Niggers love to say we descend from albinos, but albino rates are so low this doesnt even make sense
How do you describe to an 80 IQ person how whites came to be?
Niggers love to say we descend from albinos, but albino rates are so low this doesnt even make sense
How do you describe to an 80 IQ person how whites came to be?
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If somebody is so illiterate that they think albinism is the root of the Caucasian people then they're not mentally equipped to even have a conversation about race. I wouldn't waste my time, desu.
whites are from space
Light skin comes from europeans adapting to cloudy weather of europe in order to absorb more vitamin D. Sexual selection is also a possibility of course (as in atractiveness)
so how do i counter it then
>How do you describe to an 80 IQ person how whites came to be?
How do you explain it to your dog? Seriously, why even try to talk to those apes?
Yakoub design us we were da beast cave man before him
then why aren't skimos and native americans white?
scientists btfo
I don't think you can, as a conversation generally requires both parties to have certain agreements regarding basic reality.
Native Americans don't live in Europe. Inuit (eskimo) people are adapted to life surrounded by bright reflected light off the snow, leading to darker skin and narrower eyes to let in less light.
my guess would be less foliage to shield them from sunlight
oh right so they get out of africa and turn white then the trees disappear and they turn black again?
this theory falls with inuits and native americans
>oh right so they get out of africa and turn white then the trees disappear and they turn black again?
>Spanish intellectuals
This is what I'm talking about, OP.
A lot of blacks believe we actually came from neanderthals which is somewhat true. Whites and asians share 2-5% of their DNA with neandethals but this is because of interbreeding with them 40,000 years ago
More pertinently why aren't Tasmanian aborigines white?
They've lived longer in Tasmania, a place with a climate similar to Europe, than Europeans have lived in Europe.
>inb4 vitamin D bullshit.... UK is also an island.
Just tell them we're the children of the Gods and watch them squirm.
>narrower eyes to let in less light.
kek, I guess Orientals spent most of their time trying to shield their eyes from the sun eh? So why don't Africans have the same eyes?
When humans populated the earth they moved too fast to let the environment affect them. This changed when they settled a little.
You don't explain anything. You send them back
>curious monkey left africa
>lazy monkey stayed
>curious monkey multiplied into more curious monkeys and traveled to all the corners of the world
>descendants of the curious monkey adapt and change according to it's environment and surroundings
>those in the colder and less sunny environment become white people
>So why don't Africans have the same eyes?
Because they don't spend their lives walking on snow, which reflects light upwards towards your eyes? Did you think about this post?
Would you counter a child when they're telling you about the tooth fairy? No, you play along in a sort of taking-pity-on-them sort of way.
First of all real life isn't spore, the mutation needs to randomly appear than be selected, in these placed it simply could have not appeared. Or if it did the light skinned person could have died as an infant etc. Secondly the eskimos had another source of vitamin D, all the fish they ate.
According to German wikipedia we are.
"Variants of OCA4 are responsible for the light skin of Europeans and Asians."
You will have to use google translate i guess.
Why that's a bad thing? I don't know.
So why do Orientals have the same eyes?
If you assume that the "out of Africa" theory is true, then you can think of it as a group of niggers that walks to the north. When the sun gets weaker, the dark skinned niggers will have a harder time to survive than light skinned niggers. This would make the group whiter over time.
After a while, surviving the winters will be an issue, and the niggers that can't think ahead and save food and build isolated shelters will die, while those who can do those things survives. After a while, the group will only consist of light skinned smart people, aka Europeans.
t. retard
Kazakhs and chukchis have eyes no narrower than southern Chinese peasants who rarely see snow. Your retarded theory has been debunked long ago.
I disagree, but not enough to spend my morning arguing it.
niggers btfo...again.
>How do you describe to an 80 IQ person how whites came to be?
By making it in the BET / Ying Yang Twins music video format.
It snows over there user, for fucks sake. The mutation randomly appeared in the population and was than naturally selected
What really a happened is this:
>tribal chieftain's son is born with pale skin
>fucks all the women in the tribe
>conquers other tribes
>fucks all the women too
People see that pale skin is attractive and the gene survives. It's purely aesthetics.
>Sexual selection is also a possibility of course (as in atractiveness)
>I disagree, but not enough to spend my morning arguing it.
Your theory's liberal bullshit that's why.
Ice age? Or a Population bottle neck. Mutations can also be successful at random.
pretty sure it's for the wind for both cases
lol you are a bunch of hacks
You must be being sarcastic user.
What kind of advantage does that give for a few months a year?
Surely, southern Asian populations would have eventually gotten their wide eyes back, except they didn't.
It's aesthetics and nothing else.
Let me go ahead and make the point that not all traits that appear need to be adventageous. Blue eyes are an example of this. It was at best selected for its appearance(sexual selection). As long as it was not disadvantegeous to have it, it was passed on. It appears in europe alone completely by chance
>niggers love to say
no one has ever fucking said that
the thing libs don't get is that out of africa doesn't mean out of congo or the gulf of guinea but out of ethiopia
ethiopians are not full negroes
We got:
>flying saucers
We wuz yakubs creashuns n sheit
let me give you a quick run down on females
>what are peacocks
>what ate blue eyes
>what are lions
That is somewhat of a possibility
you shouldn't be talking with 80 IQ people anyway.
An evil melanated scientist named Yakub created us
Oh my fucking Christ
Don't even try. Just separate yourself as much as you can and reply to any inquiries they may have in short, curt sentences. There's no reason to be around these people if you can help it.
It's roughly a 10k years old thing if we are talking about the most progressive whites like Nords.
UP Europeans basically looked like a tanned dark haired and possibly light eyed(in some cases, especially the more recent samples) and lactose intolerant version of pic related.
