Thanks for telling it how it is: it's a Muslim ban. It's classic racism!
Thanks for telling it how it is: it's a Muslim ban. It's classic racism!
She's right.
hey its almost like I'm on twitter. oh wait a fucking second
>muslim is a race
I laff every time
Daily reminder that the Racist Natzeeh Obama put Muslim Ban in place for 6 months during his term.
Classic? It's good, but I wouldn't say that good.
>This is telling Muslims we don't want you. Period.
Muslims, we don't want you. Period.
let me give you a quick rundown
>The point of identifying a group of people is to identify them.
Wow, deep!
How is it racist if Muslims aren't a race
lol this screencap
We don't want you. Muslims pls go.
Just like with
Or is that completely different?
Good. Oh, and if they continue to complain, I would extend it to every Muslim country to show who's really in charge now.
This question makes liberals have seizures.
Public response: These countries do just the same to Israel in order to exert soft power. It's a classic foreign diplomacy move.
Private response: Of coursh
>Muslims make up 1.6 billion people on the planet
>None of the top 5 most populated Muslim nations are banned
But a teenager on Twitter said it was a Muslim ban so I guess it is. Pack it up guys, we're done here.
Muslims dindu nuffin.
>racism is a systemic injustice
I'd love to watch this idiot try to define what they mean by that. These are just meaningless buzzwords that people throw around to appear intelligent.
muh sophisticated book marketing
>muslims are so peaceful and stable that they will blow themselves up in an airport if you criticize their religion or point out instances in which a muslim (not the muslim blowing themselves up, but a different muslim not related to that person whatsoever) has committed a crime
>entire countries filled with scary others
Yes. That is absolutely accurate. You are scary 'others'. Almost all of you support sharia law and the countries listed are either theocratic states that commit executions on mass, whilst the others are War-torn shitholes where there exists no stability and people become violent squabbles and criminals.
We are entirely justified in fearing your fucking murder cult you daft cunt. Fuck off back over there before we have to remove kebab.
I just realized that by this logic, it's 100% okay for white men to just go full-on genocide and exterminate everyone in the entire world that isn't white, because after all, there are some people on the internet who have said mean things about white men.
We don't want Muslims
I don't fucking care about racism.
fucking idiots. i cant find it funny anymore. its just sad.
Muslims arent a race, retard.
If the bitch doesnt feel welcome she should fucking leave. Go to Canada where the primey licks uncurcumsized dicks for upvotes. You fucking faggot.
yep. muslims get out. not even niggers want them here
Her "book" about a Muslim girl....... Culturally appropriate much?
so wait, is it racism? or is it about a religion? or is it about shilling for her book?
All three work towards the bringing down of the dirty kuffars and victory over dar al-harb, inshallah.
Your flag is so nice. Are you a native or someone who went there for business ?
Yes, It's our turn to be special victims. Move over blacks and mexicans, it's our time to shine!
But they are scary, they hack people's heads off & crush children under the wheels of trucks for fun, so yeah, fuck them, keep them away from civilised society.
she had better write it on some scrolls
>That last one
pretty accurate
I don't get it. Muzzies are like >1% of US population and they are treated as victims. They aren't even seen as "poor people" in Europe when they are here in much larger percentage.
>highly inbred
>low IQ
>poor impulse control
>incapable of assimilating
>dependent on welfare
>high psychopathy
>high criminality rates
>breed like cockroaches
Yes, we don't want you here. No one does. Try improving yourself, your people, and your nations before you come whining to us.
Couldn't agree more
An obvious sign that theres a war against anything christian or white.
Was it classic racism when obama did it 19 times?
>This is telling Muslims we don't want you. Period
Damn straight lmao, get the fuck out sandniggers
>every Muslim friend of mine who has traveled internationally has been flagged since 11/8
Why do these retards lie so much? Trump won on 11/8, he didn't assume power then. Any policy change wouldn't have taken place until 1/20.
>Try improving yourself
They literally can't their gene pool is fucked.
>Muslims are persecuted just like Jews in Nazi Germany!
>Wait,but Muslims actually are causing crime and committing terrorism, were the Jews like that too?
Bans people from 6 countries.
