Why don't Millennials go out to the movies anymore?
Hollywood is literally on life support...
Why don't Millennials go out to the movies anymore?
Hollywood is literally on life support...
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>he pays to watch propaganda
and yet they pull shit like "no singles", when dating is at an all time low thanks to tinder
Cinemas are owned by Jews here.
is that pic real?
Please don't tell that's how they recorded that roar.
Movie theaters are like malls—overpriced and full of minorities. I turned down free movie tickets today just to avoid the minorities. Also, everything is available via torrents, couchpotato, and Kodi. Normies just use Netflix and Amazon.
No money.
It's not that we don't like these products. It's that we can't fucking afford them.
Tickets are too expensive. Movies aren't very entertaining.
It isn't you goofs, it's an edit, the Lion is in a medical environment.
let me give you a quick run down on hollywood
It's because movies need to be market tested and made to be appealing to mass demo's. Also we need the Chinese to watch it now, because they are half of gross sales.
They hire artists with vision, then they tell the artist how to make the movie.
Then we get more avatars and super hero movies, and remakes.
But this is because the company providing money is gambling on a product, and they are worried about losing 200 mill on a shit movie.
I'd hate hollyjew too.
We whites see this time and time again: whites cater to minorities and then whites leave. This is evident in housing, businesses, and schools. I don't understand why white peeps always fucking forget this
I don't go to malls or movies cuz blacks. I don't go to our downtown anymore cuz blacks. I won't send my kids to the school I went to now cuz blacks
Its irritating
Because super hero movies "the woman/nigger version of" movies don't appeal to me at all. I don't even pirate anything because none of it grabs my attention.
Now that Meryl Streep has made the battle lines known, I'm consciously boycotting ((hollywood)) too.
that's one sexy lion.
I wonder If someone tried to sniff his balls, or take a lick off them?
I know I would :p
>Hollywood is on life support
Is this "no singles" thing a meme or do theaters actually do that in some places? I've never seen it once.
The free market will fix it. If they can't make good movies they don't deserve to exist
Because the feeling of stealing from Hollyjew when I download the DVD version makes all movies 50% better
This is false. Research has shown this in flies. Not humans.
Because the last movie thats worth wasting time on was like 20 years ago.
Go read a fucking book nigger.
Hollywood needs to deserve any money to begin with.
movies are shit now, it's infested with nigger turds and jew semen. I could literally squeeze out a better story line in my morning grog bog.
Because most people now have large screens in their home and dont want to get raped for $10 tickets and $10 popcorn
Why don't you want to spend $12 to eat $20 popcorn with a $15 drink while niggers hollar in the background and you get to watch the latest PR approved anti-western propaganda?
this capeshit garbage is ruining films
oh its a thing
Every single movie is the same fucking thing. Same fucking plot points every single time.
>good looking hero guy does good looking things
>bad guy does bad things
>hero does some good stuff along with female co-star
>there is some kind of thing that makes everybody really sad for a brief moment or two
>hero defeats bad guy
>hero gets girl
And the worst part? In this day and age, the above formula is usually spread out over several movies.
Honestly, games (especially multiplayer games) are more fun because you get to do your own thing, possibly have a fun time and you don't have to go out and try and enjoy it while a bunch of teenie-boppers are fucking around on their cell phones.
What kind of doggo is that?
>grog bog
W-what did he mean by this?
Probably because there aren't any good movies anymore and the average cinema experience is awful. Better to watch on demand content of quality stuff from your home.
That's an photoshop of a Lion getting an MRE scan.
GOOD. That's what they get for shoving their opinions down the public's throat subliminally for years and years.
Down with the Hollywood propaganda machine.
white people stop going places when that place starts to attract non white people
>Watching Shill movies
A hangover
Because I have a 60" HDTV with surround sound in my living room.
Have you guys noticed that Latino people seem to be the most loyal moviegoing audience?
I work with a couple of guys from LatAm and they go and see like every fucking movie that comes out.
Because Hollywood is pure shit and no one cares about it anymore
How the fuck do I use Kodi or Couchpotato?
>make shitty movies
>charge top dollar to see them
>theater filled with loud assholes
Who would go to the movies?
because only whites pay for movies and we are tired of being shit on by (((Hollywood))). Also almost every movie that has come out has been garbage.
>teenie boppers
What fucking decade is this lol
>All these actors that get payed 30000% more than anyone else that worked on their project are going to be out of jobs.
Ohh how horrible.
This is the only post that matters in this thread.
Try to watch The Avengers Civil War. You literally can't.
Becuase diversity is strength until you experience it.
Liberalism is born in ivory towers.
t. Surrounded by minorities growing up
I lothe Hollywood actors. The cultural marxism is full force in Hollywood and it's repulsive.
*Really*, France?
I'll go back to the cinema when Hollywood and our other Western industries realize who their core audience actually is. I hate feminism and modern leftism so I don't want it shoving down my throat in every damn film.
My theater used to allow singles but a few years back they banned singles. I live in a small town so they usually let my falcon be my date.
If Bill Murray isn't in the movie is what's the point?
good question
maybe if Hollywood pushed the feminist agenda harder they'd go see the movies!
