroy the entire planet being buddies would be good no?
But to answer OP the reason liberals hate the idea is because Putin outlawed the gay propaganda and kicked Soros and his globalist kikery out. If we're friends with them we might get ideas and can't have that goy
If Russia and America were to cleanse Africa and chinkland we'd have plenty of resources to ensure the white prosperous future.
Putins socially conservative actions in Russia and geopolitical maneuvers are put under the microscope and jumped on by the ((MSM)) in the west whereas the actions of nationalist, conservative allies such as Saudi Arabia and Israel are not mentioned at all.
Don't lie to me 'Murican, you will just grab everything for yourself and will only leave Star-Spangled buttplug for us.
>paving your way into the riches through the misery of others
never change patriot.
I dont like being the bottom bitch and (((Trump))) is too beta to stand up to Putin.
You're probably too young to remember but America used to be great. Significantly better than Russia.
Because Russia hates jews muslims and gays
>Nuclear superpowers
Happy now?
And no, France, india, China, UK etc are not superpowers in the slightest.
You need more than 10 nukes to play
Sounds like a great friend to me
Why Putinshills are so afraid of America and Russia to be allies?
>Russia is big economy
Russian % of world gdp ~1.5
US % of world GDP ~24
So the real reason why neocons and liberal fashists do not want good stable relationship with Russia is that their globalist world project will be ruined by this. Russia and US united will have enough power to take down bilderberg cunts and their puppets.
isn't that what communism was about?
Why don't you ask one?
>MFW they won't even be able to explain it
You're just as bad if not worse
Putin tried to join NATO multiple times and was told to go fuck himself. Of course Russia isnt interested in it anymore.
And why wannabe rightwingers love them so much?
((They)) need to create fear to get people to support war with Russia.
Isn't Putin a cocksucking neocommie who imports muslims and supports chechens and shit? Not as if that's the reason why we're hostile, but Putin is just as bad as all the kike fucks running US and the West. Alliance just means more of the same
>not a superpower by 2020
The Democratic Party need an enemy to galvanise it's supporters against in order to distract them from domestic problems that would they would otherwise have to address
by PPP Russia is 5th largest economy, and stop quoting nominal gdp you idiot
>The World is too small for both countries to be prosperous
Congratulations, you just accepted the Big Lie.
The only reason tension exists is because the Neocon/Globalist cabal in Washington want Russia as a vassal, and not a partner.
russia is a horrible place led by a sociopath who stands for pretty much everything they are against.
>Why are liberals so afraid of America and Russia being allies?
Because the corporate media told them that's how they should feel and the education system never taught them critical thinking skills.
As shitty as America is western liberal democracy is still a better system then the clusterfuck they have in Russia.
I know a lot of people on Sup Forums think putin is a strong leader but he needs to project that image because it keeps his approval ratings up as the economy stagnates.
You have many immigrants patriots who will surely fight to the death to defend your homeland. Don't worry about it.
is this you, nigger user?
Don't see them out anytime soon, so I accept their reality. Yeah, ignoring random American who's opinion is going to be discarded, we are destined to be forever shithole/gas-station in the eyes of your masters. So we should do something about it, yes?
I guess we must somehow wrestle you down, no idea how, because holy fuck you don't fuck around. Obviously, breaking the world you built up will be akin stabbing yourself into the gut, but whatcha can you do?
Prosperous Russia means free Russia from the influence of foreign powers and zero pro-west politics in Kremlin, obviously, it's not going happen with the shadow of the US looming over us. I mean, we are at the bottom of the totem pole called "bitches of US" and it's not going change anytime soon.
So being the friends is totally out of the picture.
Nuclear Triad*
Because Mexico is our one true ally.
Because Jews don't want whites to be allies.
>trusting the Russian government
Jesus christ
Because in Russia u get no Gibs. No work u starve.