Has to be the most pathetic PM ever
Has to be the most pathetic PM ever
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We cant afford to kill all the babies. Why is this idiot paying for all these abortions?
The people who want abortions are probably the same you don't want reproducing anyway
This is coming from the same government who told us that there is no tax relief for the middle class in this years budget because we are "out of money". I guess we now partially know why
God, I hate this faggot so fucking much.
also coming from the same country as
>a fucking leaf
for its flag
>paying other countries so they can kill babies
Our Federal government has a massive debt. Ever since Trudeau came in, it's also started operating at a massive deficit, further increasing this debt.
But whatever, we've got 650m to waste on women's vaginas the world over.
Just so I understand correctly, this sum of money is going towards countries outside of Canada?
So he's just, tossing money away like he's at a strip club?
He is acting like the son of a rich parent. He just throws daddy's money away to impress all the women, and never earns his own. But its not dad's money its ours, FUCK
useless fucking faggot.
This faggot is Soros sock puppet. Bc he has a pretty face faggits and bitches give him a pass. Day of the rake soon?
He comes from money and never had to worry about it in his life. It's just something he's spent to make himself happy.
So yeah, to him $650million is just..something we should do. Because it's right.
No fucking concept that someone actually has to pick up the fucking tab for this nonsense.
i don't mind, if this means that there are less third worlders being born
Aren't you guys already having budget issues?
If you kill babies, they win.
Basically sums up the leftist mindset
>hey let's rob all these people's money and spend it on what we think is """the right thing to do""" because the plebs are too dumb to spend their own money and don't deserve it
>We're on the right side of history!
Reminds me of pic related.
I used to like Trudeau, even for all his cuckiness.
Now, after this move, i dispise him, but it's genius because hating him for this move makes me look like an asshole to the public.
Theres an increasingly concerning amount of Canadians suffering from drug addiction such as the opioid crisis that's steadily increasing, we have a housing crisis across the country, and our provinces are failing us when it comes to education and healthcare spending, and this cuck is investing 650 billion internationally to help African women get abortions?
You know something about killing babies :^)
As someone who wasn't really roght wing past 8 years, im really starting to realize "reproductive rights" means ability to kill fetuses
jesus christ Canada
Better late than never
I hate that cuck but I actually do support this. It's far cheaper in the long run to pay for abortions, condoms, birth control, etc than it is to pay for the welfare of 3 unwanted kids per irresponsible retard.
All in all you get less retards, less cost, and more sex. Broken clock, twice a day.
>650 mil to abort babies
why help the homeless when you can kill babies?
>Around the world
Nevermind, he's entirely awful.
Isn't in mostly your injuns who breed welfare dependents? I've heard horror stories of drugged up injun women popping out 7+ drug addicted babies each and getting them taken away shortly after. Why don't you just sterilize them?
Why the fuck are handouts branded as "rights"?
He's spending the Canadian taxpayer dollars on 3rd world abortions. $650 million taxpayer dollars.
It's insane
Thank you, you are so kind ;)
>paying women/couples to kill their children
and the devil dance and sing
there are "urban legends" here that doctors actualy tie the tubes of gipsies after their nth abortion
>Canadian dollars spent funding 3rd world abortions
if only this Castro spawn had been aborted, maybe you leafs would have been free
get him out at your first opportunity
>Helping Third-world women to have abortions
What's wrong with that ? Would you rather have their children immigrate in your country ?
Wasnt there just an article about how Canadian government is broke and cant afford gibs?
Really we should just get rid of the fucking abbos. Canadian education constantly reminds you about them. I'm studying nutritional sciences so there's a bit of social science garbage mixed in there. They're constantly mentioning how we need to give special treatment to abbos because "reserves are such bad places to live with poor medical standards and bad diets. It's a major determinant of health"
So basically
>This free land and house you gave me isn't good enough
I've been to a reserve. It's hell on earth but nothing is stopping them from leaving. Fuck abbos.
But no, plenty of teenage pregnancy breeding retards up here. Same as anywhere.
