THIERRY CONFRONTS GOVERNMENT IN REGARDS TO BOTH EURO AND EUROPEAN UNION: [YouTube] Thierry Baudet (FVD) confronts Euro-President Jeroen Dijsselbloem in Dutch Parliament
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Chase Morales
Sup Forums's main language is English. Too much Dutch will make the mods mad, which will result in deleted threads.
Hudson King
Michael Rodriguez
Connor Long
I never said I wanted all art to look the same. We've just gone too far these days with all this post-post-post-post-modern shit. It's gotten too meta.
I'm sure there's modern art out there that I'd like but I don't really keep up with it any more.
Brandon Hall
Wat een vent. Ik zou hem doen. Waarmee ik natuurlijk bedoel dat ik hem mij zou laten doen.
Adrian Perry
VNL and ethnonuts BTFO
Cooper Bailey
No he's right. Memes in Dutch, posts in English. Mods will shoah the thread.
Anthony Scott
Faggot OP should just put that message in the actual OP.
Luis Adams
Jeremiah Ross
Post feet
Connor Stewart
This is a good idea to remain on the safe side desu Now let's see if my flag works again..
Tyler Gonzalez
Jayden Butler
Could you send me a link to the flag add-on?
Kayden Jones
>dvw geen FvD vriendin om het partijkartel mee te breken
Grayson Gonzalez
It can't possibly be because of a Mongolian throat singing enthusiast forum right?
Aaron Ramirez
I forgot how to install it already, but certainly some less digibeet people here should be able to help.
It explains why so much art is shit, the political motives behind it etc.
Parker Wood
Ik eis verschoning! >neukend
Jose Cooper
What do you expect from a Turkroach?
Matthew Allen
It's cringy, but not any better than all the kankering on here desu
Jack Young
I voted for you swedebro goodluck with uncucking your country
Robert Long
What about a flat tax in the netherlands. Like 20% or something. This incremental tax system is retarded. The rich people already pay a lot more taxes than the poor, why make them pay even more?
Jack Butler
Japan is largely apathetic to politics, it's just the only people who do give a shit to vote or to actually do political activism are the right-wing ones. Hell, even then it doesn't mean they're anti-foreigner - their government literally just loosened the restrictions on residency for foreign workers.
Christian Bell
James Cook
dvw you realize that's our brazilian resident poster in that picture >thierry will never hold you like that
Ian Howard
Evan Roberts
But you can't deny the general attitude towards foreigners in the Asian world. If held to the standards of the left/progressives in the west it certainly would be considered nazi-like.
Gabriel Rivera
Michael Myers
Wie hier Frankisch meesterras?
Owen Flores
Paul Cliteur is informed about what he said Replied to my mail
Isaiah Cox
meh, the incremental tax system is decent. My problem with it is that it starts too high (37% up to 20k), ramps up waaaaay too quickly and the 52% income tax for 67k and up is just abhorrent.
Ben het idd eens dat het partijprogramma van de PVV gewoon gebrekkerig is en geen fatsoenlijke onderbouwing heeft, maar aan de andere kant, is het wel belangrijk dat we niet nog 4 jaar zo'n puur kartelkabinet krijgen, met een grote PVV is dat een stuk minder, ook al is Wilders gecontroleerde oppositie.
Maar ze vallen natuurlijk ook meteen de PVV aan en niet de FvD (ook al leun ik daar meer naar) want das niet zo makkelijk. Zodra de discussie net begon en een beetje op gang kwam, haakte ze al meteen af van "laat maar", dus dan kan je ook niet fatsoenlijk dingen bespreken.
Oud-klasgenoten van de VWO, zijn allemaal universiteit gaan doen en zijn nog aan het studeren of hebben geen fatsoenlijke baan. Ondertussen heb ik HBO gedaan en werk ik gewoon fatsoenlijk.
Ik ben geen beta cuck meer die zich schaamt voor z'n meningen. Als ze er problemen mee hebben is dat kut voor ze, en mogen ze prima met mij een discussie aangaan.
Jason Williams
This documentary is recommended viewing. Also show it to your girlfriend, sister or mother. Women are extremely Scruton's plea for beauty.
Thomas Richardson
He thanked me and 'gave a hug'
Landon Jackson
Hunter Sanchez
he gets the first helicopter ride
pic: Baudet redpilled about the civil war
Michael Watson
Maat, kap met dit kinderachtig SJW gedoe.
Brody Butler
I love you guys.
Angel Sanchez
>But you can't deny the general attitude towards foreigners in the Asian world Well of course, you'd only have to look at history to see why. Even then, the "anti-foreigner" aspect of Japan is already played up to an extreme by the West and especially Sup Forums by weebs. That "whittu piggu go home" thing from a few years ago is in no way indicative of the general attitude - much like Britain First isn't in the UK. It's a tricky thing - I know a Japanese guy from uni who was on exchange who told me that Japan can never repay the debt they owe to the Americans because they let them keep their country. They nuked them twice and made the Emperor disavow himself from Godhood, but they let them keep their country. You have the stipulation of the military bases in a few places, sure, but even we have a fuck ton of US military bases and we're not considered an American vassals state AFAIK. I don't think the issue is so much them just hating foreigners, it's because they generally don't encounter foreigners too often that you can interpret the feeling as being one of animosity. But that's changing really quickly.
