A spectre is haunting Evrasia—the spectre of the 5th political theory. All the powers of old Evrasia have entered into an alliance to exorcise this spectre, but this time, we are here to prevail. During the Basque month of the harvest, heroes will rise again and mortals will sing odes to their memories. We will rise as we did 81 years ago in the fields of Legutio, but this time victory will be ours, against the modern world from west to east our word will be spoken, against the modern world we will ride the tiger, and against all odds we will fulfil the word of our gods, as the future is ours and eternal glory awaits to those who die in the name of Zuia. GORA ZUIA! CЛABA ЗУЯ! 14/7-1; MISANTHROPIC DIVISION ZUIA.
Misanthropic Division Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
14/7-1; 14 for the 14 sacred word, 7 for the 7 Basque provinces and 1 for Zuia uniting them all.
What have you done to defend your heritage today Sup Forums?
Build your Division
Defend your homeland
Stop masturbating to Chinese cartoons
"Six years later, now, we are being again engaged in battles and are facing battles. They are not armed battles, although such things cannot be excluded yet. However, regardless of what kind of battles they are, they cannot be won without resolve, bravery, and sacrifice, without the noble qualities that were present here in the fields of Legutio in the days past. Our chief battle now concerns implementing the economic, political, cultural, religious, tradicionalist and general social prosperity, finding a quicker and more successful approach to a civilization in which people will live in the 21st century and against global decadence, against the modern world." 14/7-1
Gora Zuia
Meine ehre heisst Zuia
Obese black metal faggots who don't go anywhere near combat.
Video themselves shooting at nothing and acting hard.
Stop, you are embarrassing to black metal.
Tfw no albino gf
What have you done to defend your heritage today, hamburger?
Our MD has seen real combat.
Have you seen any? Sucking Milo's cock
doesn't count.
Real combat? Our siblings fought and perished in the Civil War against those who wanted to annihilate our culture and heritage, later on E.T.A. kept on fighting and so did the youth by the means of kale borroka, and still do. Enjoy how your obese and morbid country dies in the hands of jews, oligarchs and modern world capitalist decadence. Lear from Russia you пидop
We have our land filled with rape-fugees and their defenders, those who endorse the cultural marxism, so we decided to fight. We need your support.
Finally there you guys are, M8l8th is a cool band
>What have you done to defend your heritage today, hamburger?
Not having the First Islamic University of Europe for example.
And yet you have people like Otegui promoting the entrance of rapefugees and going full cuck with the Feminists.
pero si seguro que tienes sangre mora puto españolito
The Roman-German civilization has worked out its own system of principles and values, and promoted it to the rank of universal system. This Roman-German system has been imposed on the other peoples and cultures by force and ruse. The Western spiritual and material colonization of the rest of mankind is a negative phenomenon. Each people and culture has its own intrinsic right to evolve according to its own logic. SMASH THOSE WHO DENY YOU CULTURE, HERITAGE AND IDENTITY 14/7-1
There are no universal patterns of development. The plurality of landscapes on Earth produces a plurality of cultures, each one having its own cycles, internal criteria and logics. Geographical space has a huge (sometimes decisive) influence on peoples’ culture and national history. Every people, as long as it develops within some given geographical environment, elaborates its own national, ethical, juridical, linguistic, ritual, economic and political forms. The “place” where any people or state “development” happens predetermines to a great extent the path and sense of this “development”–up to the point when the two elements became one. It is impossible to separate history from spatial conditions, and the analysis of civilizations must proceed not only along the temporal axis (“before,” “after,” “development” or “non-development,” and so on) as also along the spatial axis (“east,” “west,” “steppe,” “mountains,” and so on). No single state or region has the right to pretend to be the standard for all the rest. Every people has its own pattern of development, its own “times,” its own “rationality,” and deserves to be understood and evaluated according to its own internal criteria. 14/7-1 DEFEND YOUR SPACE, DEFEND YOUR HOMELAND
>Stop masturbating to Chinese cartoons
Stop LARPing on Sup Forums first :)
>Having a taco flag
whats misanthropic division? dividing makind thorugh hatred?
well, it's better to have taco rather then potato, ou wait you don't even have those
>Estonia talking about how to feed people
M.D. Zuia has nothing to do with Spain or the taco flag, as it's part of the Basque Country and operates in the Basque Country, defending it's culture, heritage, tradition, race and independence.
well, the last great famine in estonia happened in 1690s and in ireland in 1850s, so why don't you take the path of your ancestors and starve to death
this will end with an ethnic war
>Stop, you are embarrassing to black metal.
that's double embarrasing then
Aren't you independent since the 90s?