What the fuck is this state's problem?
What the fuck is this state's problem?
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I thought coontown was in southern Virginia.
Most of Virginia is sound it's the D.C. suburbs you need to blame for cucking the state.
And black ass norfolk,richmond and portsmouth
You know what's worse than coontown southern VA? White guilt liberals that moved to Fairfax for cushy govt jobs and now outweigh the rest of the state numerically. there are also a shit ton of asians/indians/muslims/latinos/whateverthefuckelse living there now too which makes it even worse
At least the south VA negros dont vote in such large numbers
Cut them out of the South. Give their rights to based Oklahoma. Nice clean dividing line across the board.
I live in NOVA. It's exactly the fucking problem. Almost every other county and independent city went red except the ones in richmond (cause niggers) and virginia beach. But so many people live in NOVA, that it trumps every other county.
Anyone else from or live in Fairfax County?
It's basically the same problem Illinois has with Cook County cucking the entire state.
And Danville.
Ex Virginian reporting in..
three reasons Virginia has become blue in the last three elections
Norfolk. (blacks)
Richmond (blacks)
NOVA (bureaucrats)
also Virginia has had a lot of influx of blacks from Maryland and New Jersey
I'm sorry about them, btw. Missouri ALMOST has the same problem. Hill won St. Louis by like 80 points, but the rest of the state keeps it red.
Im from northern v.a. fairfax is democratic leaning and pretty liberal, its also the most educate
Part of the state, so no surprise.
What did he mean by this?
Coontowm is a tiny pocket of voters. Nova is a third of the state.
It has a few people with educations living there.
>lets cut out the capital of the confederacy from the south along with 8 presidents and the state where most of the civil war was fought because corrupt leftists ruined its most northern county and infiltrated the governor's office!
fuck off nigger. VA's counties have gotten progressively more red over the past 20 years but too many people moved up north so now everyone else gets fucked. Look at Fairfax county on this map to see what every Virginian is talking about:
>liberal cling to this SO hard.
Niggers and anti-Americans win you elections, and THAT's when that ghastly strategy actually works. (If you didn't notice, it hasn't been since 2012)
Fairfax is shit and full of Muslims.
if you took that haircut and scalped the state at that line, the remaining state would be red. Maybe tilt it right a little.
Currently in Virginia now for work for the next 4 months.
Place is full of niggers, New York transplants, DC bureaucrats and Southerners who think theyre special snowflakes compared to other southerners.
One half of the state is all boring suburban sprawl and chain stores, the other is all ghetto ass niggers.
Probably top 3 of all time worst states Ive been to, and Ive been to almost every state. It being a blue state is just the nail in the casket. This state is so bad it will make you even lose respect for George Washington for having ever lived here.
Fuck Virginia
too close to DC
let me give you a quick run down on where problems come from
Any surprisingly shitty states?
Missouri should be pretty safe, Illinois is fucked while Cook County keeps voting for Democrats sadly. Shame really.
Unfortunately, we're getting a lot of Chicago fuckers moving down state for some reason.
Walking around wondering why things aren't as "great" as they are up north. And bitching all the time about the lack of portillos.
Then those fucks move out in a country house with some poor sap they met, and they expect their suburbian modern home standards to apply in a 21st century farm house, and wonder why the hell they have to fill up propane once a month.
Fucking pampered faggots that can't think for themselves, all of them.
DC (public sector jobs) and niggers
>tfw ivy league educated trump supporter
PWC here. Fucking garbage here as well.
which part are you in? im originally from a solidly conservative southeastern part and lived in Richmond for undergrad. Richmond is nothing like the rest of the state and feels like its own country, but once you get past the coloreds and hipsters its not too bad
North Carolina and Georgia are vastly superior East Coast/Southern States.
Yep. Another problem is retards from MD and D.C. Who move from those places to Virginia because they're liberal shitholes but bring their politics with them. The problem is Tysons, Alexandria and Arlington. Reston, Gainesville, Ashburn, and Chantilly actually aren't that bad but the dickheads who work in DC are a huge problem. Anything east of 66 or north of 123 is cancer.
>the most educated part of the state
Yes if you count communication and finance majors working worthless jobs in Tysons as "educated"
>80's liberals ruin Maryland with progressive policies
>90's liberals move to Virginia because of its fewer taxes and regulations
>00's liberals start changing laws to make Virginia more "progressive"
>10's Virginia is now as bad as Maryland
>20's liberals flee further south to ruin more red states
all the nigger and liberal outflow from D.C.
If things are so great in Chicago why are they moving downstate?
If faced with the facts these pussies would have to admit it's a shithole and that's why they left.
U of Michigan grad here working in software development.