This change was due to migrations and heavy selection increased by a change in diet, which affected nords in particular due to their latitude.
The reason why eskimos and the like still remained relatively pigmented is that basically they never really altered their diet to the point of having strong vitamin deficiency, while Europeans did.
We came from the North. That's all they need to know.
no really you just can't explain why north american natives are not white
I think you are actually a dumb person. Things happen for more than on reason
I did like 3 times in this thread. You don't understand basic concepts of evolution
>>what are peacocks
>>what ate blue eyes
>>what are lions
I was kekking at the implication that paler is more attractive.
>be frozen chink
>snow everywhere
>blizzards h24
>narrow eyes for 4000 generations
rly makes u think
I actually think Whites and Blacks are different species, like neandethals.
Then why do japs and fagchinks have slanted eyes?
Why would they get them back. Once the population reaches a certain size things don't change unless whatever feature is a severe disadvantage. Jumps in evolution happen mostly in small groups where one individuals mutation can spread and not disappear through dilution.
>completely different skull
>completely different hair
>different fucking ORGANS
>different blood types
No bro, blacks are humanoid but different race as it always was.
Maybe white people lived in caves??
Alright. Doesn't really change anything
You don't. Just whip them back to the plantation.
Aesthetic reasons. I'm so fucking tired of autistic evo. biologists pushing their retarded crap about wind and sunlight being the primary cause for everything.
not really, north america is full of trees
your sun and snow theory is bs
Seems kind of retarded to me to assume that just because they oldest human remains were found in Africa that that means those humans were identical to modern day humans living in Africa i.e. niggers.
Different sub-species you moron
Retards forget that not every mutation needs a biological advantage other than simply looks
If Sumer is the first known civilization then this migration chart makes more sense, esse.
>chinese man has large eyes
>fucks more chinese women than other chinese men
>gene spread
>chinese women has large eyes
>more likely to marry rich chinese man
>more money means more food, more kids, etc
>gene spreads
no proof they didn't just lie about that either.
>I was kekking at the implication that paler is more attractive
it is, especially among females
you don't need to completely lack the ability to produce melanin like an albino to be white, you just need slightly tweaked levels of production
these slight tweaks happen all the time in genetics and in cloudy europe it was inconsequential, europe is not albino, it is simply a place where the "random walk" of these genes go unabated
If the out of Africa theory is assumed to be true, then why do we not have the same or at least similar skull structures to negroids? As well, it would be true that all whites would have some African DNA, but only 98% (I think it might be 99%) of whites have African DNA.
Alexander was attractive af. No homo
Go get yourself some more bunda, you're out of your depth.
Heres why. they screwed a different cave man than we did.
different species is stronger than different races
the thing is that we were lead to believe that different species couldn't had fertile offspring yet now we know that no africans have neardenthal dna so either neardenthals are the same species or species can breed so mulatto children can't be use to say that blacks are the same specie
You triggered me user
I tell them that a great black scientist named Yakuub created us because he was so sick of dealing with savage niggers all the time.
>Alright. Doesn't really change anything
Yes it does? "The reason I have a hook nose is because my ancestors thought it was beautiful". Does that make sense to you?
He had a huge forehead
>civilization = movement of people
literally retarded, the opposite is rather true, people moved much more before civilization made them settle into semi-permanent places
>cro magnon ancestral to niggers and chinks
Not all traits were sexually selected user
Some do and fuck your vitamin pop science meme
The fucking retards on this thread trying to explain why we're different are hilarious.
>I have a hook nose because my ancestors were degenerates who fucked people with hooked noses
Fixed that for you. If you're a shitbag who has sex with ugly people, your progeny will be ugly.
>Niggers love to say we descend from albinos, but albino rates are so low this doesnt even make sense
You do realize the group who migrated from Africa into eurasia consisted of about 20 individuals or something?
Considering that niggers believed that cannibalizing one of these albinos would grant them superpowers, it is not hard to understand why albinos would group togheter and migrate away from the cannibal niggers.
The problem is that the far north you go, the colder it gets. In order to survive in colder climates you need to develop your intelligence enough to understand that you won't survive winter withoun't saving resources during the rest of the year for it.
Fast forward a few thousand years and you will have a significantly smarter population that does not have much pigmentation.
But of course these people were NOT actually albinos, if they were we would all have the albinism genes. The fact is that you don't need much melanin to protect you from the solar radiation when you live away from the equator and tropics, so humans living in such condition simply stopped wasting their biological energy into producing melanin, leading to what is now known as white people.
You can even see a clear decreasing concentration of melanin on the skin of europeans the far north you go, making the mediterraneans a bit darker than the northerners.
Aliens zapped a group of kangs and created the whites that overthrew and stole the kangs' advanced technology which resulted in the kangs becoming the modern day black man.
Different species can produce viable offspring together
sub-species is different
You clearly made your mind up on the subject before this thread mate. "Some do" is what you got out of all that? This discussion is pointless
>>chinese man has large eyes
>>fucks more chinese women than other chinese men
>>gene spread
Unless other people have the same eyes it will be watered down to nothing.
>Not all traits were sexually selected user
Shut up Pope-lover. people DID move....from the ark on the mountaintop. Out of Africa theory has been disproven because we have found skulls and bones where we shouldnt have found them if it were true. So either Noah and his family are the reset of the human race, or we had multiple centers of human growth, and not a single migratory beginning. You can not say skulls from a later period that are found to be older than your fucking niggers wuz kings theory allows are not proof niggers are stupid.
Oh boy. Nice thread
He did it is because they eat fish. If you eat fish you turn nig, so never eat fish.
You just watched that vitamin shit in some Billy Nye youtube video and you eat it up like the baboon you are cause that makes you feel better about being a mongrel.
"I'm darker cause muh vitamin" fuck off