Why do women want the government to pay for their contraception?

Why do women want the government to pay for their contraception?

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You already know the answer

They believe that birth control is the same as any other medicine

Women want everyone to pay for their everything.

Alpha fux and beta bux enforced at gunpoint.

Because they want the taxpayer to fund their whoring.

Source on that whore?

Because all women are too weak and stupid to take care of their own needs. They need big, strong men to pay for the necessities in their lives.

Which is also why they're complaining so loudly about the gender wage gap -- so big, strong men can fix it for them.

Would it be sexist if the government paid for condoms?


Women think it's the purpose of all men to pay for whatever she desires.

Counterpoint: I would love for the government to pay for my hookers.

Cuz thats what parasites do.

Because they're lazy cunts who think they should get to fuck as much as they want and have the state take care of it

Yes, this.

pic sauce ?

>hardworking stem betas pay more taxes to fund contraception
>meanwhile chad making 30k with his associates in business is fucking stacy and getting tax money back at the end of the year

So promiscuity has no consequences.

This is by design


>i dont wanna feel anymore.gif

Because the whores can't keep their legs closed.


Just like how the middle class can barely afford 1-2 kids but a Mexican family can have 6 kids and get free college for every single one of them. All on the backs of those in the middle class. It's poetically tragic really

who's the puta?

This is the only real answer.

Women only have jobs to "be equal" and "be respected", not to actually support themselves. If they can support themselves, that's just icing on the cake - but even then, they'll still expect a man (or The Man) to plunk down the dollars at every available opportunity.

Thank you spanishbro

let me give you a quick run down on women

>can't decide to believe or not

it's sad seeing cute girls making this though

You're welcome, neighbour.

Women like it when you buy them things.

>women paying for something

>they'll still expect a man (or The Man) to plunk down the dollars at every available opportunity.
>husband has a job
>his money is her spending money
>wife gets a job
>her money means HER MONEY

Life isn't fair, cucks


Privileged Parasite

Perfect name.

This is why my wife and I maintain separate bank accounts and have one shared account for bills and food.

Works out nicely and makes monthly budgeting much easier, definitely keeps both of us from spending erroneously.

Because women never mature out of the child phase.

It never occurs to them that being truly independent and successful in your own right, by your own hands and mind, means paying your way through life for everything.

This is singularly a male concept; the notion of responsibility for one's actions and needs. The willingness and duty to accept responsibility will forever remain out of reach to women for 1 reason, which I will tell you all now and you should always remember.

Women are a creature whose success in life is determined by how young-appearing they can remain in life. Everything they do is with the goal of attracting men to care for them, to breed them and to be the ruler just as their father was to them.

They are permanently bound to immaturity because men are naturally attracted to the domination of the weak. Women paint their faces, retain small and weak / frail figures, because this keeps them in the appearance of a child, and thus draws in men who seek to protect them.

As a man, you are pre-programmed to desire only the most youthful and healthy partner to breed with. Women instinct caters to this, and subsequently they remain inside the mentality of a teenager.

>This is singularly a male concept; the notion of responsibility for one's actions and needs

>responsibility for ones actions is a male construct
really makes you think

Because most guys would rather raw dog it than pay a cent towards birth control.

You only have yourselves to blame assholes.

Reminder thats in order to create equality, its necessary to abort the priviliged parasitegender aka females

Because women want men to gibs dem dat free sheeeeit.


Well, since women are incapable of self determination, her claim of rape is instantly invalidated.

Really fires the neurons.

not imho :^)

>that pic
>men can't be raped you silly

>keep the government out of my vagina
>But they should pay for what I use it for


>Josie was DRUNK
>she tried to drive home
>she was pulled over by a cop after swerving all over the road
>Josie could NOT consent to drive
>the cop was charged with RAPE

Because its the 8th of march 2017 duh...


To further elaborate, it can be argued that no one in that situation you presented was fouled.

Two drunk people. Both drank willingly. Both had sex afterwards.

No fault case.

Arguing that she couldn't consent because she was intoxicated also works for him as well, and why shouldn't it?

That's what equality means. Real equality. Even under the pretense that women are immature simpletons who cannot be responsible for anything, no-fault sex still happens because BOTH were intoxicated and neither were able to give sober consent.

So that poor sheboons don't breed

why should anyone WANT to pay for something just because they HAVE to pay for it to get it?

They don't have to take the hot beef injection. But they want it.

There is actually a lot less wrong with the way you state it versus what is actually happening.

What is actually happening could be illustrated by replacing "big, strong men" in your post to "big, strong government". It is causing the downfall of our society.

women are adult children



Women are the Jews of gender


The better question is if men run the country then why do men pay for it

You scared lil boys must be dating the wrong people.
My girl pays for EVERYTHING - literally.
Maybe try finding a woman - not a girl.
Maybe it helps she is a milf - 49 years old and I haven't punched a timeclock in many years.

A rare good post by a leaf


You are the woman then.


It's cheaper than raising bastards at the taxpayers expense.

Honestly birth control should be handed out like candy especially to immigrants.

Post a pic of her or fuck off with your bullshit. Given that she's 49 there's fair chance that I will laugh at you

>boasting about dating a 49 year old woman

She's about 25 years past her expiration date.

