Why hasn't Sup Forums started dating a qt Arab yet?


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Don't like inbred sandniggers

Because this is bait and my dick isnt blast proof, cuz that pussy the bomb tho.

The ones that are conservative don't date non-muslims and I don't want to convert

The ones that aren't conservative are some of the biggest whores

I don't want my kids to be kebab.

shill trying to promote racemixing

The only Middle Easterners I would ever consider dating are Christian Arabs or Kurds. However, those are hard to come by.

I will get one eventually

Mmmm wife material

>qt Arab


not gonna lie. That is one A E S T H E T I C goat


I want white children, thats why.
Arab women are by far better wife material though, because lets be real here, western women are degenerate as fuck.

let me give you a quick run down on feminism

I'm with the swizzi in this one

It's a shame that precious white DNA is wrapped in those horrible western pig harpies.

they're hairy as fuck, at least the ones I've met

because youtube.com/watch?v=KVWAIKoatWM

That is one sexy goat desu

>goat is underage

>t. Mohammad al-MontreAli

My wife would kind of frown at that.

Ow and they are inbred with the defects and gaps in genetics youtube.com/watch?v=2pRzADERGc4

Nice one, fudge factory.

Post cute girls in hijabs like sexual material not ugly ladies in hijab please

I would only date an arab girl if she was a Christian or Jewish convert.

Being a Muslim, or Muslim sympathizer is a deal-breaker.

>They don't date non-Muslims


Wow India, flinging that shit at the Leaf's
rather than keeping it on the street

You're free to join in, Burger

>Date Arab women
>You end up murdered and she has acid thrown in her face.

>That image

Jesus Christ. Even if any of that pseudoscience was remotely true, females are born with their eggs, they don't get a chance to produce any new ones with their supposedly altered DNA.


Poos putting pics of poo in their compooters

Not every Arab is Muslim. I'm trying to get at my buddy's Jordanian sister and Palestinian cousin. Both are Orthodox Christian.

That's true but it's not exactly common

>date arab woman
>your family disowns you for dating a sandnigger
>her family throws you off a building
>no white children



We don't want to be killed in an explosion by 3d women



It takes up to 10 plastic surgerys and tons of cosmetics to make them look like your pic and your pic stil semi good.

I dont like anal

You know he wasnt serious making the vid right, he has a real gf. he doesnt gives 2 shits about waifus and doesnt even know what it is.
>pls be less desperate

I dated one for a little while. She had a quick temper and would stay pissed off for days over nothing. Also, treated anyone that wasn't of use to her like garbage.

It is hard if you are not gay, Most rapefugees are males, and the rest only seem atracted to their cousins and brothers.

Anyone have pics of hot Arab women in European wheat fields? Asking for a friend.

>Dating 3D

How do you know they're Eurocuck wheat fields? You do know that wheat originated in the Middle East right?

Why not date fields?

You get plenty of middle eastern people that are fairly westernised, but at that point they are just white women with a tan, probably even sluttier and they love the BBC. Just look at the Kardashians.

>honor killing

>>my fantasy
i love arab women.

to bad those dating sites are fake.

arablounge.com is basically the only real one.


Loli Lama

That kind of chimerism (the whole thing about DNA going into the brain) only happens when the eggcells are fertilized (the same articles say that). Most likely to avoid inmune problems regarding the mother's defense cells vs the baby cells.
The rest is just pseudoscientific bullshit.