Lucas Jones
>that pic wat
Kevin Ross
>you will never be a 17th century dutchman who travels to japan and fucks hairy gaishas.
Why even live?
Camden Green
Is that his granddaughter?
Camden Anderson
I know what you mean, keeping a monkey on a chain is so cruel.
Nicholas Torres
Ha ha that crazy dutchman
Logan Butler
>inb4 Hiddema en Cliteur take him to court
Andrew Wilson
Samuel Miller
Gabriel Rivera
>some japfag drew a monkey with its dick out
Luis Martin
I already sent the mail... And it is real, so Paul Cliteur probably read how this Sander Philipse moron insulted him for nazi.
Tyler Collins
The only point that I'm trying to make is that the criticism the "left" here has on the "right" is far fetched and not rooted in reality. They dont HATE foreigners, they're cautious and don't buy into the multiculturalism that's almost being enforced in the west. If those same stances would be applied here, they would be considered racist. That doesn't mean they are.
James Williams
>going after Cliteur Bad choice, he might as well go against the law itself.
I really don't get Roos. He really didn't understand that after doing shit like pic related he wouldn't stand a chance during the election?
The guy is a fucking meme, a clown. Pathetic little fruitcake.
Stop de versplintering.
Evan Gray
John Morgan
Wouldn't this be textbook defamation of character?
Cooper Garcia
Japan is already considered racist by a lot of western lefties, but other countries get a free pass because of their own history with Western Imperialism. Japan doesn't because it's more or less a civilisation of its own with little to no history of Imperialism apart from conquering large swathes of Asia themselves. The nukings also get sweeped under the rug when the Left bring up the Nips' own "war crimes" that they did in Nanking, or how Yasukuni is "problematic".
Cooper Moore
I think that Roos might get more votes than you'd expect. My personal sympathy is for Baudet but a coalition of PVV, FvD, VNL, 50plus and maybe Piraten Partij would be cool.
James Bailey
Defamation suits are really hard to win.
Evan Young
I completely agree with you but I really don't think VNL will get a seat. Honestly, right now all those small parties are just causing the PVV to lose seats and thus the VVD to win the election.
Jeremiah Rogers
>gaat bij corps >wordt boos wanneer je als slet uitgmaakt wordt
Isaiah Perez
For whom? Paul or Sander? Sander called him a nazi, he should have thought better before doing that.
Mason Cook
Slow news day?
Luke Perez
Weet niet of ik haar zou doen hoor. Misschien voor een Smirnoff en een pakje peuken
Nathan Phillips
>Gaat bij corps >Verwacht dat waardigheid intact blijft
Internationale vrouwendag
Brandon Fisher
After the clash with Jinek they might get a seat... I wouldn't be against it as Baudet + Roos could have 3 seats combined. You know what's positive about DENK? I thought they were just satire, but they actually destabilize the PvdA, so Kuzu and Öztürk are actually doing a good job. Now we just need Ascher to completely destroy the party to 0 seats with his reputation.
Brayden Smith
"special" days only remind people of how different they are. So retarded. We shouldn't be divided.
Levi Phillips
Hé kut, ik ben helemaal vergeten mijn vrienden te pesten met seksistische grappen.
Easton Ross
Wat een veenkolonie-hoofd.
Ryan Scott
The Geenstijl article on Thierry's video features alsmost exclusively positive reactions. This is quite significant as Geenstijl has over 2 million unique visitors per month.
Two seats my ass. They're on track for AT LEAST 8.
Charles Brown
Er is nog tijd.
Kevin Diaz
He's our guy
Jeremiah Brown
>ik heb maar 3 vlagjes
William Clark
This. Completely agree with this but don't forget that while this is happening we probably will keep VVD as the biggest part because of muh versplintering op rechts.
Pfff, normaliter vind ik dat pochen over seks wat overdreven, maar ik zou wel serieus betaald willen worden om daar overheen te gaan en dan vind ik een Smirnoff en een pakje peuken nog best een mild bod van die corpsbal. Ik zou toch echt een slof vragen
John Gomez
>Wat een veenkolonie-hoofd. lmke >a girl is no whore!
Liam Ward
Could someone swap the superman logo for the FvD logo?
Adrian Brooks
What is important is that the left parties are defeated. They have too much power and finally the PVV and SGP are joined by many others like FvD and VNL.
Nathaniel Mitchell
>Het filmpje is massaal bekeken en gedeeld. >90K views and yet, Thierry's RTL interview was viewed almost 100K times more often since yesterday, how baudet
sexism will win!
Oliver Jenkins
That isn't what is happening. The right is becoming segregated from eachother and the left isn't. VVD will win this election because people will vote FvD, VNL and Geenpeil.
Alexander Fisher
How many parties do we have that are are between centre and right, and how many clear left parties do we have again?
Justin Taylor
Just got a new mail from Paul Cliteur you guys! Here's what I sent and his reply.
Jose Hughes
Zo wereldvreemd als de gemiddelde Japanner?
Juan Ramirez
just a random Norwegian post passing by
Andrew Lewis
hello where are the bregbux
John Thomas
:- )
Cooper Gonzalez
>I'm norwegian look at my edgy breivik post I'm so relevant kys