Damn....*sips tea*
Damn....*sips tea*
Sup Forums status: BTFO
>talks like subhuman trash
>can't fathom how anyone could be interested in advanced alien species that can travel across the stars
Niggers are self-discrediting.
pole BTFO
The naivety of scientists with Sagan-addled minds is shocking. Extraterrestrials with the ability to travel between stars would likely be a tremendous existential threat to human kind, yet they send signals out into space, hoping for listeners. We will be lucky if nobody hears.
Former ppl supporter here, not going it's hilarious watching ppl crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let ppl get the nuclear codes.
Also this image conflates learning about and understanding other cultures with accepting them.
I'd rather be around aliens than niggers
let me give you a quick run down on multiculturalism
We can accept different cultures on our own species. Chinks and Hindus have lived side by side with westerners for ages now with no problem so far.
What we can't accept is barbarism.
I'll warn the aliens about our niggers. Don't park your spaceship in the hood
learning about another culture doesnt mean letting it take yours over
fuck these people are stupid
a living oxymoron
the mind boggles
Space niggers gotta go back unless they come here legally
whoa..... I never thought of it that way....
*drinks cum*
i think experiencing other cultures is great, but that doesn't mean i want aliens moving into my country and forcing me to live by their standards.
The difference is ayy lmaos are intelligent life
Pol is rabidly against race mixing because we support different cultures. It's the left that actively fights to destroy culture, borders, and history. They're the ones who want McDonald's everywhere, but no more Thai restaurants run by a family. We want to preserve and celebrate our cultures so that when we travel to Paris we don't have to keep wondering if someone dropped us off in Nigeria as a joke.
Ohhh sweetie. Will you also teach them about how violent white people are and how the genocided an entire race when they came to America? Or how they enslaved blacks from Africa?
Have these retards even realized that most of the Ayylmaos en fictions come from homogeneous societies
Do these different cultures involve mass rape & murder by any chance ? If so then I don't wanna know about them thanks.
Who gives a rat's ass about ayy culture?
Just give me the warp drive and shit