Is this true Sup Forums?
Is this true Sup Forums?
Well Trump says it's all fake news nowadays, so...
Actually seems pretty accurate, I can't really tell though, i never really follow the top ones.
CNN and Fox's positions are pretty accurate. They don't lie, but they are really biased. Two sides of the same coin.
InfoWars below the Onion made me laugh.
>doesn't lie
Wew lad
Morning Consult doesn't even make the top 10, so no.
> Among cable news network viewers who watch Fox News most often, 50% say they trust the political news they are getting. That compares to 43% of MSNBC viewers and just 33% who tune in mostly to CNN.
33%! CNN is very fake news. not even their viewers believe the bullshit they're served.
> i tried so hard and got so far
but in the end you were called for your obvious shilling
I'd trust The Onion with a true article before CNN or FOX
Fun fact they all lie, you need to find the truth from pieces of all the other puzzles.
>higher than the onion
there's something wrong
>(((all of the top ones)))
I'd take fucking infowars over them. Media has a lower approval rating than congress for a reason. It's only a matter of time before those who don't trust it find out why.
>any western kike owned media
>reliable source in any way
Now post their ratings from best to worst
>Buzzfeed didn't even make it to the bottom of the list.
Info wars, new york times, sometimes msnbc and fox, the rest are fake news
trusted by who? lol
probably the one guy who made it
Make them all bright red and I can agree.
according to whom? that's the question
sage and tree-fort.
This is not political enough
The Onion?