scientific proof this world is a simulation:
>double slit experiment
>light being a constant
>Quantum Zeno effect
>delayed choice double eraser
also worth talking about: mandela effect, synchronicites, deja vus
scientific proof this world is a simulation:
>double slit experiment
>light being a constant
>Quantum Zeno effect
>delayed choice double eraser
also worth talking about: mandela effect, synchronicites, deja vus
seek the fire of gnosis and the song of sychronicity, know the emotions ((they)) have taken from you
Read the gospel of philip. The year it was rediscovered is no conincidence
Christ died to try and teach you this.
Take up the Nazirite oath as Christ, Samson and Hitler, and we can save the west.
Do not get to the truth, it's a reality of which you do not want to see.
nah, we gonna burn it down
Is the simulation theory just a gnostic revival?
yes but with modern evidence
If the simulation theory is true. Then what the fuck happened to all the dinosaurs?
contact Christopher Nemelka. He knows a lot about this shit.
So what's the end game? Can we break out
all dinosaur "fossils" are part of the simulation
>being this dumb
they were dragon bones you burger. get it right
>break out
>implying a shutdown command isn't activated the moment a certain percentage of people become aware of the simulation
Only the most exceptional people become aware of the Matrix. Those that learn it exists must possess a rare degree of intuition, sensitivity, and a questioning nature. However, very rarely, some gain this wisdom through wholly different means
>this world is a simulation
I accept that, no problem at all. I just want rcon access for the simulation so I can change things around a little bit. Nobody's gonna complain if we all get a few catgirls for domestic ownership, right? Or how about stargates giving us access to new planets rich in resources? Last offer, white people are wizards.
cat girls are a sucubus spell, stay pure friend
Eh, honestly I think it's more likely that those plugged into the simulation are sitting on some sort of seed ship traveling through space, doing its best to reach a distant star. Plenty of actual people plugged into the simulation, but also a bunch of people controlled entirely by AI in an attempt to guide generations upon generations of us through the proper technological path so that by the time the actual colonists are born and reach their destination they'll have all of the knowledge at their fingertips that humanity had when the first ships were launched. Why not let us progress further in the simulation and continue seeking new advances instead of rediscovery? Maybe it's an experiment. Maybe our ancestors voted for the simulation to go to simpler times. Maybe we were all made in a lab somewhere and we're being left to develop inside of this simulation until the madmen that created humanity can view us as equals and stops the simulation.
>cat girls are a sucubus spell
Sing that sweet music, I know not of a more beautiful lullaby.
Double slit experiment - > simulation.
What is the relation?
shit doesn't conform to our logic and laws within our dimension.
anyone have the video of that old man talking about the delayed choice double eraser experiment?
So it's basically jumping to random conclusions cuz aristotelian logic fails you?
>exist in a quantum simulation
>given an average-sized penis
For what purpose?
Feynman was excited about what happened next. Was he retarded?
>Life is a simulation of life, therefore life is only a simulation
>being this desperate not to believe in God
>run test
>observe results
>particle acted as a wave
>>scientists lose their shit
>run test again
>observe slits and results
>particle acts as a particle
>>scientists lose their shit again
>redesign test
>use half-silvered mirrors and real mirrors
>design test for half-silvered mirrors to drop after particle hits the first mirror, but before they hit the half-silvered mirror
>do many variations, including not dropping the mirrors
>some variations have known variables remain unread in a sealed envelope, others toss out those variables entirely
>>for all tests with all data but the end result remaining unknown, particles acted as waves
>>for all tests with results and more data (observations made, including knowing if half-silvered mirrors dropped or not) particles acted as particles
>>>observation confirmed to affect results of the experiment, even retroactively in which observational data was revealed after the final result
The argument is that reality as we know it is done in a computer simulation, and rather than running simulations for quantum-level stuff at all times it runs a simplified algorithm that provides results based entirely on human observation. As we're all in the system, it knows if anyone has observed any part of the experiment, or if they plan to. There's also some stuff about the background radiation of the universe and a few other things pointing in the general direction of all of this being a simulation of sorts.
>Get spawned in a third world democracy.
>See muslim population rising every year exponentially.
>Commies inbound
>No gun laws
>Shit economy.
were you a murderer in a previous life? damn, sorry for you bro.
I think Occams Razor would advice finding an explanation that is not completely far fetched.
Add the fractal structure of the universe. Probably one of the best semi-scientific proofs for the simulation theory .
I don't disagree, but again it's not just one quantum experiment acting weird that points people in this direction. The odds alone are enough to say it's probable. Have two links, because my internet seems to be shitting out and other pages aren't loading properly. You can search for more if you're interested.
none of those are true.
You can't have a general about something so off-topic.
Me on the right
>>Mandela effect
Reminder that the so-called
>simulation effect
Is nothing but leftist propaganda designed to make you buy into the leftist, atheist idea of immorality and degeneracy by convincing you that nothing matters
>be a good goy and do those drugs, it's a fake reality anyway.
>No need to study or work hard goy, just keep numbing your mind
its a simulation in the way that this is a lower dimension reality we perceive from our higher dimension selves. this is real shit. new studies coming out very recently showing we store nonlocal dna and genetics in quantum space, same for our brain. thats how cells know how to behave a certain way. we perceive the world in a certain dimension but we exist outside of it. the end goal is after we die we return to that pervasive consciousness outside reality. science is has recently been telling us this and very ancient texts tell us the same thing. why does our simulated reality (coding, computers, technology) mirror the universe so well? Everything is holographic, from the subatomic to the infinite.
Everyone knows gods not real faggot
I don't fully get that. Even if we are in a simulation, that doesn't mean we don't have real, physical bodies. Or that we'll be in the simulation until the day we die. This could be rehabilitation, a digital form of prison. Or it could be a means to allow us to live our lives while on long journeys. It's also possible that we're all a bunch of diseased vegetable cripples in reality, so living life out in a simulation is a mercy designed to give us a better chance of happiness even if we still have our own flaws and health issues here and there. Could be the particular brand of autism found in those on the chans in the same vein as quadriplegia.
steve jobs and bill gates followed this inner quest very long and hard and today you live in a reality shaped by them. understanding the nature of things, spirituality, and living your life are not things that lead to apathy. id argue they make you more self aware and willing to realize your desires.
>tfw we're all just simulated