How can one cartoonist be so right?
Its ridiculous how libtards promote safery of nuclear power and yell about climate change with a straight face. Its fucking pathetic
How can one cartoonist be so right?
Its ridiculous how libtards promote safery of nuclear power and yell about climate change with a straight face. Its fucking pathetic
Redpill me on fluoride
>Its ridiculous how libtards promote safery of nuclear power and yell about climate change
fallacies everywhere
garrison is an imbecile
Prep the bull for globalist elite, threemiles island wasnt enough for you?
Nuclear power is safe though
>Threemiles island
>Dirty bombs for terrorists
wikipedia: bulverism
indeed, and i implied thatt
it is
but human incompetence is not, when paired with anything
are you mentally retarded?
I snortled when I saw Al Gore, lol
There is no reason to risk millions of casualities due to human incompetence.
>Guys, its totally okay because blast that wipes out Paris is caused by HUMAN incompetence, not by nuclear itself
How much do they pay you to spout this pro rethoric?
He's really been hitting them out of the park lately.
Funny how you don't account for all the radioactive coal released in the air when burned and the cancer it causes. All those events are a drop in the bucket compared the above that happens DAILY.
Nuclear was and is the future and the fact that the powers that be lobby so hard against should prove that. The technology is here and it can be made safe as can be, but propaganda against it has been to effective. Quit shilling for big oil and coal you nigger faggot, if you don't understand something SHUT THE FUCK UP.
built improperly in a poor location
>Three miles island
nothing happened
>Dirty bombs for terrorists
Has this ever happened outside of a movie? also are you >implying we shouldn't try for cheap renewable energy because bad people might try bad things? Fuck that, that's the kind of logic people use when they scream for gun control.
>Muslim is riding on a female horse
I can't fucking breathe
>Coal causes cancer
false, Data falsibyed by pro gov agencies dont count
>Nuclear is the future
maybe in the 50s
Oh the irony
I have a brain, I do understand whats happening concerning nuclear
Maybe don't build a nuclear reactor somewhere it can get hit by a wave the size of a building.
>Three mile island
This is what happens when you forget to train your staff.
It was a nuke plant located in the Soviet Union. Need I say more?
>Dirty bombs for terrorists
You just ran out of bait at this point didn't you?
kek, I guess the middle horseman is just "miscellaneous things I dislike".
you make sure there is no human incompetence, and then proceed in safety
>>Guys, its totally okay because blast that wipes out Paris is caused by HUMAN incompetence, not by nuclear itself
be serious, then we couldnt do anything whatsoever that would be unsafe in the hands of an imbecile
>How much do they pay you to spout this pro rethoric?
wikipedia: bulverism
we have the technical know how to operate nuclear power systems with absolute safety
Oh I get it you're retarded. Go prep Ahmed you snow nigger.
the impurities in coal are most certainly carcinogens
also this:
>Guys, its totally okay because blast that wipes out Paris is caused by HUMAN incompetence, not by nuclear itself
yes? do you not see how that a perfectly plausible scenario? for instance with sabotage or indeed uncheck raw incompetence where properly trained and operating individuals would otherwise have cause no harm?>
So is coal and oil
>implying you can't remove the carcinogens and filter the smoke from burning coal
>Yes? That a...
format your post before you reply to me.
Posting fancy word doesnt mean you can disregard my points
>Its ridiculous how libtards promote safery of nuclear power and yell about climate change.
Nuclear Power in the current year is only dangerous when people get careless.
Santa Suzana = New Technology
Three Mile Island = Noob staff
Chernobyl = Inexperienced staff, bad reactor design.
Fukushima = Not building the facility to withstand an earthquake and tsunami despite being in a historically vulnerable area.
San Onfree = Poor Reactor Design, poor maintenance.
Hell coal actually produces fallout on a regular bases.
Before you call me a libtard. I voted for Trump and am a miniarchist.
He kind of is when it comes to anything outside of politics. It takes a ton of radiation to actually hurt anybody, plus it has to be ionizing. Most GMOs are harmless, but do make the food more fattening. Climate change is going to be minimal, but it is happening.
His cartonons are shit, way to overfilled.
Why do you have to cuck so hard for oil and coal? They won't go anywhere, but nuclear power is far cleaner for the health of Americans, but it affects the bottom lines of too many oil barons so we can't have that.
If Trump truly wanted to make America great again we would be full steam ahead on nuclear power and we would further increase saving on our strategic oil and coal reserves. The only people who don't win are big oil and coal boooo fuckkking hooooo.
The next step is solving the battery issue.
Little to no effect on the teeth. Its like drinking sunscreen to save your skin. Just a cheap way for aluminum smelters to get rid of the by product which farmers were suing them for
>implying it's the oil companies keeping nuclear power handcuffed
Idiot, it's the environmentalists and EPA that are keeping it down.
You know, the same fags who won't let us build any more refineries in the US.
