His country's culture think expanding culturally through the world like the Romans and Iberians did through racemixing...

>his country's culture think expanding culturally through the world like the Romans and Iberians did through racemixing and cultural expansion is a bad thing
No wonder, your empires are so limited and doomed to failure. Meanwhile Roman culture is everywhere and Latin America is colonizing the US

how many different versions of that image are there? I swear it's always a different one

It's not too late to abort your child. Do the world a a favor and end Brazil.

I have literally 300mb of kuruminhas :^)

well go on then... post more of them

I am on my phone :(

Bitch have you ever heard of the anglosphere? what language are you speaking now? what language was used to program your computer and create the internet? That's right fucker British Empire forever

can you imagine, being a man, sailing for months, if not YEARS to the new world

can you imagine, being surrounded by men, no women, for years on a tiny boat. food tastes like shit, bad weather all the time

and then you arrive, after years of torture. and you pic related in the jungle

how can a MAN resist to this? you can't

people who say that they betrayed they race don't know the pain they endured

yeah we speak your language in the internet but we dont share your culture which is basically individualism and pragmatism. Latin American cultures are basically catholic, too much socialistic and passionate for Anglo tastes to the point of the US building a wall at us

Sun never sets on the anglosphere bitches

No it's because you're garbage corrupt and can't run a country just like the latns in europe

>can't expand my kuruminha folder

What have i done to deserve this fate?

Well it's just we arent as autistic as you guys and we enjoy life, hence the difference between our cultures and the inability of anglos of expanding culturally

Funny enough, we Speak English because of America's influence (back even in my parents time, peoploe learned French as a second), our computers are programmed by Americans and the Internet was also created by America.

None of the things you listed have jack to do with the British Empire. What has to do with the British Empire is the end of Apertheid, which fucked your country up to the point of it being the World Capital of Aids since forever now.

So...go Britain go?

calm down honourable membah

Lovely nipple

Heard of sir tim burnis lee?

It's because you guys are literal subcutaneous with scary dark skin and very little thinking or brain power

What do you mean expand culturally? we have asian countries mimicking us. who are you expanding into?

And then whenever the WW2 aftershocks hit your shit cultures you wonder why you're all poor and why the classy people and cartels are still doing just as well.

Fucking bitches.

Post his boipussy

>mimicking us
expand culturally means doing what the iberians did to the natives in LatAm, integrate them so much to the point them thinking and doing the same as the colonizer. Not just mimicking, but acting exactly like the colonizers

What are the Japanese and Koreans doing? what are the indians doing?

We Anglos learned to never trust assholes over the course of several thousand years. Cultures that let the assholes in all get turned into shit and aren't fit to rule themselves.

>tim burnis lee

Heard of ARPANET?