why is Russia like this
Why is Russia like this
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poland should be part of Russia
Because Jews want you to think this.
KEK if only it were that black and white
Fuck off.
My investmentS in Poland are MINE NOT RUSSIAN
never stop investing
>investing in russian clay
>Ukraine: i canz join NATO?
>Ukraine: ...
>Ukraine: is a yes?
would be same story for EU
the EU is shit, Ukraine doesn't know what they are doing.
NATO i can understand, but fucking EU? RIP
This. Russia just wants their rightful clay, it's the EU screeching autistically. Didn't over 90% of Ukraine want Russian to take them and the EU just stuck their oar in because?
russia needs the miltary port in the crimea cuz their syrian one is being konda unstable
90% of crimea wanted it, and around 70% in the separatist states, but russia wont take them in juat yet because of all the hate they recieved for crimea.
You need come here for few years, to understand this.
Because Russia's end game is to gain control of Ukraine and make it Russia again.
The West wants them separate to act as a buffer, to piss of the Russians and for strategic reasons.
Joining the EU would make it a lot harder for Russia to fuck with Ukraine without serious consequences.
Retard Ukraine was in the Soviet Union and was let go as a buffer state so their one job was to be that inbetween from the EU and NATO for Russia. They turned tail and went towards the EU so Russia is starting to take their rightful clay back.
Paranoia about NATO's expansion. Now whether it's warranted or not, is up to you.
That referendum was faked.. Fuck you russian shills.
>faked referendum
>no complains from Russians there
>only people who complain are a vocal Crimean Tatar minority
>Crimean Russians resent Ukraine for the 1990s-2010s
But yes, Crimea should belong to Ukraine, no doubt.
How many "Poles" are in reality proxy Russians?
Because Russia is like that bitter loser who instead of trying to make themselves cooler or go try to talk to other people instead tries to drag everyone else around it so they don't think they're good enough to go talk to other people.
All of us. In fact Poland doesn't exists. You see it on maps but in reality we are rightful part of Russian Federation
Are you one of those left over Russians who came to Poland after they deported a good portion of the population to Siberia?
Because Nuland and Soros and astroturfed color revolutions you dumb Cunt. Shills be shillin
>Why are they like this?
Change the EU flag for a NATO one.
I'm rationalist
So if the opposite result came out of the referendum, Russia would be like 'Oh, sorry guys. Didn't mean to trespass. We'll be on our way back home!' or?
Of course there never was a question about the result of the referendum. And what was it? 96% for Russia, from the top of my head? You really believe that? Those are North Korean style voting results.
Lot of russians run away from RF for better live, but than ...
(pic is strongly related)
why do US and EU like to talk about Crimea but not about Kosovo... ahh yea because they stole Kosovo and started all of this
Kosovo is so 1999
Literally all nations besides Russia are no-countries and shouldn't even exist.
>inb4 no not mine
give me the quick rundown on hohols
A bunch of empty fields with a village every now and then.A nation with no history or contributions.Quite a bit of them immigrated to Poland, I see them working and building sites and stuff.
yes we should become 1 big pile of shit so rest of the world can laugh at us at the same time :^)
russia squat should be considered cultural apropriation kek
Russia is a virtually landlocked nation surrounded by other states. It has had a long history of being invaded over and over again from both the east and the west. In response to this all Russian governments have shown an insatiable desire for more land to act as a strategic buffer.
TL;DR Russia has been raped too much, so they take out their asshurt on their neighbors.
kys macedonian nigger
fixed that for you ;)
You like it or not gypsy this is the future, and also there's too much empty room around the red. Whose gonna stop a slavic union if it decides to expand? The eurogays? The collapsing third world to be fat assess over the atlantic?
Well trained monkey. Can even push buttons. Post pics.
>why is rossiya screeching autistically
>thinks rossiya is one screeching cartooon dude
dude weed lmao
Nope, not gonna happen. I'd like to see it tho, but our politicias are too much retarded and scared of muh gommunism
Why is there a gap between Ukraine and the Balkans? I know Hungarians aren't considered Slavs but how did that happen? Why is Hungary just there being all different? I don't get how the migration made this happen. Explain pls no bully
>Fourth largest coastline
>Virtually landlocked
What is the Artic ice sheet you ponce?
>muh gommunism.
Doubt that will hold it all together for long.
The EU's cracking around the seams already.
Romania and Hungary have more Slav blood then l2 Balkans, but Catholic church would not allow all Slavs to live in one single country, so they made some stupid shit that Bulgarians ARE and Hungarians and Romanians AREN'T Slavs
Yes it will, at least in Poland. People are being feed with anti-russian propaganda since they crawl out of pussy. V4 is only alernative for us but people keep laughing at it and worship eu. I guess they want more diversity, especially when schulz wins in germany
Being slav is mostly about language not about blood.
Bы мoжeтe пoeхaть в Poccию и жить тaм. Пocлe этoгo вы дoлжны paccкaзaть нaм o тoм, чтo тaкoe «пpoфaгaндa», a чтo нeт
>hurr durr
I meant our goverment keeps telling us since 1989 that Russia want to invade use. Good fucking luck when we are in NATO and EU. I'm not denying that Putin is spewing his propaganda too, he is KGB after all, he knows his country is in ruin and people are fed up with him