What now, pol?
What now, pol?
i agree
100% right
I agree with her.
whats with the palsy mash up of upper & lower case lettering and different hand writing in the last three lines
Agreed. Keep government out of healthcare and medical research.
That means no more trillions of dollars spent on women's health initiatives.
wtf can i change my vote to Hillary now?
getting the vibes that shes kinky in the sack
You need to go back.
I agree
Viagra is for cucks and faggots. Fuck it.
If you can't get your dick up, then kys, problem solved.
I support abortion because it regulated the nigger population.
I'm getting the vibes this chink had quite a few encounters with viagra after dudes saw that zit-ridden face without make-up
No more government funding of anything. This is all I have to say.
Viiagra is LITERALLY the blue pill
SUPER MALE VITALITY is the red pill
it's mainly for servicemen and those with disabilities, you're comments are retarded
I bet she gives harsh sph
>implying that government funded viagra isn't what keeps Bill going
I think the government should stop giving people drugs and stop requiring employers to provide them.
I agree. Sex should only be for reproduction. Old people have no business having sex.
This is completely backwards.
If pregnancy is God's will, then limp dick can't be God's will. Stupid cunt used the biconditional when only the contrapositive is true.
Limp dick is an old mans problem
gooks have mastered that
it's in their genes
Looks like the type that wouldn't protest too much when you pull out the hemp bondage rope and ball-gag
I agree.
I also suspect that she recieves a lot of limp dick.
even a broken clock is right sometimes
>that inch thick layer of makeup to look even remotely presentable with that giant fucking moonface and sucked up cheeks
Ugh, there's not enough alcohol in the world for anyone to fuck her without viagra.
If you need a pill to get your dick hard, you shouldn't be having sex.
You should be exercising and changing your diet so it's possible for your dick to get hard again.
Do dry bitches get free lube?
impotence is a medical condition that can be treated.
replace impotence with pregnancy. lol
>your insurance pays for your medical impotence
>they must pay for me to kill my baby
Fuck her with my government subsidized viagra, god DAMN, you'd need a bomb to dig me out of that.
I'm not even talking about the practical content of her argument, her conjecture stated is just complete bullshit. Bitch never took a logic class.
Limp dick is genetic weakness and should be filtered from the gene pool.
Even if i had a limp dick I'd still probably think similarly, can't make genetically superior humans if your gentleman's sausage won't even fucking work right, god knows what other genetic issues you have.
I've only met a handful of people under the age of 30 that have.
I think it was phased out, precisely for this kind of environment.
1) if the point here is that government shouldnt be subsidizing medicine then yes
2) pregnancy is not a problem to be solved, a condition to be cured of. ED is
I'm fine with government funded abortion/general safe sex practices. It will cost far less in the long run than the government supporting millions of unwanted babies. Retards having accidents is half the reason everything is falling to shit. Any practice that helps stop it is fine by me.
2 wrongs don't make a right
nobody here supports govt. funding of viagra, and you're barking up the wrong board. we don't need it