Coal is the cheapest and most abundant energy source on earth. I simply want to utilize this for the betterment of mankind.
>Environentalists preventing dangerous process
Nice, no need to create harmful waste and ruin the air
Why did they let your mother reproduce then?
Fuck off yank. She can't help being raped by a Mongol you insensitive prick.
Genetically modified crops can be awesome though, and cut down on pesticide use with no harm to us. Their ability to sue farmers when THEY SPILL SEEDS and it goes into their crops is some BS though. If they can't prove it was stolen, fuck off.
Its ironic that they are forcing us from having cleaner power.
>environmentalists and EPA that are keeping it down.
This. I'm usually a fan of the EPA but nuclear power is awesome.
>all those labels
political cartoons are so fucking terrible lol
Coal is the past you stupid nigger. And why can't you understand that Oil and Coal would be opposed to nuclear energy? Can you really not understand why? Try to think critically here.
It's also dirty as fuck and ruins Americas natural beauty. America is about innovation, and nuclear is innovative. Let China and India burn coal and fuck their air and land up, we are better than that.
I don't understand why you guys have a hard on for the past. America is about being the best, and solving energy issues whether it's a lack of energy or because theirs better ways to do it is the American fucking way. Quit holding back progress.
I agree the EPA has nuclear pegged wrong.
That's was incompetent people running older version of nuclear power. Look into each case. And it's pretty hard for anyone to get their hands on the waste. Also
nuclear energy is good.
Benny is wrong on that one.
btw, where's the original? this is obviously an edit.
Can /= will especially when not cost effective, not required, and no desire to build new or upgrade existing coal plants. We can but typically dont so he has a valid disappointing point
Is that bill gates?
Literally the only problem there is radical Islam
The fluoride thing is fucking stupid and out of hand
Fukushima was 5 years ago
Climate change is real, what's debatable is how much it's actually affected the earth as of now, and if it's a problem, not if it's real
>Maybe don't build a nuclear reactor somewhere it can get hit by a wave the size of a building.
That wasn't even the issue. There were safety measures they were supposed to take in case of such an event, but in order to save money they did nothing. They still own an operate a few plants.
Sorry finbro. You really are bretty white
>risk millions
Do you think it would be built in the middle of a very large city with ICBMs set to go off if anything goes wrong or something?
Why didn't you post the original where the Merchant is on the brown horse with a needle labeled "White Genocide"?
The cartoon is implying the fukushima nuclear plant disaster was man-made, rather than random.
nice shop but where's the original?
Nuclear power is perfectly safe as long as you don't let slavs run the show or build the plant along a notorious fucking tectonic fault line.
Thorium is even safer but apparently nobody outside of China cares.
Leftists are the ones that squeal about nuclear power being awful though because it produces hard to remove waste. Nuclear is actually great though, high yield and really clean. While I don't think climate change is a big deal, pollution is, and it is nice to have plants that don't cause pollution. Radiation is a concern, but only leftists think that nuclear plants leak radiation all the time. A properly maintained nuclear plant is fine.
Ben Garrison is such a horrible cartoonist
he has to put a description on every object and person he draws and literally spell it out to everyone, else his retarded fans wouldn't understand what the hell he's trying to say
>the burqa on the horse
And all of those old plants used uranium-based nuclear reactors. They did this because it was more efficient and you could make nukes out of the waste. The US developed Thorium-based nuclear reactors but scraped it for the reasons above. However they are MUCH safer and still a great source of energy. If we funded research to polish it out, it would make a great modern day alternative.
i agree with your point on the hypocrisy of the left. but i have yet to meet a liberal that will say nuclear is safe.
Nuclear power is great, retards are afraid of it though.
Also there's nothing wrong with depopulation, especially in rapidly growing shitholes. As long as governments don't insist upon immigration to """fix""" it.
Why isn't the skull guy labeled, I don't know what it is?? This needs more labels.
>3 actual incidents in decades
>forgets thorium reactors are a thing
>Conquest - the Holy Spirit, harbinger of glory and successfully reinvigorates the gospel - Trump
>War - Harbinger of bloodshed, civil war, persecution of Christians - Globalist Jews
>Famine - Harbinger of justice, weighs greed and luxury consumerism against basic life needs - Multinational Corporate Estate
>Death - Harbinger of totalitarian subjugation to a realm foreign and desolate - Islamic immigration in Europe
Oh my
>3 actual incidents
>Forgets to mention how they impacted thousands
when did Ben Garrison take the red pill,seen the light, became /ourguy/. is this stockholm syndrome?? or is this a ruse.
>implying there arent power generators that produce 5000% of what is put into them.
what the hell do you think the nazi were flying the saucers with?
tesla's technology got grabbed up by the feds
Damn, I know he went off his rocker after we fucked with him for a couple years, but this is some really really paranoid shit. Ol' Benny should sign on with Alex Jones.
Look at the facts, man. Nuclear power is on the whole, safer than any fossil fuel, and the effects of climate change are already irreversibly damaging small island nations.
