Drumpfcare is better than Obamacare

>Drumpfcare is better than Obamacare

Can Dumpers HONESLTY agree with this shit or are they just retarded.


As weve seen with obama, whether or not it fails is irelavent, its still going to be implemented for at least the next 8 years.

Nobody intelligent here is actually a Chump supporter.

ITT ShariaBlue members parade about their complete ignorance wrt business

>t. Trumputin shill

let me give you a quick run down on cumdumpsters


i get paid in liberal tears.

implying business criminals give a shit if something fails-they will get paid


20-somethings shouldn't be mandated to pay for something they don't want or need. It's a good start.

t. 50 year old Conservative

What is it trump care when paul ryan and his cohorts are writting this shit

are you going to blame trump for that


>a few failed businesses out of hundreds
>worth twice as much as his father

thats the literal opposite of failure but keep cherry picking

> unironically using occupy democrat propaganda

when brock hires his shills, he doesn't hire the best

Ryans conspiring to end Trump after the pussy tape didnt work. This is Ryans last chance to stop him.


>Labelling it Trumpcare
>Even though it's Ryan and a few others writing it

The only connection Trump has with this new bill is that he's going to sign it.

tell me more OP


honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this was real

>530 companies
>6 fail

it's better in every way you libtard.

If all of Trump's businesses failed, how did he make so much money?