Murdoch Murdoch

Can we discuss the new Murdoch Murdoch episode?
It starts here.
For me, it really sent chills down my spine when the music stopped, and Murdoch got real close to the microphone and whispered the speech he gave about Pizza gate

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>Can we discuss the new Murdoch Murdoch episode?
What is there to discuss? How it had Based Crowder in it? How its depiction of pewdiepie is totes hilare? Did it raise any controversial ideas or useful insights? No? It's just a fucking hur dur cartoon for alt-liters, nothing to discuss.

Shill for your cartoon elsewhere, stop posting this thread all day like you did yesterday.

I never give 2 fucks about this cringey meme face shit series.

sage for advertisement

Are you trying to tell me Murdoch Murdoch holds main stream views?
They obviously don't.
They make a show that's easily digestible for everyday normies in cartoon form.
Also I want to give the FUGG to MurdochChan.

it was good pre election, now its been this strange continuous episode. Liked the old ones better like ep 10

Hail victory!
A victory that will ensure a better tomorrow for your children.
A day when they will know white pride, world wide!
When they will once again know Paris as the city of love.
A day when the streets of Stockholm are no longer lit by burning cars.
A day when little boys are thought to be men and little girls thought to be woman!
No more shall we take the defensive, not one step back! NOT ONE STEP BACK!
Now we are on the offensive, now we shall take back what is ours!
Wife's kiss your husbands goodbye, for a shadow has descended on our lands and it will take every man to drive it away.
For twilight is upon us, but it is not yet nigh, for tomorrow belongs to us!

The enemy is anyone who opposes the 14 words.
And you must always prepare yourself for sacrifice, to achieve these words.
For you must recognize there is greater cause then just yourself.
That you are part of a people that have created western civilization, the greatest civilization!
Always remember, behind you lies Europa, ahead lies Europa, and within lies you Europa!

(last ep ending speech)

Shill for your cartoon elsewhere, alt-lite faggot. You just steal and re-package Sup Forums memes like Milo does. Fuck off.

I don't know. I think I like the episodic nature of it all rather than some disconnected stories.
Aren't you that faggot that draws Christchan all day?

It's kinda like what happened to south park though. I liked powerful individual episodes addressing certain issues.

Are you implying that just because they're episodic they can't be powerful?

I just felt like the focus is off, it's kind of been milling around lately.

>just because they're episodic they can't be powerful?
Maybe you should have titled this thread:
>The Makers of Murdoch Murdoch: AMA
Not really being subtle...

I think the direction of the show moving to connected episodes is more of a motivational tool and blueprint vs being edgy and funny about Eugene prepping Tyrone.

They don't even use wojak correctly

I can understand this argument.

Advertising is against the rules.

If you want me to watch it you should make the characters all moe anime style rather than wojak.

In the San Jose video the blamed all hispanics as a whole, regardless of their actual races, for the actions of mestizo mexicans?

Why should the spanish man be blamed for mestizo crimes?

is murdoch a jewish plant?

Who is the HAPA girl? Is she an actual actress?

For how shit-tier the animation is (it's still well done) they have some really emotionally driven pieces that hit right in the feelz.
(unless you're non-white)

t. butthurt spic

wait, people genuinely and ironically watch this autist shit? and like it?

Yes they do newfag
lurk more

>tfw two Murdoch Murdoch shirts

>They make a show that's easily digestible for everyday normies in cartoon form.
Nah, it's not really easily digestible for normalfags.

Why do you retards watch this? It's cringy.




What do yall think murdoch chan looks like irl? Qt or fat?

Like that Czech whore Ariel with the nice diddies.

Yeah it was quite enjoyable but I wonder if this is the right approach. Going overboard with the memes is okay as the general tone prevents the show from becoming literally r*ddit. But for me the problem comes when you can begin to call their stuff a show. They create this larger storyline and every new episode builds on the last one. They still throw in relevant topics into this fantasy story, but it's..strange.

Murdoch is not a shill