When I voted for Trump, it was the first time I ever voted for a republican.
You progressive idiotfucks are never getting into office ever again unless your politics change drastically.
>Virginia is now as bad as Maryland
Not by a long shot
The only place I've ever been that's as bad as Maryland is Philadelphia
>What the fuck is this state's problem?
Lot's of Democrap cities to stuff ballot boxes in.
virginia isn't considered the south for this reason
>North Carolina
I like NC a lot, its a great state for sure. but its going down the same path of VA. Soon itll have a few areas of liberals that outweigh the rest of the state and when it starts going blue every election all the retards living in the rest of the former CSA will start saying "ITS NOT THE REAL SOUTH" and the cycle will continue with the next state
As far as georgia is concerned, thats coontown central so theyve got their own problems
Bush grew the government a whole lot, then Obama some more
things got too expensive in DC and Maryland, so all the federal employees and lobbyists spread to northern Virginia and then made that the most expensive part of the state
this includes a shit ton of "national security conservatives" or cuckservatives
if you ever wondered just where the fuck were these few percent of Republicans that preferred Hillary over Trump you'll find most of them in the northern Virginia
It's the same as liberal Californians moving to Texas or Arizona because they fucked up their own state and then voting for the same policies that made California the steaming pile of shite it is.
North Florida is pretty ok as well, South Florida is New York with better weather so best avoid.
>the largest economy in the US by state
California has issues but why resort to hyperbole? You are being just as disingenuous as the libs when they REEEE about shit.
I live in coontown, VA. These niggers dont vote.
I live in King George atm but lived in Annandale for years. I have never experienced such a balkanized environment as I did when I was in NOVA.
I could literally drive from Arlington to Springfield and pass pockets of culture refusing to assimilate. There was the Mexican strip mall and apartment complex, everything was in spanish. The next block had the Koreans, after that the Pakistanis, after that the Vietnamese, after that the Somalis. Hardly any spoke English and these groups often came into conflict with each other. I cant count the number of times Id be in line behind a family that only spoke Vietnamese trying to communicate with a cashier that spoke only Spanish - the situation would devolve into argument.
Virginia’s schools are growing more racially and economically segregated
There was another Wapo story from 2013 that interviewed teachers in Fairfax. They all complained that their young students didnt speak english and instead the teacher struggled to educate kids that spoke half a dozen other, different languages. How this was to blame for the failing marks because they were getting stuck behind the curriculum having to cater to all the diversity.
Shits only getting worse because something pushing assimilation and one official language is racis'
the only thing we have better is our gun laws but Gov McAwful is targeting that. Then there is VA being more accepting of tranny students than MD so we beat them there.
>NC flipped in 2008
I will never forgive us for that
Face it anons, Tennessee is the best southern state.
>mfw Drumpftard who dropped out of Brown considers himself "educated."
>mfw forgot my face
They have Hillary's bagman for a governor, and committed massive voter fraud.
Full of Federal employees.
You are absolutely correct
Tons of Federal employees
Tons of KANGZ
Tons of Unlicensed taco vendors
Massive voter fraud
Basically, everything within a ~30minute drive from DC is utter cancer, and it seems to spread a little farther every year.
t. Maryland resident
This. Less than a week before the election, the kiss-ass Hillary supporting governor releases 40k inmates and allows them all to vote.
She proceeded to "win" the state by approximately 40k votes.
leave the big cities that are under Dems control, because
>save your lives... niggers killing people in the big cities
>your tax in the big cities will go for refugee settlement, anti american propaganda, funding anti-fa faggs.. so stop living in the big cities and stop paying taxes there
Who /Suffolk/ here?
t. fairfax resident
Over in Sterling. Basically part of El Salvador.
Massive Muslim immigration and Hispanic illegal immigration. Dulles airport area looks like Pakistan.
Why is NOVA so unfriendly?
Fellow MD resident, this
Though Rockville is significantly better off than Silver Spring
Don't go to Silver Spring, just don't
Been here 17 years. It's weird being a white minority in public. Koreans just live in their own worlds. Auto shops, churches, real estate, even a bank/ATM not even bothering to put English. They don't get in your face in public so they're easy to ignore, but it's not a nice environment.
The Putnam studies on multiculturalism seem very real here.
Get out of places like NOVA and move to the better parts of the south or midwest.
Nah. We MAGA and kick the libshits back to Cali.
can confirm
While Rockville is cucked, Silver Srings is pure cancer.
DC suburbs
NoVa being dependent on the federal government and attracting transplants from other states
Loudon, Prince William, and Fairfax counties, especially Fairfax. I currently live in Manassas, and there is almost nothing but spics and mudslimes here. At least my home county, Fauquier, voted for Trump.