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I'm so fucking confused.
Typical liberal amerifags living in their own fantasy world
wtf i hate women now
Wtf I love feminism now
>leia was just a messenger
>jyn had this entire army of men with her, and the mexican had to save her life
>luke was the only person who could hit that shot
>women did this
the rebellion was a mistake
So..... women should be purged then?
Actually, without Women the Death Star never would have been built as Anakin wouldn't have turned to the dark side without killing Padme. It's literally a woman's fault that the Jedi were wiped out.
it's easier to fight against imaginary enemies
1) Leigha had almost no major role in destroying the Death Star
2) I haven't even seen the latest Star Wars movie, but I did play the game it's based upon. They re-writ the story so that a female stole the Death Star plans when it was actually a man.
But hey, white mens past is already being rewritten so what's it matter?
>Can make literally anything you want happen
>Can have a guy slip on a banana peel and press the self destruct button or have a dog or an Indian crew member shit in the reactor and cause it to explode
>Still somehow think that basing your world view on fictional events is a good idea
>Using a fictional story to push an agenda in real life
It was male Bothans to be precise. "Many Bothans died to bring us this information." or something like that. So disney isnt only sexist, but specie-ist as well
we wuz pilgrims n shit
taught dem indian niggas how to make dat kool-aid
Are these the early immigrants sleepy Ben was referring to?
Daily reminder that the Empire was just doing their job to end war, conflict and crime.
The criminals are Han Solo (smuggler and contractor of mafia boss Jaba), Princess Lea (rebel leader who broke countless laws) and Luke Skywalker (breaking and entering, illegal possession of a lighr saber, attacking Empire soldiers, selling speeders without paying taxes, hiring a known criminal, manslaughter, theft, murder).
I say hang the criminals.
Without hitlers mom the 6 gorillion would be alive today
This can't be real. What the fuck
The Bothans got the location of the second Death Star, you plebs
Rogue One is about the first one
remember 605% of people think aoyeens are reels
That was the second Death Star
not gonna lie, I'm slightly triggered by this.
And maybe Palpatine could have saved the galaxy from the Far Outsiders.
> Using children's films to justify their ideology.
How fucked are we on a scale of 1 to 10?
Daily reminder that Luke would have went to the Imperial Academy and flown for the Empire if he didn't get caught up in the terrorist plot with Obi Wan and the droids.
Jesus Christ that pic is fucking too cringey
Why do liberals love comparing things to Harry Potter and Star Wars? Fuck off already.
The only canon Star Wars movies are the theatrical cuts of the OT. Everything else is glorified fanfiction.
Their minute minds are easily-swayed by televised propaganda and their favourite celebs.
Rogue One was a retcon and Kyle Katarn originally stole the plans
Don't forget that it was the rebels who attacked the empire trade ships which triggered the conflict behind everything.
Dark Forces forged the storyline for the stealing of the first DS plans.
It was Kyle Katarn and some Twi Lek chick who stole the original plans. Disney rewrote the story to make it all done by a Mary Sue.
Kyle Katarn also went on to become a badass jedi, but his character is fucking gone now.
>tfw empire didn't destroy alderaan but you wish it did
Then when they do a blood test for issues as screening, he lights up and gets taken by vader
They rewrote star wars lore so Kyle katarn no longer got the plans to the death Star, and instead it was some multicultural rebel group.
Anyway. Muh pop culture activism.
>tfw decades of lore were erased so that Disney could rewrite everything to be MUH STRONK WOMYNS
Vader did nothing wrong
Why do they always have to mention Star Wars or Harry Potter?
>spot on
>from "not lying to your face directly edutainment"
I can't believe that is a real image
but the death star still exists and it's called the moon. There are ancient cultures that speak of evil gods who came with the moon, causing a mass cataclysm to the earth giving the earth the wobble causing shit to go to hell like atlantas etc.
the death star was designed around this theory and the moon mimas specifically served as it's design
women are still around and the death stars still exist.
Daily reminder Tarkin did NOTHING wrong.
Good thing I never cared much for star wars or I would of been more pissed at the SJW propaganda star wars is going through right now.
Let all this media burn.
Kyle Katarn was a literal Mary Sue, like you could directly control him and everything. And then he became a powerful Jedi because why not?
i thought bothans stole the plans
Wtf is happening in that picture? I vague remember this scene from Interstellar.
i expected this post.
Without men, there wouldnt be a movie about it at all
and without lucas, A MAN WITH A PENIS there wouldnt be star wars fucking whore
as usual, women taking credit for men's work
But the moon is still there.
>it was actually a man.
true. it was a bothan spy
so much for fucking canon
>africans colonized native whites
reparations when?
>harry potter
>now star wars
We really do need to meme a counter term when these morons pull this crap
> by a Mary Sue.
She gets shit thrown at her quite often and isn't well recieved at first. Unlike a certain special snowflake OC jedi
this shit cannot be made up
Meanwhile the actor who portrayed a character who stole said plans says "if there isn't enough diversity in movies thelly join isis". More and more every day I understand the empire makes more sense. Fucking rebel scum.
Alderaan was obviously a Rebel false flag operation. The Death Star was a weapon of deterrence meant to finally bring peace to a beleagured galaxy. A closer look at the Alderaan debris field will show traces of anti-matter explosives not consistent with the particle beam weapon of the DS, but very much consistent with an AM bomb being detonated in the planet's core.
Alderaan was an inside job.
So they admit the new star wars was just a remake of a new hope for political porpoises?
He was talking about the picture idiot
If alderaan was an inside job why would the empire claim they did it? They not only released an official statement saying it was funding the rebel alliance but a haven to said scum. It was worthy of boasting such great power.
Thanks you too
>he thinks the Empire took responsibility for Alderaan
>he doesn't know about the interstellar Twi'lek media conspiracy to make the Empire and humans seem bad and walk right into their own doom
WEW lad don't you know that expanded universe got retconned? What is WRONG with you? It's 2017, the empire is literally hitler!
Outside of the prequel kinographies, Star Wars is terrible
Star Wars is a story of people being angry at those who aren't polite, regardless of if they're right or wrong.
The empire was composed of assholes - but that doesn't make them wrong.
40 years later, liberals are still doing the same shit and throwing punches at people who aren't polite and ignoring the actual issues.
Even if it wasn't SJW garbage they still pissed away a really interesting character. Not to mention he was banging an asian woman so it's not like it was all about straight white men doing everything.
Trump is stumped and they are Cruz, Rubio and Ivanka are trying to revive him.
And when was this image supposed to be relevant?
He was always force-sensitive, thus lending slightly more credibility to his actions even before any formal Jedi training.
Besides, I don't know why we would complain about Mary Sues in star wars. The entire setting exists for a bunch of Mary Sues to show off how OP they are.
>one woman destroyed her own planet and gave away the location of the rebel base
>the other took the credit for stealing death star plans despite the fact that she needed help from 5 guys.
Really makes you think
>blew up a space station with hundreds of thousands of guys just doing their job, probably conscripted, probably have families.
good job
>referencing midi chlorians