Ya I think my eyes just skimmed past that while reading. Too insane to even think about. Again, I'm actually for government funded safe sex. It's the lesser of two evils. This though? This isn't okay. I'm working my ass off to have a financially stable future and this cuck faggot is doing everything he can to make that more difficult.
Yall don't even have any gold, how can you spend money?
Must be some kind of bullshit. Justine Castro paying for the death of third worlders?
650 million and how many canadians died on the streets this winter.
so sad.
And with a stroke of a pen, cuck snowboard weed bruh pisses away another half a billion dollars.
How much fucking money has this faggot wasted? Does he not realize a country doesn't have a trust fund parent to bail them out?
We are already letting them immigrate to our country. Trudeau is not going limit the amount of refugees we accept, if anything he will increase it. Ontario is looking to permanently introduce special loans for immigrants/refugees to re-educate... taxpayer money is being thrown at 3rd world people instead of being used for canadians
Except it doesn't. Explain that if we weren't selling our grandchildren into massive debt, you'd be more than happy to help others!
But Canadians are starving. Our infrastructure crumbling. That money could be better spent.
If they chose to argue with that, just laugh at them and walk away. There is no getting through to them. Argue with the brick wall if you want to practice your talking points! But they're good for nothing else.
Niggers, natives, and gypsies should all be sterilized as a condition of receiving welfare benefits.
Not true
This. Pretty sure that it's been proven that legalized abortion in the US has led to a massive decrease in crime.
And how much do you think actually makes it to the abortion centres to provide fetus-liquidation? Probably not all $650m. Some people have to make their cut along the way.
Projected to be just under 20 billion a year.
During the election, it was supposed to be 5 billion a year.
So we all knew he was going to piss away billions.
Gotta assume the retards who voted for him thought it would be on all the things Canadians desperately need.
Like affordable food/electricity. Decent roads and water systems that aren't 60-70 years old, crumbling, and sometimes still made with lead pipes.
Hell, just take the Gardner Expressway in Toronto! That thing needs so much work they're thinking of just knocking it down!
But no. We gotta fund abortions in the third world. Because letting the vultures get them is cruel....
I'm sure your grandchildren will be fine paying all these debts back. No need to worry friend!
So in Canada, if i get a girl preggo and I don't want to deal with it and she refused to abort, what happens? Can I walk away or will the police bust down my door and take me to jail, where the judge will blame me for everything and I'll go to prison for the rest of my life like in America?
you have the reproductive right to take your own coathanger and dig it out yourself, whore
Jesus Christ he's turning this country into a fucking joke. Fuck you Justin Castro. I'm seriously considering moving to the States.
The Day of the Rake will be a mercy.
I thought they were out of money?
So where is the money coming from again?
>Non confidence motion.
Look it up. Raise awareness among other Canadians.
You're not alone. Amusingly enough, I got talking with a lady the other day while waiting for a bus. Good conversation about all the shortcomings of the Liberal government.
Good stuff!
Not a true leaf... get out and save yourself
I havent met anyone irl who will admit to voting for him.
In fact, I'd be surprised if there isnt a revolt. He's actually pretty universally despised.
To the point of people openly talking about it in the streets to anyone who will listen.
>be canadian
>pay taxes
>pm throws YOUR tax money at nigger babies
>Killing nigger babies*
Gotta word that right, friend.
This is blatant money laundering. Overthrow your government, leafs!
The leaf army was the most feared one in ww2.
It is beautiful to see that their sacrifice finally shows results.
May our heroes rest in peace and enjoy the view of our wonderful, diverse heaven on earth
Cucked and pozzed. Thank God small towns are okay though.
He got BTFOd at his commie conference as well.
Is that a serious question?
As much as I hate this cuck, this is ironically a good thing. It means they'll start aborting babies in Africa.
When "Reproductive Rights" = doing everything possible to make sure you don't reproduce.
Notice how "Gun Rights", being a non-libtard concern, have not yet fallen into Orwellian terminology.
This is fucking hilarious.
This better not be real
No, what it means is over half a billion dollars will disappear into the aether with no discernible gain for anyone, and Canadians will be left holding the bill.
Do you really believe that if we just throw money at the issue, a bunch of African dictators and warlords will suddenly come to their senses and agree to start implementing western values?