>not understanding that fluoride in the water was originally introduced because gubberment wanted to supplement oral hygiene (though now useless because everyone brushes their teeth)
>unironic complaints about the almighty GMO, the solution to world hunger
>unironic complaints about nuclear power, the best form of energy we currently have available
>completely ignoring the fed
>Lets make a shit load of babies
>Fuck Nuclear, we can just burn coal
>Fuck progress in agriculture, people can fucking starve
>Fuck the EPA, we don't need your stinking ideas
Apparently Ben's idea Utopia is India.
No, that would be wind, since you will always have it... Coal is a demonic energy source peddled by illiterate workers who are unable to find actual jobs. It creates pollution, it adds to climate change, it kills people with smog, and it destroys land for no reason.
Ok cool let's put a nuclear reactor in your back yard you gay little Jew.
Garrison can really knock it out of the park sometimes (I've got a print of his "Molon Labe" hanging behind me right now) but this is a total miss - nuclear power, GMOs, fluoride are good things.
You have to be a science illiterate retard to have a Monsanto/GMO rep holding a "depopulation" syringe when GMO crops have created such high yields that they've saved countless lives from starvation.
>thousands impacted
>implying the damages, both in lives and dollars, from nuclear accidents amount to even a tiny fraction of the shit you have to deal with from other methods of power generation
>implying those few incidents weren't caused by the involvement of retards
Wind energy is not the cheapest per unit of energy produced. You must be retarded.
>what is clean coal
Eat a fucking dick
This is how all political cartoons are done
How about lets build a refinery next door to your house and see how much you like it.
>>what is clean coal
You mean that thing that doesn't exist?
>promote nuclear
what world are living on?
Why do we engorge people on GMOs so they die of cancers and slowly depopulate when we could just ban GMOs and let them starve and quickly depopulate? Climate crisis solved!
No that's your dick little fuccboi
It's not ideal. The big issue is it doesn't effect everything the same. Some areas, like the poles, get hit much harder. The temp. as a global average is a bit misleading.
>how about let's build a beef slaughterhouse next you your house and see how much you like it
>how about let's build a sewage treatment plant next to your house and see how much you like it
>how about let's build a landfill next to your house and see how much you like it
> Though coal burning has increasingly been supplanted by less-toxic natural gas use in recent years, a 2010 study by the Clean Air Task Force still estimated that "air pollution from coal-fired power plants accounts for more than 13,000 premature deaths, 20,000 heart attacks, and 1.6 million lost workdays in the U.S. each year."
> The total monetary cost of these health impacts is over $100 billion annually.
lol every nuclear plant incident in recorded history combined can hardly match one year of coal burning
Most abundant energy source. Nuclear is cheaper, as are most if not all energy sources once "clean" coal is introduced. "Clean" Coal is still more dirty than all the energy sources (bar the set up costs of solar).
The right timeline ;)
All valid points, its just funny to hear all these "Not in my backyards" bitch about how the EPA is keeping the economy down. Again, if you're so for it, put in next door t you.
Why are you retards against nuclear power? Are you really that stupid?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
What did he mean by this?
shills out in force
bet you're all 100% vaccinated drinking soylent green
t. Shill
>drinking soylent green
I prefer Slurm.
He's referring to the semen demon.
>Dirty bombs for terrorists
Oh, well we shouldn't sharpen pencils because terrorists could use them as shivs. Also, no cars, because terrorists use those as Frog plows. Also, no clothes because terrorists could use them to hide things. Also, no medicine because terrorists could use it to poison people. Also, no Islam because then the terrorists wouldn't be encouraged to kill nonbelievers or their female cousins who wore a hijab that was loose one day and an older villager saw her mouth.
Wait, scratch that last one. That's Terroristphobic, er, I mean Islamophobic.
Fuck off, Fin. Simo Hayha took dick in the ass.
He's the globalist horseman
the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.
"millions have lost jobs to the new globalism"
not sure what that has to do with 666, GMOs, or Monsanto though.
You don't have fluoride in your water, Germans put it in the salt.
>Typically, the I(ntellectual) Y(et) I(diot) gets the first order logic right, but not second-order (or higher) effects making him totally incompetent in complex domains. In the comfort of his suburban home with 2-car garage, he advocated the “removal” of Gadhafi because he was “a dictator”, not realizing that removals have consequences (recall that he has no skin in the game and doesn’t pay for results).
>The IYI has been wrong, historically, on Stalinism, Maoism, GMOs, Iraq, Libya, Syria, lobotomies, urban planning, low carbohydrate diets, gym machines, behaviorism, transfats, freudianism, portfolio theory, linear regression, Gaussianism, Salafism, dynamic stochastic equilibrium modeling, housing projects, selfish gene, election forecasting models, Bernie Madoff (pre-blowup) and p-values. But he is convinced that his current position is right.
>that gay as fuck horse
im dying
lo yeah me too.