>those countries are predominantly moslem
Moslems kill other religions to make theirs the dominant
>somehow trump is to blame for moslems killing people from other religions
Liberals dont see the irony, that these countries are intolerant of any view outside radical islam, and therefore are incompatible with american values
>This is telling muslims we dont want you, period.
Fucking duh..
>highly inbred
Check. Fingolian genes 100%
>low IQ
sorry no my mom had me tested (bazinga!)
>poor impulse control
I'll admit it
>incapable of assimilating
Well fuck. Why assimilate to a place where people don't get drunk in their underwear.
>dependent on welfare
NEETs need love too faggot. Pretty sure I can do differential equations better than you, WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
>high psychopathy
It's Finland! It's dark all year round what the fuck are we supposed to do except drink and go crazy???
>high criminality rates
Boys will be boys man.
>breed like cockroaches
Finns like to fuck. Don't you?
Can Finns immigrate to the states now?
>Leave India because it's filled with hinjews and mudslimes.
>America turning pro-muslim at an alarming rate in 2017.
What country can I move to where the people aren't so cucked?
We have enough asians here as it is
>>Wait,but Muslims actually are causing crime and committing terrorism, were the Jews like that too?
That's what they keep covering up. People hated the Jews then because they were supporting or leading the Communists. If an outside group tries to take over our nations with a violent ideology, they're going to get kicked out, hopefully by the law with minimal violence, but with a violent ideology of our own if we need to. If the Jews and the Muslims and everyone else just learned that, we'd get along just fine.
stop being a large percentage of unstable terrorists and maybe you'll stop being persecuted
You have the shit kind of asians! They can't even ride horses well and their arrows aren't accurate at all. A 4 year old Finngolian boy could shoot better drunk than those faggots.
Why not upgrade to Fingolian?
It's like Asian 2.0
I guess all the Muslim countries that have banned Israelis have Jew bans then?!
Also why isn't Pakistan or Saudi Arabia on a flight ban?
its all so tiresome.
basically this article says women retain the DNA from guys they fuck. but liberal science can directly say it so they say it indirectly.
this shit lit Sup Forums on fire for a few glorious hours of masterful shitposting.
Will we ever see something shitposted so vigorously again? Maybe we'll never know.
All honor to the shitposters. Verily it is thou who maketh my sides implode.
> It's a Muslim ban
The funniest thing is we're trying to save you from yourselves and not only you aren't thanking us, not only you don't appreciate it but you don't even understand it.
This immigration will be your end. YOU are the ones that will suffer first.
Your trannies.
Your faggots.
Your thots and slut walks.
Your ''feminism''.
Your equality.
Everything you fought for.
The only reason mudslimes are laying low (some of them pop up) is because you're useful idiots. No one is gonna say ''yes we're NOT the kind of people you want here''. They'll tell you what you want to hear, that they're peaceful and oppressed so you can related to them; and they will just wait until they have numbers.
Then the party starts.
Fuck off, we're full, keep your dirty sandniggers to yourself, burgers.
isn't it great! I can't wait to ass them all! god will be so happy.
Thank God For Trump!
Send us your women first.
>Then the party starts.
I wish they would start already, so these people would just wake up.
>>this thread
this desu
a great way to btfo libcunts who cry about muh minorities is to ask them about the minorities within minorities. The gay muslims who get beaten and killed in europe for liwat, the atheist muslims who get killed for apostacy, the feminist muslims who get beaten, stoned forced-married and honor-killed for breaking away from tradition, the liberal muslims who get shunned and deprived of property rights for advocating for sharia reformation. Ask them why they are so bigoted as to think all muslims are sharia wielding faggots. Ask them why they ignore those people and their suffering, only to pander to ultra orthodox faggots due to their own intellectual laziness and dishonesty.
Love this threat disguised as a non-argument.
Can confirm.
Went to a high school that was roughly 70% shitskins. Nothing redpills you like having to coexist with a bunch of smelly, anti-white, psychopathic, inbred violent shitskins for 6 long years. I'm grateful for that time now as it opened my eyes to the Trojan Horse that British Muslims are.
They are degenerate, uncivilized savages and should be sent back to their filthy squalid mudhuts where they can shit in a hole in the ground and blow each other up til their heart's content.