It's litteraly fucking nothing

Holy shit apparently the most well funded intelligence agency is good at hacking into your shitty smart phone.

Well imagine my shock! You fucking autists if you watch any movie or TV shows about the CIA you would know this already.

> But Muh freedumb!

Since the Bush signed the patriot act US intelligences can do whatever the fuck they want perfectly legally.
Wake me up when these faggots in wiki leaks release any information about shit that could cause a scandal like the CIA funding and supplying ISIS or the drug cartels or assassinating foreign leaders

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Reminder to all Sup Forums users: Be out by the 15th

I looked through the documents, it's literally nothing. Huh, I wonder what all the hype was about. Pretty much useless stuff.

I looked through the documents, it's literally nothing. Huh, I wonder what all the hype was about. Pretty much useless stuff.

I looked through the documents, it's literally nothing. Huh, I wonder what all the hype was about. Pretty much useless stuff.

Somebody give me the gestalt on this post.

The Ides of March are upon us.

I don't understand the big deal, we already knew NSA's capabilities, this is just another (scummier) alphabet agency doing it


It's just to sell Julian's book. Wikileaks lost a lot of credibility now.

I'm a data analyst for a Fortune 500 company. I live on zero hedge and browse here when I'm not busy with work.

Over the past 24 hours I have gone through the entirety of the data. I haven't slept. I took 150mg of adderall in intervals in order to ensure attention to detail.

I can unequivocally say that the data released by Wikileaks is insubstantial.

People will call you a shill, and probably me aswell..

But people are suprised, but should have known this happens for the past 20 years, from atleast 2004

I mean Alex Jones was saying it from 2006, its nothing new, but people want confirmation, cause they need daddy Assange to tell them.

This is the main reason when I get a new phone I take it apart and remove front and back cameras, light sensor, and microphone. If I want to talk on the phone I plug in a headset with a voice changer. If it's important information I meet with the person.

A leaf. Having the ability for investigation purposes is different than downloading, collecting, and parsing information from private citizens.

Shill harder you fucking faggot

I looked through the documents, it's literally nothing. Huh, I wonder what all the hype was about. Pretty much useless stuff.

I don't understand the big deal, we already knew NSA's capabilities, this is just another (scummier) alphabet agency doing it

It's just to sell Julian's book. Wikileaks lost a lot of credibility now

i bet you get your all your opinions from standup comics, you limp-wristed cuck

>CIA is illegally spying on everyone on Earth
>it's literally nothing

Pick one, sweetie.

they're sliding something, probably PG related

> an intelligence agency doing what intelligence agencies are supposed to do

Where will we go?

What did he mean by this?

I agree with these other anonymous and honest posters. The CIA leaks have absolutely no useful information. I mean, we all knew this was happening. Anyone that didn't was delusional.

Besides, the CIA is only authorized to work against foreign agents. Which makes me think, what foreign nation that's supported by an unpopular president would benefit from these leaks? Hmmm!?

>Posted from my CIA Blackberry

Shill harder you piece of shit

Can I have a rundown on these guys?

You are literally insane.

Its a reference to a post made by a jap claiming to be FBI user. Leave by the 15th or get arrested and shit hits the fan April 3rd.

> NSA spying on everyone
> Nothing happens to NSA
> CIA applying on everyone
> Nothing happens again

lmao the CIA is looking at your hentai furfag porn collection right now! It's a national security risk!

Since you're Canadian, I'll forgive you for your ignorance.

You see, here in America, we have these things called "laws"...

> he hasn't heard of the Patriot act

> he hasn't heard of the NSA

Ignorant burger

This is just alarmist shill garbage to scare people away from the most popular place on the Internet to exercise free speech and exchange information sans the filter of our Marxist media.

I've sifted through tens of thousands of gigabytes of Wikileaks material in the past five minutes and can assure Sup Forums that there's absolutely nothing worth reading. You can trust me because I'm definitely not a shill

(\/) (°,,°) (\/) WOOPwoopwowopwoopwoopwoop!

>what foreign nation that's supported by an unpopular president would benefit from these leaks?

Israel and England

They have placed themselves as above the president's oversight.
This is a direct attack on our democracy and they need to be reined in.

You also forgot to mention the fact that the CIA is so incompetent that they just basically gave away $100 billion worth of fucking hacking tools. All funded by American taxpayers. It's time to reassess the CIA's place in government. They need more oversight and to be drastically defunded. Especially since their intel often contradicts the intel of every other agency. They are working in their own interests. Probably for foreign actors.

>Anyone that didn't was delusional.

But there are people who didn't know or who didn't believe. Just like there were people who didn't believe the NSA was spying on us until Snowden exposed them.

Remember when you first learned the government went full Orwell? A lot of people are learning that for the first time and lots more people will have to learn that until we demand a stop to these shenanigans, which Congress could do at any time, but doesn't because not enough people complain about our intelligence agencies doing whatever they please on the grounds that it is automatically in our best interests.

Yes, and there are laws that govern what they can and can't do.

The CIA has been operating outside of those laws.

Fuck this faggot.
Everyone stay here.
If shit hits the fan we're fighting anyway.

Good luck wiretapping my smartphone globalists, it's wireless.

>The CIA has been operating outside of those laws.

the CIA's charter allowed them to modify and reform their own charter, so they've been acting retardedly in accordance with US law except in terms of unconstitutional acts but there is no oversight so there really isn't anything that can be done but what you are doing now.

go get kids to run for congress or blow up banks and have the FBI hunt you.

>Good luck wiretapping my smartphone globalists, it's wireless.

they're actually having a bitch of a time wiretapping copper wire and fax machines, they just don't spend a lot of time studying this and new officers aren't very good at it.

when I hear them drop in I give them tips!

Shouldnt you be prepping your wife's uncurcumsized bull, leaf?

My dad works for Nintendo

He says the wiki leaks are nothing to worry about

Guys, I read all 7,835 pages of the Vault7 CIA leaks

It's literally a nothingburger. Total waste of time. Nothing in those documents is anywhere near newsworthy
Thank me later for saving you the time

completely useless, it's literally year zero


Oh no, they might see all the spagetti in your pockets.

This must be your first day on the job, cia shill.

fuck off CIAnigger

It's like people have no idea what this word means .

I would have thought my choice of images would have suggested otherwise

>he believes in TV and cinema fiction
You stupid normie, this is not how conspiracy works

Fuck you nigger, I'll shitpost on the 15th. Not even a burger.

CIA vs Microsoft - who wins?



The thing is, I dont know whether the content in itself is news, or it being leaked here. Seems like it shivered some feds to go on a manhunt looking for this mole right now, so apparently it is at least to them, legit.

We all know the CIA are cut throat, they gotta be, but sometimes they can go too far, how? If say a eugenics program was discovered or anything on that level, they would be toast IMO, and I think with all the other shit the CIA is done, leaks such as that should exist,theoretically speaking.

>Less than %1 of vault 7 was released.

We'll see, like I said, they are pretty worried about this leak, more so than anything in recent time.

>CIA funding and supplying ISIS

That's already public knowledge, homie.


Not to the normies, they only watch CNN echochamber media

i fucking told you yesterday that this disinformation bots will succeed. They are using basic Goebbels tactic and everybody believed, nobody talks about it anymore.

We have no chance against a strong ai.

halfway through yesterday after the release my android phone started asking me to install a system update that had downloaded. this happens every so often anyway but the timing seemed weird. anyone else get this?

Better throw that fucker in a lake. You know.. just to be safe





Even he knows

only about 1% has been released.

>watching movies
>implying we would pay to see kike propaganda

>tv shows
>even more kike propaganda