Don't race mix because your children will look ug-
Don't race mix because your children will look ug-
>look at this hot model
>you can't fuck her because you hate immigrants.
gtfo Jew.
ly.... Cm'on...
Stormfront cels are some of the lowest IQ posters of this board.
It's so delusional they think they are "superior" beings with low IQ and an ugly face.
Do they really think people consider them humans when they step outside with their ugly faces, small frame, and low IQ.
Just LOL @ being a stormfrontcel. BBC are taking over.
shut the fuck up you surinamese nig nog
>1 pretty girl in 1 million.
>huuur duurr Mix race is the best
W-who is that gentleman, user?
That's pretty much true of every race.
If you average any ethnicities features you'd find them "attractive" but most people aren't.
Her white side is coming through to look good. Niggers just look like crap.
Honestly, what the fuck? I don't give a jackshit what my children look like, as long as they are 50% genetically mine, we are good to go.
>comparing a genetic anomaly to mixed offsprings
Good goy.
You burgers got mostly West Africa and Chad. Sad! Ethiopian girls are sort of qt tbqh.
I'm showing it is the white facial structure that makes them look good.
>Thinking curly hair is attractive
>Being this subhuman
You better vote Geert OP.
average mixed race child
And your point was? I don't think she should have won the miss Helsinki then again, I don't really give a shit about beaty contests, they are degenerate, vain and waste of resources and time.
>diversity means diversity of appearances
So shallow
Ga lekker Jesse stemmen
Any male could easily pull of 70% or even up to 90% if you're really high test.
1. Looks average.
2. Appearance is the most important, personality and intelligence doesn't co-
>tfw wanting your own kid to inherit average African 75 IQ and animalistic behaviour.
this guy gets it
yeah okay
UGLY user she's UGLY
literally some mix between a baboon and a pig
-3/10 wouldn't even fuck her if you payed me
That's not how it works.
Germanic KUANS for da win!!!!!!
Only KUANS, germanic KUANS for breeding....
Otherwise youre a degenerate!
I actually never had anything against race mixing.
You're really dumb.
That girl's cute and I'd fuck her, but I'm not going to fuck an ugly nigger to make that.
If your child is race mixed then you are closer related to some random kid than "your" kid genetically...
Good to know since i'm sexy af.
Also possible: blonde and hazel eyes, brunette with light eyes, blonde with grey eyes (rare, mostly Slavs). Whites are so diverse.
A hot chick that has sex with a white man will always have a kid that grows up to be more physically attractive than a hot chick that has a kid with a porch monkey.
Ok OP, looks decent and fuckable, but how about STR? What about INT? Is she usable for real life of a couple?
You of all people should know how looks are deceiving.
I'm actually mixed.
I'll tell you h'wat I used to be the typical reddit tier faggot some years ago.
>"There will only be one race in xxx years no matter what you white nationalists do."
And there's some truth to that. But the idea of an entire race of people going extinct shouldn't be the Goal of anyone.
Humans can think long term about the success of our descendants. If we all race mix we're bearing a few dangers. Kind of like putting all your eggs in one basket but with humanity at stake.
Just preserving the races like we preserve environments and endangered species.
Some people will race mix and that's ultimately OK in a free society not ideal but manageable.
I would bang that lovely babe.
Miroslav Cech, an ethnic that is human but stormfrontcels think their Nerdcuck hertiage automatically makes them human.
Just lol @ ugly nerdcucks thinking they are more human than Miro.
this is now an Anzujaamu thread
lmao blue-eyed czechs are ethnics now? we wuz niggers and shit
L e a f
How any demographic census bait threads are you going to make?
Imblying Slavs are white