Cuck training camp, or a healthy learning and bonding experience for fathers and their newborn children?
Cuck training camp, or a healthy learning and bonding experience for fathers and their newborn children?
Id go if i had a kid. Be nice to have male only banter with a few lads.
Quit nitty pickin the world user
only cucks take care of their children
>dad's actually spending time with their children
And guess what race isn't in the picture
Me on the right seeing Kyle.
No one who goes to these would have any banter and they certainly wouldn't be lads, just nu males who had a baby with a washed up whore
Id borrow a black baby and go just to fuck with people
Me and my niglet would have fun though
Op is a faggot.
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
its kinda gay but nothing wrong with it.
Dont think thats bad per say, but I think theres other stuff they could be doing together.
Not sure what the babies get out of this
>NEET neckbeard virgin disparages people making and raising white children
Really makes you think
Nu male shit. Also babies should be sleeping/eating not being in dance classes. A lot of those babies will have stunted development
>baby is strapped to your chest as you move around
>its little weak bones get hurt
>it is in stress
> being shaken around
>loud music and noise
This is probably how kids get autism
Kinda gay but overall not that bad
This is white people stuff
this tbqh desu senpai
those babies are probably scared and are certainly not bonding with their dads from this
it's likely an idea thought up by some daft old cow that'd look cute on facebook
Nothing wrong with this, gives your wife some quality time with her bf/bull.
So cucks...
How long is the class? Is it long enough for a few bulls to sneak over to your house that you paid for and plow your wife?
i'd work up a buzz and go
Cuck training camp
The cuckholdery is strong with this one
how does the kid get anything out of this at all
wouldn't all the noise and shaking put them in distress...
This, the year is 2040 and all these babies are 20 somethings with autism, have completely fucked up hormones worse then people nowadays from food/water, and a high percent of them dual gender cause of advances in medical science making trans surgery cheap along with social normalization and them not being able to think right from being shook around as a baby and lack of sleep
honestly lmao if you don't know how to dance. it's the easiest fucking thing to dance in time.
DAncing in and of itself is effeminate
They should do many stuff, like building sheds instead of dancing like queers.
But I agree the will's there.
Yep, no need to provide any type of stimulation for your baby, just put them in a crib and throw their face on a tit if they cry.
lmao. says the guy who can't dance. go to a wedding and dance well and see the attention you get.
>taking care of your child is now cuckoldry
You want to go home and rethink your life. What is wrong with you?
So you dance to get pussy? Doing effeminate stuff in the hope a woman will become attracted is beta. A real alpha attracts women without any effort like a lion.
Tl;dr stay cucked
lmao dancing has literally been around since the beginning of time you bellend. it's a mating ritual in it's most primal sense. it is there to get you laid
Your that fag in the club on your phone in the corner staring at me with a angry face while I grind and kiss hot girls on the dance floor. Stay mad boyo
they are clearly throwing up sieg heils
Having kids is for cucks
Real alphas use women, including your wife, for their pleasure in between achieving greatness. Betas like you push out more beta breeders (males) or alpha cock sleeves (females).
why does it look like they're saluting our führer?
>Like a lion
That's not how lions work
Pointless and lame.
Babby won't remember any of this garbage.
Bring him out fishing and hunting when his a bit older, much more fun.
Looks gay af, but it's not a bad idea. Babies love this kind of shit and usually moms are the only ones who do this. Seems like a good way to bond early and spend time with other dads. I'd want a class free of nu males though.
youre missing the point, see: also remember to bring home refreshments bc they might all be thirsty.
>like building sheds
cuck sheds.
>I'd want a class free of nu males though
user, I have some bad news for you...
>healthy learning and bonding
Positive message for sure. Many white dads with white babies. We need more viral videos like this to encourage younger white couples to have children.
What is this pussy shit? Dads and their sons should be making or killing things.
This sounds nice. I get tired of going to the same mcdonalds or the library every time tyrone is over to fuck my wife (he doesn't like to hear our newborn cry and says he distracts my wife from fully pleasuring him). At least this would allow me to socialize with like minded individuals.
what in the fuck is this shit
This. It's just a group of dads spending time with their newborns.
It could be goose step training instead of dancing.
You have to understand lad, that most spaces for new parents are not male friendly. So these places where lads can be dads are actually really good for society at large, because you have a place where men can talk to each other about dad stuff, and learn from each others' experiences without being judged by bitchy women.
Maybe a dance class isn't quite my thing, but I think it's good on the whole.
The men in this class are dads, they have successfully passed on their genes.
Underrated post.
All I see is Nazi saluts
It's Brits
Those kids are drunk right out of the womb and won't feel a thing
Holy fuck. No wonder kids are such fags these days. Embarrassing.
cuck training camp...lel....dare I say they gravitate to the section at the supermarket where the "cuck carts" are???
90% of the men there were basically forced to by their wives
99% of them are drunk
its always fucking white men who acted like a complete utter cucks.
I would not dance with a baby strapped to me. Seems like an overall bad idea.
Spending quality time with your kids is manly.
Spending quality money to do effeminate shit with your kids is cucky. And no, tea parties with your daughters is not effeminate, but yes, sweating to the oldies with a group of other men is.
Stay at home Dad here. I wouldn't do that gay shit. My son through infanthood spent time with me doing various redneck shit. Now he's 4 and we go hiking, fishing, biking or we go back to my Dad's property and have fires and bullshit / screw around in the woods.
Group dancing like a bunch of women is another nail in the coffin of masculinity. Boys and men can dance around a camp fire inna woods and that's where it should stay.
All cuckiness aside, this is the most sensible answer.
Its just too high a risk of injury to the child, why even take the chance?
Dancing is already a fag thing.
Dancing with newborn children is utter faggotry.
Plus, I doubt kids enjoy this fucking shit.
Babies aren't that delicate, user.
>oy vey, raising your young is bad goyim! Stay single!
The children they care for aren't theirs.
Dancing well is pretty much directly correlated to how low inhibition and alpha you are. If you can't/don't dance you're probably an insecure cuck.
Wow you are literally retarded.
Not a bad idea as long as your wife isn't using the time to fuck niggers or currymen
Still using categories like "beta" and "alpha" makes you a chimp knuckle dragging fuckwit. Stop falling for le animal kingdom meme