Is paying for a hooker degenerate?

There is a whorehouse in front of my house where I am.

I never went to a prostitute before, one one hand
- paying for sex sounds like a thing for losers
- possibility of stds

on the other sides
- its so much easier/cheaper to pay for prostitutes than going on dates etc
- girls are hot as fuck

Should I try it? Also, in a brothel do you just go there and fuck there or you have to book a room nearby? I'm a novice

Do it and stop shitposting

Also try to book a room.

Stop just going on dates to get laid and get a real gf.

oh look its this thread again

it is degenerate,but is wasting money on unhealthy food and brand clothes any less? Just have some fun

>- possibility of stds
Honestly, not more than with your average

>Should I try it? Also, in a brothel do you just go there and fuck there or you have to book a room nearby? I'm a novice

Go for it, you usually just pay for the girls and services, not for the room, they usually have rooms or VIP areas where you can fuck so.

So long as it is a brothel, go ahead, if it were a street hooker I would advise against it. Also never go with an escort that charges less than 150€/hour.

It's not that bad IMO. Something that has always existed.

>paying for sex something for losers

The most successful men in the world pay for sex all the time

no matter how you do things,
you pay for sex with a woman.
you may not hand over cash directly,but you pay grasshopper,you pay

Every man "pays" for sex, just some women are more upfront about the cost.

More like cool.
Hookers and coke is totally what cool guys do.

>Paying for sex
>For sex

Wew lad.

it's pathetic beyond belief and "but muh dick" is the downfall of this entire species

if they have a cute one you like sure.


Get a robot waifu

Stop caring about what anonymous people from a chinese cave painting board think.

Most people here watch porn and fap to 2D "woman". Not exactly the kind of people fit to speak agains't degeneracy

>Should I try it?

All men pay for sex user, when you take a girl out to dinner, buy her drinks and gifts what are you doing?
A hooker just has a more honest, economical price point.

Prostitution puts a market on an abstract societal resource. Pussy. Three scenarios for consideration, and I trust you would be able to decide for yourself after a little bit of reading.

Scenario A:
What would normally be a functioning society with an established, fair, patriarchy, women's value would be an investment in the family.
1. Boy meets girl.
2. Boy talks to girl's dad about familial values.
3. Boy proposes to girl.
4. Boy spends the rest of his miserable fucking life providing for and donating his resources to girl.
5. Boy dies, girl lives on with said gathered that aren't squandered, and watches grand children live. Her life is "fulfilled".

Scenario B:
What would normally be a functioning society with an established, fair, patriarchy, has been subverted by allowing women equal footing in making decisions in said society. Divorce courts/family courts favor the female, always, and here's how it pans out:
1. Boy meets girl.
2. Boy talks to girl's dad about familial values.
3. Boy proposes to girl.
4. Boy spends the rest of his miserable fucking life providing for and donating his resources to girl.
5. Girl gets preggers and starts executing escape plan.
6. Girl gets 50% or more of the husbands resources indefinitely, as well as the children and child support.
7. Boy realizes indentured servitude is real and either commits suicide as escape, or sucks it up for about 18 years or so.
8. Her life is "fulfilled", while on the cock carousel.

Scenario C:
Same as scenario "B", but boy doesn't get a girl and commit. He instead abstains from family life altogether, and participates in a market where pussy is on a pay-for-play basis with no strings attached.

It's really an honest compromise, in today's world, for the man.

>A hooker just has a more honest, economical price point.
And you get things with her you will never get with a (((decent))) girl, like swallowing.

>paying for sex sounds like a thing for losers
You answered the question yourself, OP.

I think I'll try and report later

Yes it is. And cunt is not an asset. If you pay for it, you're fucking subhuman who should be deported into the oven.

It's degenerate. Also pathetic. Don't do it user.

>And cunt is not an asset
Actually, it is.

Pretty much the only asset they have

Hookers are a redpill AGAINST the degeneracy of western women. Once you realize how easy it is to exchange money for sex, you'll have a bit of an epiphany regarding roasties and how they do that anyway. You'll realize how all the energy and time spent on dating and other mating rituals is designed to cater to the woman. Once your mind has fully established "pussy = $dollar value" you will be able to better prioritize your own time and money. Also if you're a bit of a neet-virgin-tier it will give you the self-confidence to recognize how women are inferior and essentially need men, not the other way around.