Also the 60% dosen't help. This country is going to get less and less plesant.
I can't help that movies suck nowadays senpai. It's all capeshit, "young adult fiction," blatant nostalgia catering, and oscar bait that's intended to push specific propaganda rather than universal messages. Unfortunately Hollywood will likely adapt to the internet in a decade or so and continue ruining culture with their brand of homogenization.
No you stupid French fuck. It's a lion going into a Fmri machine and it was shooped to look like that. Damn the autism of Frenchistan.
glad i'm not the only one
Because we already watch enough leftist propaganda in TV
Captain America, please
Probably because Hollywood isn't even trying any more, most movies are remakes these days and the quality in the movies are half assed and hurried along, as if the only thing directors are interested in is money and not the achievements in cinema they originally wanted.
Hollywood is shit compared to 20 years ago. People making movies are too lazy and stupid these days.
No TVs?
>completely out of ideas
>remake the same films except stuffed with Socialist Jewish Warrior bullshit
>charge $15 to see it
It is a mystery
I'm tired of supporting Hollywood while I struggle to make ends meet. They ad to my disdain by running their political mouths as well.
I have 0.0% sympathy for these useless fuckers who get paid millions to play pretend professionally.
start at 1:30
Almost every movie I downloaded are so chock full of liberal propaganda that I don't even bother downloading them anymore.
>How the fuck do I use Kodi or Couchpotato?
how do i hack computer?
This so much. Every movie is interracial,fag shit, or anti white propaganda or a combination of the 3
>they let my falcon be my date
This arouses me to no end.
>pay 9 dollars to sit in a sticky room and pay ridiculous upcharges on snacks to watch 120 minutes of some lazy hollywood rehash
>My theater used to allow singles but a few years back they banned singles
tfw they resorted to this to keep niggers out
legitimately sad
The last 2 movies I saw were Pacific Rim and Star Wars VII. The cucking is so blatant.
What, aren't you excited to see the Beauty and the Beat remake where Gaston pounds the shit out of LeFou brokeback mountain style at the end?
>be american
>go to movies
>all the movies suck or are leftist propaganda
>$35 for a small popcorn, $42 to drink two lukewarm beers, $5,620 for 3D glasses
>get shot by democrat
How do jack into the memeframe?
>*not mine
Hollywood must be destroyed.
It stands as the liberal stronghold that is determined to destroy America and implement socialism.
Do not pay to watch ANY film that comes out of that shithole. Exceptions to made to films by Clint and other true Americans.
Fuck 'em.
Teach everyone you know how to download films and completely destroy and eradicate their source of income.
The future of this country is at stake.
Do not watch the Academy Awards.
Do not support these socialist bastards fucks on any level.
Be a Patriot and remove this cancer from our country.
>Beauty and the Beat
I'd watch it.
Taking a dump after a night on the piss
>t. bogan
And yet anyone over the age of 40 has an encyclopedic knowledge of movies and the star and co-starring actor. I have explained that they barely have any talent, they should be treated like in Roman times. Get a real knowledge on something like cryptography, you are literally showing you have the capability but don't have your social cues you think necessary to pursue something like that yet.
Hollywood targets blacks, commies and SJW
Fences, 12 Years a Slave, hidden figures,
Ghostbusters, Moonlight...
This people have no money or don't go to the cinemas. That's why the academy award
winners are hitting historical lows on viewers and revenew.
The only movies that make money today are stupid secuels that hooks stupid
Because they have no taste or culture.
What does "warns over women's hormones mean"
why in the fuck would i? fuck the kikes.
there isnt anything good or original anyways
Ever seen slut face? It's real.
To be fair it is a pretty good shoop
>paying money to sit in a room full of other niggers/spics watching jews on a big screen
No thanks
Don't blame them.
Films are getting worse and worse
>Millennials don't like something
>They don't use it
>You complain about it
What actual use are you in this equation?
yeah i always have to pay the singles tax
Too expensive.
Because movies are fucking lame now.
They are also expensive as shit. If you take your gf or wife you are looking at minimum and I mean minimum of 30 bucks.
When you can watch netflix at home.
Without the hassle of nigger infested theaters talking during movies.
Also, Hollywood is kikery, mind control and propaganda.
>did they really make the MGM sign on the back as well
no you fucking idiot
They don't want men to be raped in a woman's sexual emergency.
maybe they were fucking the singles dudes because movie about bdsm made them horny
The last movie I saw in theaters was Hot Fuzz. Which was in March 2007.
Personally I'm just not interested in paying to watch SJW propaganda. Not watching movies or TV has freed up my life to focus on better things like reading and gardening.
He ate MREs and has a blocked intestine?
The problem here is basically Jews and old boomer types who are mad that they have to change/adapt to new things.
>n-nobody has any hobbies anymore, why don't these millennials with no money buy our classic muscle cars and meticulously maintain them. If I can do it on my paltry $50,000/year retirement with no expenses and nothing but time, supplemented by additional social security payouts, surely these kids can!
>watch our advertisements stop using adblock you self-entitled cunts YOU CAN'T GET SOMETHING FOR NOTHING REEEEEEEE
>all people are equal muh feminism muh starving kids in africa
>c-come to the mall.. please.. please come