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>non-Chad men are having less sex
What else is new?
so then what can be done politically to get the non-chad men screwing?
Fault divorce.
Reminder to all Sup Forums users: Be out by the 15th
There's going to be all kinds of excuses but the real reason is because there's too many fat disgusting women/men and arrogant cunty fish lipped bitches.
Unless they start screwing each others I don't see how.
>tfw have sex with my white girlfriend everyday
what? why?
were there that many fat women back then?
Women are naturally hypergamous, so if you elevate the status of women naturally the pool of men that they will see as viable will decrease. Because of this a lot of men and women end up alone.
The easiest way to solve this would be:
- make welfare stricter
- remove no-fault divorce
- eliminate child aid
- outlaw jewish propaganda aimed to divide and conquer people based on sex, race, age, etc
- put stricter requirement on college degrees so women do not get the impression they are high status with an art degree
This goes with with women having higher standards than men. In large part due to dating sites and tinder. Women's dating pool is much larger than before. Also men want to get laid more. So they become more picky.
Guys do mental statistics and realize their situation. So they either work hard to compensate and put up with a lot of shit or they give up or never cared much in the first place.
A lot of women also don't even care much about relationships anyway, they're pretty much dating social media itself.
Most people are doing just fine though. But this ends up affecting a lot of people and has a statistical effect.
This man gets it.
>so if you elevate the status of women naturally the pool of men that they will see as viable will decrease
Nah dude women will just take househusbands and everything will be fine. Especially after we abolish genders.
Oh what, women don't want househusbands (because they imagined it would be Chad) and the SJW insanity isn't catching on enough? ISLAM PLZ HELP.
woah leave some for the rest of us
I'm doing just fine !
I was doing well 20 years ago and I'm doing well now. It's good to be me
Nope, women want what they PERCIEVE as Chad, when the men economic status is better than a womans it is easier to see him as "Chad", or at least make her dependant on him so she HAS to trest him well
you're right about women dating social media, for a lot of women, but not all, their partner is a status symbol more than a lover....but thats normal for marriage..
Japanese and Russian waifus
Don't forget leftists don't want to bring up children in Trump's America.
I'm part of this study.