When sexdolls become super real will it be illegal to imprint your wife/GF looks & personality on one

When sexdolls become super real will it be illegal to imprint your wife/GF looks & personality on one

> companies like facebook & instagram could updatetheir terms and services and sell people personalities to be used in sexdolls

good idea

Waifubots are the future. As soon as men gain the ability to fuck animu girls, there will be no use for women other than breeding.

obviously you wouldn't import your actual gf or wife, you'd import an IMPROVED version

then we just figure out how to have surrogates, and boom we don't need women anymore

as much as people like to pretend that "waaah feminists are gon' ban this", men run the world and the only reason you see feminist agenda being forced, is because it's permitted by a powerful man somewhere

Why import your GF if you could import the personality and looks of someone even better?

Can we keep the baby growing jars in our man caves for viewing pleasure?

> man caves

in the future, there's no need to have "special" rooms for "man" stuff, because all space will be for men


>there will be no use for women other than breeding

Why stop at sexbots then? Anime girls with artificial wombs will make women completely obsolete.

Why would I want to give an obedient sex bot the personality or looks of my GF?

Breeding already makes them obsolete. People pussyfoot around the issue, but women are just worse versions of men. And once men can secure their legacy without women, who the fuck is gonna need them.

lesbian communes

>50 years in the future
>wake up next to my waifu Alice
>make sweet love to her
>go downstairs and eat breakfast with my qt blonde daughterus

I am not worthy I am not worthy

lmfao what the fuck are they gonna accomplish there!!?

In all seriousness, let's consider that "sex bots" are a ways off, but girlfriend simulation via augmented reality could be here right the fuck now. In fact, the two technologies have inherent synergy, with the augmented reality simulating the social aspect of the waifu (walking around your apartment, realistically responding to your conversations, etc) while a very basic apparatus would be all that would be required for sex (basically a pair of robotic thighs connected to an ass with some basic hydraulics to thrust and gyrate and software to sync it to your headset) with the augmented reality filling in the rest of the body. Higher end models could have extended torsos and heads for improved fondling and oral sex.

But the key here is that the most challenging aspects of woman-simulating robots, walking around and realistic facial expression, can be handled NOW with existing technology.

Fucking this

>They wonder why we'd rather fuck an artificial woman that doesn't talk back

waifu bots will be considered illegal for at least 50 years because cunts will keep pestering.

THey will make a law against them because they 'lower the image of women'.


this is why we need to abolish the copyright system and reform the patent system.

Actually with synthetic embryology and ectogenesis they won't even be needed for that.

Was Lars red-pilled?

literally cannot wait for a sexbot future

They are luckily going to be illegal. Feminists are good for at least that.


Why stop there? We should also kill everyone on earth.

So when this becomes a thing, are you going to kill all remaining women, even the ones already in happy relationship or marriage and separate them from their men? Just to know if I should hide somewhere.

Better question is
>When sexdolls become super real will Sup Forums stop being a hive of pathetic losers dreaming about sex dolls?

Naw, probably not


fuck out of here faggot not politic related sage

>tfw no dolores Bot to fugg
>tfw born too soon to live in westworld like park

>imprint your wife/GF looks & personality
Fuck that. I want to model my waifubot after my 10yo cousin.

You're a liar.

and heres comet pizza

user there's a difference between fapping to loli and fapping to real loli

No, there isn't.
Real girls are better anyway.

There will be sexbots for girls right?

Hello mr podesta

>real girls are better anyway

bad taste pedo-kun. lolis are better than real girls and they can be lewded without real life consequences (to the child and the viewer)


>lolis are better than real girls
False. You can't touch or smell or cuddle with a drawing.
>they can be lewded without real life consequences
Isn't that the whole point of having robits?
And anyway sex isn't bad for little girls. They like it.

This is how humanity becomes enslaved. Just imagine it, they could turn your robot waifu off if you don't do everything they tell you too.

Robowhores are comming!

Under current laws, in most countries, yes, it will be illegal to make a Katy Perry sex doll and sell it, or sell likenesses of anyone, without permission.

And yes, there will be models who will license their looks for dolls - porn stars will be first.

Personality, not so sure, the law doesn't mention it, and it's so vague a concept, it's probably not covered under current law.

The real issue is all those full body scans that have been done of actors and actresses - those files could be worth a lot of money, if the sex robot trade picks up.

Adding on, thinking about it...below the neck, I'm wondering if a case can be made for copyrighting body dimensions, shapes, and colors. Cover Katy Perry's head, can anyone pick her out of other women with a similar shape?

Interesting. I'll have to ask my friend who's a copyright/trademark lawyer in Hollywood if this is being discussed yet.


At this point, there are absolutely fucking batshit insane.

Give me one of those sexbots.

You could just mod after market addons, a new head that looks like Katy Perry. Then download some pirated software that contains her personality.

Liar about what? I just asked a question


most people don't put enough in their statuses to generate perfect replicas of their personalities

they just post pictures of their car and their dinners

I was thinking:
Why would I get a sex doll to copy my gf?
Sure, I love her and all that shit, but wouldn't that defy the idea behind sex dolls?
Unless it's for permavirgins. Kek, just picture the kid buying a sex doll to copy his HS crush. How sad can one get.

You're not up to date with all the alphabet agencies?
It is possible to pinpoint what you like, how you behave in real life, how you speak, how you feel, etc. by looking at your facebook, your texts, how you talk on the phone. Fuck, even the way you move your cursor is used against you.
Before you start thinking:
>"Oh, I don't have facebook, I'm alright"
You're wrong. They have what they call "shadow" facebook accounts where they compile everything you do, as if you were on facebook. Who you meet (by locating your phone and who's around you), what websites you visit, and so on. You're screwed, son.

Why the fuck would I not support this as a feminist instead of just getting my own sexbot and watching humanity crumble?

> using vagina-jews as base for your based sexbot
Why would I?
I have huge collection of neko-lolis I would use.

Katy Perry, Zoey Deschanel, and that one other chick all look exactly alike. Just don't sell it as a Katy Perry Sex Doll and I think you'll be okay.