Marduk, black metal band from Norrköping, Sweden...

Marduk, black metal band from Norrköping, Sweden, is currently touring North America and is beeing boycotted by both BLM and antifa.

>The apparent author of the stories (which are copy/pasted in every call for a boycott) at least according to BLM Austin, is a Facebook user going by the pseudonym “PuppyMayhem.”

The reasons put forward by BLM and the ANTIFA groups for the boycott are the following:

1 - “Frontschwein” According to those calling for the Boycott, “Frontschwein,” the name of Marduk’s tour, and of their latest album “refers to the nickname given to Nazi field marshal Walther Model because he preferred to lead from the front and was known for his abuse and crudity.”

This is dumb. “Frontschwein” was simply a word used to refer to soldiers serving in the frontlines, similar to how English-speaking nations use “grunts” to refer to those serving in combat. The use of this word predates World War II, the Nazis and, of course, Walther Model’s behavior in the War.

2 - References to WWII. They even demonstrate their absolute ignorance of history, geography, and the band they’re boycotting, by claiming that Marduk’s live album “Warschau,” is named after “the site of a Nazi concentration camp during the Holocaust.” At no point did it occur to them that the album is named after the German-name for Warsaw, the city where that album was recorded.

3 - Varg Vikernes. In an interview with marduk's bassist, he said “It’s strange that it’s illegal to dislike a religion. I find it really strange that you can’t have certain views.". this is somehow proof of them beeing nazis.

4 - Anti-Christianity is just a way to be Antisemitic. Without putting forward any evidence, they say that the main theme of the album Panzer-Division Marduk is anti-semitism

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I saw something else about this. It's definitely stupid.

Black metal has always been very anti-religious and volatile. It's insane how muddled and closeminded leftists have become.

I heard about this shit through some guy in League during a match, made me go listen to their stuff. They're like a B-list Dimmu Borgir, not bad but... bad.

Dimmu Borgir only has 2 decent albums (the first 2)

...if demon burger is your standard comparison for black metal you are either 14 or borderline reatrded.
Probably both.

This its all about Sombres Forets/Gris or some NS like Goatmoon or M8l8th, even Mutiilation or Belketre is good too for a comparison

he obviously clueless and probably heard about dimmu on mtv or some friend of his that likes slayer told him "you think that's HARDCORE? listen to BURGER man"

Few months ago 2 black metal bands were pulled off local "Turku to the Satan" festival, because the other one anti-islam lyrics and the other ones MANAGER (which wasn't even coming) had connections to a natsoc party in fucking Greece.
The festival had bible burnings and very antichristianity lyrics, but they are okay. Just don't mention islam.

We're living in interesting times.

they can only do this in liberal cities.

If they tried this here in Phoenix, they'd be beaten to death by angry Mexicans.

Imagine the cognitive dissonance.

>fuck the nazis!
>oh look, some POC coming to join us
>wait, were here to smash fascism, why are you hitting us?

A few months back some cuck showed up to a show and started virtue signaling. The satanic hispanics started screamin "heil hitler!" at him and throwing the salute. They look of pure confusion was priceless.

they target BM bands all the time

look here:

Look on the comments, the frontman of the band having to explain himself to these fuckers


>Anti-Christianity is just a way to be Antisemitic.
Wait, so now leftists care about Christianity?


Seriously they're just giving them more attention.

>Anti-fags trying to pick a fight with metal heads.
They're going to become heavily acquainted with the local street curbs.

Marduck Son of Ea, Slayer of Tiamat

Marduk desires not the barren wasteland of your desecrated viscera

Their San Fran show was canceled

Antifa won

It's weird that Ghost tried to record in the South, but their look got some choirs to back out, so they had to record with a choir from California.

The left, in conjunction with zionist controlled music industry, have been both attacking and infiltrating metal for over a decade.

The hipster mecca of Brooklyn has become a hotbed of bands that push leftist ideals while appropriating Black metal music. Ex. Kralice and Liturgy (pure faggot shit).

Metal is predominantly white. Metal is about strength. Just look at the shit provided as modern "rock". All the songs are whinny, self-hating, weakness celebrating garbage.

Anti-metal = anti white

On top of that, the pop and rap artists have started appropriating metal fashion.

Beyonce using a modified Slayer logo foe her merch on tour.

Rihanna using death metal fonts for her logo at mtv vma's last year, while wearing leather and spikes.

Kim and Kanye wearing Toxic Holocaust shirts.

And lately, the left has adopted bomber jackets, very common among skinheads and metalheads.

Even saw Ellen wearing one.

symphonic black metal is for posers and sell outs, it's fucking pussy shit listen to the fucking classics man.

And Metal stole metal studs and leather from the gay BDSM community.