Read 1984 by George Orwell.
Everything with a flowery and technical sounding name is really just a stand in for something less palpable.
Insugents > Terrorist/Islamists
Wealth Redistribution > Higher Taxes/Stealing
Quantitative Easing > Printing Money
Affirmative Action > Giving things to people who don't deserve it
Affordable Housing > Slums
Gay Rights > Defacto Nullification of Marriage
Institutionalized Racism > Mad Cus Bad
Diversity > Less White Males
Urban Youth > Black Criminal
Uncle Tom > Regular Black Person
Trans Rights > Legal Destruction of the Concept of Gender
It's politics 101. You wanna do something you have to give it a really simple term and make it sound really nice and concise. If you don't like something you give it a more technical term that sounds sacry and intimidating.
By framing the debate to only use these terms you end up having a home field advantage, language being the battlefield of debates.
Of course! Just like all those billions spent on building water lines for Africa!
Then it breaks down. And we build another one right beside it!
Great use of funds!
Great bonus for the contractors too!
>follow the money
Always follow the money.
I saw this earlier too. Got a good kek out of it.
How low will we go? Will we see 60c? 50?
Only time will tell!
In America, nogs use abortion services at a disproportionately higher rate. So, it is true here.
social rejects and fat losers aren't someone you should be taking seriously
how about you pay nothing, don't let them in, and blow up their boats if they try to.
That's also a good thing. The sooner the Canadian economy collapses, the sooner you'll be forced to restrict immigration. Hard times create strong men.
Where the FUCK does he keep getting all this money?
Let's be real here. He's funding Communist revolutionaries in the 3rd world. Like just being completely honest here.
>Let's honor international womens day by funding baby homicide worldwide
Our grandchildren. Their children.
The future, basically.
Canada is becoming a service economy. The powers that be want us to be their second class servants/slaves. Waiting on the elites hand and foot.
Why do you think there are so many Tims/McJobs around? Low paying low skill "labour" for the masses.
>Fetch me my coffee!
>Fetch me my pastry!
Probably. Do we know what countries he's sending to in particular?
If anything similar to Congo is on the list, you know this to be 100% true.
The economy is already collapsing, and the solution offered is to take more young third-worlders who will surely prop up our social systems through entering the workforce and paying taxes.
Except we all know what actually happens with uneducated third world immigrants.
Entry level workforce barely pays taxes though. More likely to receive benefits.
Now, their children MIGHT make it to the middle class and be a primary contributor to the tax system. But there is no guarantee.
What we need is to let the big guys die so that a million little guys can pop up to fill the void.
Like an old tree falling in the woods. Rotting away, feeding the new growth.
Does anyone have the stat breakdown as to how much funding the federal government gave to each province for healthcare this year?
Yeah, it would probably be a lot cheaper to just put something in the food-aid that causes them to go sterile.
A very good question!
I second this request! Anyone able to deliver this? I think it would be interesting to know.
I hope that was his own money. Yeah, right.
Good one! I had a laugh!
But seriously... he won't even pay for his own nannies while making 200k+ a year being PM.
His wife barely works too. She's a part time TV personality apparently. Even though I've never seen her, and had to look that factoid up when trying to figure out what the fuck she does.
Prepare yourselves folks!
>Wew lad
Why did I have a feeling that these numbers would be smaller?
Exactly, these new immigrants will only increase the burden on existing social programs.
The problem is that politicians see statistics about an aging population that needs more young people to prop it up, and figure the solution is just to grab young working age people from anywhere to fill the gap. Forgetting, of course, that these people are usually incapable of contributing to the economy in the way they are needed.
What we need to do, is that the 650 million from OP's picture, and spend it on the elderly.
Once they die, our system won't be burdened, it will be stable and prosperous.
Take Japan as the extreme example due to their population density. They don't need more people! They need people to fucking die already!
That'll stop once the economy collapses.
A few weeks ago, the national statistics bureau in Norway calculated the costs of immigration, and they figured that an immigrant wold have to earn $75k a year for 45 years before their contributions would outweigh their cost.