The French actress is pregnant with her first child.
His bf is pic related! BLACKED!
How do we fix European women lads?
The French actress is pregnant with her first child.
His bf is pic related! BLACKED!
How do we fix European women lads?
Is it true France is 60% non-White?
is she thin now?
> famous person
> european women
now I know france is nigger-central in Europe, but in general white girls don't get too carried away when larp-ing as celebrities
it also helps that niggers are pretty much inept at everything and get by on drunk landwhales
Simon Konecki
She is Greek.
So am I.
>Smacks girl friend
>say adele
>not really adele
kys pierre
isnt that the guy from that gum commercial thats all about how white guys are effeminate faggots and white womyns need black cock?
To most women, female empowerment means making the worst possible decision for any given situation to ensure that there is no doubt that a woman made the decision.
Taking a Pic with a Dindu doesn't mean she has been "blacked"
well shes a whale
black people love them for some reason
>hand on her ass
>just friends
She's preganant by a white guy. Your pic is something else, idk if she was blacked in the past or not but her current bf is white.
french women... how disgraceful
I suppose it is to be expected from a country whose women believe that adultery is ok and have pro-cuckolding laws so that men cannot find out if a child is theirs.
shes fat of course shes blacked
404, tits not found
Probably from a film
-That's not even Adele.
-Her husband is white.
Good job OP
literally who?
Here's Adele with her boyfriend. You're a fucking idiot op.
Guys this is French Adele and a literal literally who.
ça serait pas mieux que tu fasses des gosses , plutot que de te préoccuper d'une célébrité à la con (et pute à nègre de surcroit)
>celebrity gossip
Into the it goes
A French girl fucking niggers is nothing new to europeans
How could he POSSIBLY want her anymore? Cuck!
>inb4 gay
that's the dude from the movie, the pics with the nig are more recent
cant tell if bait or op is actually mentally handicapped
Her look say everything
>white guy
what did he mean by this?
She literally had sex with an ape. That nigger looks like a gorilla.
That is fucking disgusting.
Cant wait for the pics of the goofy looking mixed kid with pubic hair on his head.
She is not white, and this guy is richn he is a uncle tom, blacks in france call him like that
>brown eyes
Greek Surname
Pick one
And the goofy looking mixed kid will be shown all over the media as ''muh diversity race mixing is good''.
>t. Alberto Barbosa
Kek. Where the fuck did you get those meme statistics? Frogland is estimated to be 78℅ white. (We're 87℅ just for comparison).
nice meme but it's more like 85%
lmfao so it's not just the south that has the nigger/white landwhale epidemic. the racemixing would piss me off if the women weren't obese
.this is rarely the case
I look at women and know that theres just nothing going on behind their eyes but impulsiveness narcisism, and bad planning.
She's an actress and young and pretty and can have anything. She's choosing to have a niglet and be a single mom.
This is how stupid she is.
in paris yes. it's closer to 70% there. elsewhere it's more like 50/50
The Frog is right, don't start with the retarded b8 that benefits nobody.
Different Adele
Damn. Women really aren't worth it after being blacked. I fucked a girl at a gangbang once and i went after a black guy and she was so wide open she just giggled the whole time and said she couldn't feel me.
couple days before i saw some article about Texas miss winner or something that she had mixed kids with a NBA nigger. ofc he left her after openly cheating on her and she has disgusting kid now raising it alone. gg. even wealthy niggers are the same, this cunt will have same future.
That's not Adele.
Adele is fat and has kids with a white guy from England.
Why are btits so hideous?
Good. Maybe once there is no longer reason for nationalistic meme, europe can come back to its christian roots.
Brown eyes
Choose one.
Can't be blacked when she is black.
I've heard a few French anons say 78℅ in the past, so I was just basing it off of that. You could be right. It's hard to know for sure though, since your (((government))) doesn't record any data related to ethnicity or race.
nice try troll
She looks like the dumb Greek country folk who even Greeks dislike.
These people are born in Germany and can't speak accent free, subhumans.
These are Turkish-Greek subscum people, no normal Greek would call his child Adele.
who cares miscegenation is rare even after being pushed for half a century
ignore and move along
By not being cucks and actually fighting for the tribe.
>How do we fix European women lads?
Giving them halal beatings? It works for the sand niggers...
No proof whether shes knocked by the black guy
>bait pic
>1 post by this id
Nothing new, and still nobody gives a fuck but the media and twitter tards
gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8
we have to go back
Good for her
>german masterrace with 93% reporting in
biggest victims of race mixing are kids
Who the fuck cares about French whores anyway? We all know they are massive sluts who sleeps with anything, hell even you've probably been blacked you frog fuck.
>paying to get nigress lips
Funny, my black gf would pay to get White girl lips.
This. Despite the kike narrative, the VAST majority of white women date and marry white men. And the ones who don't are usually degenerate, genetic trash. Here in the UK, I have literally never seen a white woman of any worth, dating a nigger. We spend far too much time and mental energy focusing on, what is still, very much a niche subset of relationships. Makes us look like a bunch of betas, tbqh.
>how to we fix europe
With nukes.
Fuck me, Eddy Grant's still got it.
it's still 10% of the population who outbreed every fucking generation
It's still a catastrophy that should not be happening
They become these trashy whores by associating with the niggers, once upon a time they were a nice young girl
Just one of many things that justifies the murder of liberals & jews.
>once upon a time they were a nice young girl
wrong. they are trash and whores. we have no niggers and still we have this part of population. these are women who fucks 50 men a year after clubbing. coalburners are same, but after fucking 50 men they throw in occasional nigger.
>nice meme but it's more like 85%
I hope so.
big surprise, did you think she was lesbian?
oh no nad adele :D:D:D Who gives a fuck? And who is that whore even?
Literally who? Not even the real adele (singer)
couldn't she find an ugliest nigger?
seriously who is that girl?Is she famous abroad?
rip in peace le white france
Remove women's rights.
You aren't going to rewire them through decades of social influence, we simply don't have the machinery that the Jews do, nor the time if we ever want to start a family before age 40.
Women have no business in political affairs, they've very rarely been included in politics throughout history, and for good reason. They think with their emotions, like children. They can't conduct logical cost-benefit analysis, that bringing savages into your country = your country ends up being more like the third world shithole they came from. They only see them as they see those sad dogs on TV commercials, then invite them in to bite them and shit on the floor (like poo in loos).
We must take back the structure and assert male dominance, let them know that we are the builders, the inventors, and the protectors of Western civilization, and thus are the rightful rulers and guiders of it. They're just along for the ride, they will be loved and cared for, but they have no business in important affairs that require logical thinkers.
It's 85% and falling fast.
Minority by 2035.
At least she isn't native.
from the movie Blue is the warmest color
End your pathetic existence you fucking subhuman cunt. In what fucking way aren't we white
I'm coming to this conclusion as well. It was a mistake to give them voting power.
They have zero loyalty to their country or people.
France culture got so cucked by US competition (Hollywood, Mainstream Media and globalization principal benefactor) that none knows who is this girl. Sad!
dang i did find her sexy in that lesbo movie.
But when the black man got more money than me then its really not even a competition.
i would love to see a video of her pleasing his big black dick
Another Greek generation lost
At this point I think the greeks are the rarest European people. Probably 7 million of them left