Hey Krauts!
Why do you hate freedom?
America is PROTECTING you cucks.
Australia chill, they'll take the freedom whether they like it or not.
>"may prosecute"
It's how we do things.
America is the world rapist and the rest of you are very drunk women. Just lie back and accept it so that your head doesn't get cut off.
I'm sorry it just makes me really mad when you're trying to help run a country that can't even handle their own shit, and they get all uppity about it.
You're making America sound like Iraq. What's your end game here?
No sane German believes this bullshit, even if they investigate they won't find anything because Burgers just need to keep their mouth shut. At the end it will continue like before.
Well, we're different. We may vivisect you too.
>may prosecute
Sure, sure
You mean you'll just be our little bitch forever?
Kick out the fucking muslims then, bitch.
Why do peeople act surprised? It's common knowledge that about half the people at embasies and consulates are spies. Every country does it
Germany your looking alittle fascist? What's with that you hate freedom or something?
All krauts who were capable of understanding freedom moved over here a long time ago.
let me give you a quick run down on german chicks
Topkek at Germany challenging it's master
When will we destroy the degenerate shithole known as the united niggers of america, eurofriends?
Can we use our meme magic to make left wing candidates take some blame for this?
Yeah, 'your' bitch goyim.
Calm down, Kristallnacht
And why exactly should left wing politicians take the blame for right wing orchestrated false narratives?
It's just unfortunate that when the Germans prove the CIA did nothing wrong, you dumbarses will ignore the facts because Germany is generally seen as incompetent.
>when Germany proves the CIA did nothing wrong, you dumbarses will ignore...
What the fuck are you talking about
t. Senor 60% mouthing off
OP is a turkish immigrant
Germany is run by the American shadow government.
Fuck you faggot, I'm probably more German than you. My family fought in the Freikorp and died for your country. You are a disgrace.
It's an investigation Cletus.
Maybe you should try reading his post and the OP image again. If you still have trouble, ask a relative. Your combo sis-mother might know a thing or two.
>230,000,000 whites in America
>small amount
Topkek bitch that's like 4x the amount of your total population LMAO
You're literally autistic
Pol wouldn't disagree with Germany finding cia innocent. I think the heat fried your kiwi brain, frodo
>muh heritage
t. DeShawn Jamal Brown III
Can't even do math properly, kek.
That's how far America has fallen.
60% and going down steadily ;)
t. mohammed ahmed
Actually, Trump has no reason to blamed for any of it. I highly suspect that any outcome of the trial would lead to conviction of Obama and crew.
jolly good comeback, Jose.
actually i think some people in the german government are actually pissed about the shit that happens in the consulate in frankfurt...
otherwise this
would have never happened.... even though it was just some kind of pr move.
>Clearly I speak for all of Sup Forums and everything Sup Forums thinks I think so please agree with me guys it's hard to remember what to think all the time
Btw we're all autistic here. If you didn't know that, do you really know Sup Forums?
Your family fought in the fry-Korps maybe, you lard ass
People are offended by their lack of choice op.
People are offended because their private thoughts are being intruded upon.
Embracing the direction means embracing collectivism, we all still think we are individuals...
Awards -Prussia: Pour le Mérite;
Iron Cross: 2nd class;
Iron Cross: 1st class
-Saxonia: Military Order of St. Henry, Class: Knight's Cross
-Bavaria: Order of Military Merit: 4th class
Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with Swords
How many burgers do you have to flip to get those?
Is this a joke?
Germany is going to prosecute America?
Ha Ha Ha
Don't make us come over there again. Freedom rings a lot louder than it used to.
The day will come when someone will crush your fat negrofied faces into the concrete.
Just like how we did to you during both World Wars
Keep insulting the white descendant of an actual German national hero. I hope you aren't actually German yourself.
Freedom... says the guy whos Phone, Computer, TV, Refrigerator and Car are listening and seeing devices
Face it the "Freedom" American MEME is dying brother.
good goy
You have more muslims than UK, Germany and France combined +13% nigger population :^)
Not for long.
And you're still our bitch.
>actual German national hero
cool story bro
I'd rather not say who I am.
Trump will gladly extradite Barry to Germany to answer for his crimes.
This is you:
It's funny that you feel the need to validate yourself, on an anonymous internetforum nonetheless, with awards of distant relatives from 250 years ago. That didn't affect you in the slightest, nor does it reflect your deeds in this world. You had nothing to do with that.
That's like
>muh ancestors were shipped here, give me dem reparations n shieeet
What did you ever do?
Except sitting on your fat ass all day, that doesn't count obviously.
60% and falling ;^}
The nationalist roleplay has really gone too far. Just go on skype together and masturbate about it, leave the rest of us alone.
>1 post by this id
Cool story bro
>nationalist roleplay
Get off my board newfag.
Nope. Kike Construct.
>60% and falling ;^}
Sounds like it's getting bad, you should stop importing muslims.
"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."
>that guy
Iraq? You mean that drunk slut we beheaded?
Yeah, right. Germany will prosecute when hell freezes over.
Just like they did nothing when it was leaked that Obama had been spying on Merkel for years. And then KEPT spying, even once the cat was out of the bag. Germany did nothing.