send the qts to the land of the free pls

You can have sex with a ukrainian hooker for 20€, ukrainians are a blessing

These refugees are welcome in my home.

they are already here my man

oh come on, there is 1 milon poles in the uk, bad apples happen

just exterminate this guy

But they're based white Ukrainians and they work hard. Why do you hate the white race polan?

True, bruv. At least Poland is not going to be a caliphate in 30 years.

i saw it on the news that we lack workers( unemployment is high but people dont want to do some jobs) and we are importing this year like 30k ukrainians to work in tourism and construction , ship making.

bro 2 milions in 3 years here

> mfw our enrichers don't look like this.

You know it's bad when Poland bitches about wage suppression.

yeah, but after we joined eu like 200k people left to work outside, so they want to replace them with ukrainians.(+ our bad demographics) we have 4 million people tho, not like poland.

There is probably only 1 million. No one knows for sure. And our economy could easly assimilate 5 million. Don't be a dick head. Ukrainians are good for us.

I do not understand why white cute Ukranian women aren't coming to Germany but stay in the weirdo place called Poland.

You would prefer Syrians?

And like 1 Million of them went to western europe after registerd in poland.

they cant

They aren't allowed to, yet they do.
Germany sended back 75.000 ukrainians to poland in 2016, and this is only the ones that was caught and that only in one country


Can I take one

lol they're white and they work, why do you hate white people mr based white pole?

We would be happy to accept them!

>they work
As prostitutes and drug dealers

you guys should deport the niggers back instead of poles. lol

"Sending back" in germany means asking them to leave and buying them a bus ticket, both with nogs and whites

it would help cull your demograpics a bit, send them over! natychmiast!

Sounds like all the slavs in the UK, Sup Forums keeps telling me I should be grateful for this ethnic genocide of anglos because they happen to be white.

Merkel doesn´t want to remove non-white refugees. And white christians like eastern europeans are obviously a danger.

You can buy them, you know

>Poland has more immigration problems than Germany

Top kek

Ukranians don´t try to create a caliphate though.

Do you really not understand Hanz? Have you been so thoroughly rused by the bbc memes?





Can confirm. My dad bought one, she's quite hot, friendly and she can cook and clean.

pictures or it didnt happen.

Give me a minute i'm heading to my dad anyways.

Yes show proof

why does this picture get repostet so goddman often? both girls are really fucking ugly

it happens, many croatian man that didnt marry later got ukrainian wifes. but they didnt "buy"them tho but similiar.


Fight catholicism, use contraception and you get a negative birth rate. Plus that fucking welfare state. Unless people start to support catholic sexual morality, all is lost

On the one hand ukro-refugees are whores and golddiggers of the highest calibre

On the other, you don't really have to make them your girlfriend

But you also don't really want the kind of STDs you find on a ukrainian girl

Then again, when there are ukrainian turbosluts everywhere, that makes all other girls step their game up

It's a difficult decision for sure, thank God Mutti Merkel made it for me and we all get a bunch of Ahmeds

You are heading your mean, you are giving head to your dad?
Wffles are weird

It's a quick picture i'll get more after dinner

>Poland lost millions of People.through immigration aka People left the polish shithole
>Complain about New People in a country with a birthrate under 1,5

Lol stupid Marcin

Wages going down? Damn, and i wanted to emigrate to Poland, ah well i will keep raiding shops of Suwalki i guess.

fuckign hell , you could at least snap a shot with mouth closed kek.

Oh Poland...


Now you understand my son.

why is she opening her mouth so soon when the food is still miles away from it?

What's with the disoriented traps?

>more hohols in Poland then Polacks in UK


food might be 2 hot


she tried to suck it in like a vacuum cleaner.


You don't have luck with the mouth in pictures

so whats the average cost? Are there any tax free weekend or black friday type deals where I can get one 50% off or something?

>dad im gonna fuck her after you
>sure buddy

Is your dad banging her?!?!

Actually your government is consciously making programs to make it easier for Ukrainians to move to Poland. Like for Western Ukrainians it is super easy to go college in Poland and then stay there. Assuming that any Polish college is better than anything in Western Ukraine, I know that a lot of people do that. Also, because of the war, many young guys moved to Poland to avoid military draft.

Do Europeans also eat their food with their fork in the left hand?


What do you think?

Well it's not really like that

I do at least

I think like 800 euro's a month + extra shit like phones and clothes

Tbh I hear all sorts of shit that when you buy Ukrainians and Russian women, they drain your money and leave as soon as they have citizenship

nah, i just use the spoon for the soup, other than that just hands.

Yeah probably

But she is his gf or like a sex "slave"?

and you can do everything with her?

You know, there is such a thing as dining knife, it goes to your right hand.

Of course, of course, don't we all expect for those western Yuropoors?

It's not like we're poo in loos who will get syphilis and the black death from our hands

800 euros a month for what? that average salary here.

>polan doesn't want more cute

Good question Muhamed

Could be worse OP.

I would much rather have Ukrainian refugees than mudslime refugees.

I bet Russia is sending their "Green man" with Ukrainians. Tell that to your friends see how they like mass immigration now.

No, knife goes in the left hand and fork in the right

This is how we drive and how we eat
Fugg, I want a slavic qt3.14 so bad but I don't want to make an investment with negative returns

Nah my dad thinks it's love but she's really there for the money. It's a kind of relationship.

As long as he's happy

But the First Lady looks like she wants to stay



They are everywhere. I sit in a tram and suddenly hear some animal noises and what I see? Fucking ukrainians. I'm trying to learn something at my university then one girl starts talking .... language is polish but retarded I ask her where are you from? OBVIOUSLY ITS FUCKING UKRAINE

Then I go to mcdonalds couse it's late and im tired guess who is a cashier. YES AGAIN THIS SHITY UKRO

REEEEEE fuck off all of you hohols

Alright I got it.
Keep an eye on that leech

You have no idea how ironic this is coming from Poland

>high wages
LMAO. Your wages were already low. Just bang the hot Ukrainian chicks and get it over with. At least they're white.

I would want to stay too, are you fugging me? Imagine actually seeing those nuclear codes

>Poles are afraid of white, christian and hard-working Ukrainian immigrants.
Come on now. It's not like they are going to genocide you again.

Where'd he get her.

Get a tatar gf they're not really slavs but i heard they drain less money. Or get a polish girl.

yeah, true man, just wash your hand before eating and you are safe , using forks and shit takes too much time, just fucking grab it and throw it in the mouth kek.


And thus the wage-lowerer became the wage-loweree

>My dad bought one
>Nah my dad thinks it's love

Yeah but they give the succ

Still want to but a qt3.14 slav right here and have her tie me up and attach nipple clamps to me

Just wait till their civil war stops and they're given free travel with rights to work. 20+ mill will migrate to Europe within a year.

>tartar girl
Why would I do that?
Idk how they are. Any insight? Are they actually stable?
I really just want some Eastern European qt

God I love how xenophobic Slavs are. It must be my Slavic heritage that makes me racist and xenophobic. So proud

Well you don't actually buy them, it's more like you go on shady ukie dating sites and show them proof you have money, he's a bit naive when it comes to love.

How do you say "I want to put my penis in your butthole?" to a Ukrainian hooker?

you can fall in love even if you're paying for it. Trust me. relationships are complicated

be happy theyre not mudslimes, and actually the same ethnic group as you.