But you get to be a lazy NEET piece of shit, so uh...congrats dude?

Someone's genes are gonna end up in the trash of history...

>Why do people like free shit

Because women are biologically programmed to be resource hogs in order to act as the best incubators possible and shit out babies. Only now they view babies as an inconvenience, and since we were dumb enough to give them power over their own destiny (via voting), they act out their biological imperative to get as much free shit as possible at the ballot box while producing nothing in exchange.

Because it has the eugenic effect of causing people on welfare to have less children thus preserving the hegemony of the working class and helps to mitigate white genocide. Women are the right wing heroes we need.

No, it'd be promoting """""rape culture"""""


fuck im laughing at work and i got in trouble

Unfortunately, the government also incentivizes welfare. The more kids a poor (((black))) unemployed single mom has, the more dollarbucks the government will give her.

Does she work? My wife wants to be a stay at home mom and only receive allowance.

Can't tell if shes old school or trying to jew me.

Because they'll want whatever the media told them to want.
The media told them that "free" contraception is literally the most important thing in their life so now it is. And the politicians have an excuse to argue about irrelevant shit because that's what 50% of the voter base seemingly wants.

Why do you want more women dragging us in to pay child support?

>Can't tell if shes old school or trying to jew me.

That's the same to be honest. The only question is if she'll up the jewing to 10 and divorce you.

If this was to any degree true paternal testing wouldn't work

and the system will collapse.
the reason why the beta peters played along for so long was because they at least got a wife whoch had the decency to just cuck them behind their back rather than out in the open.

When they don't even get that, there is no point for them to keep working, supporting yourself as a single can be insanely cheap.
Cannot tax someone when there's nothing there to tax.

>lol why should we be responsible for anything? responsibility is for FUCKING WHITE MALES

what pisses me off the most is that all our laws clearly take the difference between the sexes into account, yet you have to pretend they don't exist.

actually, from my own social circles, that seems to be the main point people are mad at the establishment in general. not because the establishment does certain things, but because they insist that you have to pretend those things aren't happening. this discrepancy between reality and what you are told to believe is just too large and eats away at you. contrary to what a lot of people might believe, I do think that living with the harsh truth is easier than living with a "pretty" lie


They don't seem to understand the difference between having something provided by the state and being given "access" to something by "society."

I blame Planned Parenthood. I was reading this Facebook argument, and it turns out that PP actually gives these "clinics" where they teach teen girls about the importance of sexual health, and by extension, their services. Pretty sure they're putting on brainwashing clinics and that's where the most prominent young female ideologues get this bullshit from.


>Only now they view babies as an inconvenience

>state that I do not think the government should finance abortions and that it should be a last resort, not your go-to solution
>other person legitimately asks me if I would still say the same thing if I got my gf pregnant

That actually did make me think a lot. Not about their question, but how we reached the point where people see pregnancy as a disease and having children as the worst possible thing imaginable. We are gonna be so fucked when all these people leave their fertile age range and realize that they threw one of the greatest things in life away just so that they could get shitfaced on Friday night without having to worry about getting a babysitter. That will be a sizeable chunk of a whole generation snapping and losing their shit.

>my body
>my choice
>and you have to pay for it
>because feminism

Because women want the government to pay for everything.

>Women only have jobs to "be equal" and "be respected", not to actually support themselves.

In my experience, a lot of women consider their income to be THEIR money - a separate fund apart from the family finances. I've known a lot of wives and girlfriends think their income is their monopoly money to buy whatever the fuck they want with zero accountability (because it's theirs, of course), and the man has to pay for all shared bills and assets.

I'm so glad my girlfriend is the opposite. She even offered to pay for the first date, and I didn't let her. We've paid for all of our own stuff and have never had an argument about money; she believes in thriftiness and fiscal responsibility.

She even got me a nice shirt for Christmas as a present, too.

I'm not saying I believe that image, but this argument isn't very good.

Let us remember that Hair analysis was once considered damning evidence, only to be completely discredited later.

It's because while they pretend to be against the conservative values, they still kept half of the ideas from it.
The man is the provider. End.
It is not their job to provide for anything, if they get a job and earn some money that is nothing but an extra effort from their side and thus there is no reason why that money should be going into the shared account and pay for any expenses but her private enjoyment.

You know, same way how a teenager working during summer break won't suddenly have to pay for their own meals just because he now has the ability to do so.

Also before anyone gets mad, that is not my opinion. Just how most of them seem to think about it.

it's because of (((them)))

So? Why should we have to do that - they're the one who decided to take it. If I wanted someone to take it who doesn't want to, then it could make sense for us to split the cost, but why should men have to subsidize their unlimited consequence free whoring for women who want to take it who I've never even met and don't even get to benefit from it.

Women want to be completely taken care of.

Weather that's by a husband,father or state makes no difference to them

that girl looks so quintessentially russian I'm getting worried she's about to reannex the baltic states.

Make the chip free and advertise it heavily in shitskin/retard povvo areas. Eugenics that even feminists could get behind

Or they could just learn to keep their legs together or use condoms, which protect against stds too. You could argue that giving condoms out is a "harm reduction" thing for not getting aids, but birth control pills are 100% recreational.