Converted "Muslim" girl 17 twerking while wearing the hijab in Birmingham ... every mudslime want to punish her now...
she is depressed....
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Converted "Muslim" girl 17 twerking while wearing the hijab in Birmingham ... every mudslime want to punish her now...
she is depressed....
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forgot video
All the twerking in the world won't deflect the stones coming her way.
well that didn't twerk so well
which one of you faggots wrote this?
Luckily, she lives in a country with secular laws.
i hope she enjoy his conversion now
Y am I laughing?
If she converted to Islam then she deserves to die. Have at it boys
i laugh too
she think can do same thing ,what when she was a slutt
Start a GoFundMe for some Sharia officers to travel and pick her up
This is exactly what we need to redpill the leftists. I hope we see more of it
>Wind up'the'waist
i want this video be viral
>every mudslime want to punish her now...
sounds like the muzzies are spot on with this one
Fake and Sage
Women are not people they are tools to create new humans that unfortunately have emotions that makes them rebel against their destiny.
No fake Ahmed
Can we use "Women's Day" to our advantage here? "Women aren't allowed to dance the way they want to in the UK!!"
Give me the video then.
>Holding back tears, the teenager revealed she has previously battled with depression and had only started practising her religion two months ago.
stone the bitch
Where does it say she's a convert?
Here with sound
maybe Islam will do some good in this world and kill her.
>no sound
The real crime was not doing it in my face.
If that's her chosen path then she should welcome the inevitable stoning, what's the problem ?
who gives a fuck about sandnigger issues
Britain is Sodom and Gomorrah
Have a dozen posts bitching and screaming to be spoonfed. Truly the cuckiest of them all.
fuckin THICC
What a whore. With a nigger too. Cant really blame the muslims for killing this one. Can we?
Plz read
Muslim girls twerking
See this is proof globalism is destroying cultures you globalist racist bastards!
Well, she has to die. No question about it. Islam is the religion of peace She has to die.
is there a city worse than birmingham?
Peacefully though, with rocks, thrown at her over, over over until she is a bloody broken peaceful mess.
shes like 50% chin
here other angle ,mudslime shut it down videos..........
>wears hijab to prevent men from becoming aroused when looking at her
>twerks in public
Female logic!
Tbh from this, I feel islam is most redpilled religion.
>women knows their place
Comment on video :
mrorckiller4 minutes ago (edited)
Are you Muslim? Why are you sharing this garbage when the girl in the the vid wants them removed? Don't you have any concern for your Muslim sister?
Did your Afghan nationalism go to your head so much that you'd do anything if you think it makes Pakistanis look bad?
It's the Miley Cyrus version of Islam. Just like how Mormons try to screw up Christianity, now Mislam will be the third leg of destabilization of morality.
Where is the video you fucking sancho
slutty gonna slut
Im fucking ashamed I live ten minutes from the centre of Birmingham. No wonder Im depressed. Just gotta keep slogging away in my female dominated office until I have enough money to leave and never return.
I hope this whore gets stoned to death, after all thats what the koran says right.
>any muslim area
>in uk
right in the feels
damn ,u blind leaf
>doesn't think straight
it does add up
England is clearly white.
I give her a couple weeks before she is beaten up by a gang of muslim cowards. Or worse have her arm chopped off or something. YOu never know with those savages.
The old Stratford road. Lots of grooming gangs patrol there. You have big tension between the somali and pakistani community who live roads apart. They fight over white women and drug territory.
implying hijab doesn't already make my dick diamonds by itself
She converted to Islam. She literally chose to follow this religion on her own. Whatever happens to her is her own fault. I won't have sympathy.
This is what happens when you give women rights.
The ass was fat tho
If they dont actually punish her for this im gunna be so pissed. Fucking someone has to start smacking sluts again.
Sexy time?
Of course you do, Pajeet.
>inciting violence between muzzies and nogs
I like this plan.
See Islam is not all bad
Many peaces of rock
The left's agenda toward blacks, gays, and islam is hilarious considering that these three groups will eat each other if they converge.
This. We need to make viral how Muslim communities react to something as vanilla as fucking twerking. Make the world no longer able to ignore that Islam is a religion of pieces of shit
Da futer librules won't :D:D:DDD
The absolute STATE of Britain lads.
He does make a fair point...
The left is just a religion of white female sluthood and white male cuckholdry.
BOngistan might be even worse than we are
Can you join in the stoning if you're not muslim?
Bet you wouldn't mind your wife, sister, or daughter twerking in public then. Go back to T_D, you're exactly what's wrong with Sup Forums
we dem jews now
I hope they decapitate her. Serve as a warning to other attention whore white slags thinking of becoming culture- and race-traitors
Kill that western degeneracy infected slut.
2 months a muslim
nuke b'ham. Seriously. Nothing good comes out of it.
I am sorely curious about whether or not that was an intentional implication of his mother's infidelity or if they author is just an idiot.
If I was force to wear a garbage bag over my body I'd just go commando at that point. Whats the point of wearing colorful clothes?
Thats perfectly summarise display of modern Britain in my mind. Thank you.
just fucking kill me now lads
Nigger culture has a head on collision with Islam.
They can all die, for all I care. Twerking is nigger mating ritual, and Islam is a death cult.
Nuke them from orbit, to make sure.
I thought twerking was a cultural tradition in Islam though?
I think we should encourage them to interbreed so we make a deracinated deculturated helot caste to be our slave labourers and fucktoys once we grow out of the gay humanist/egalitarian bullshit
least u got sweet pussy grils
>whore twerks on a nigger
>her kind wants her dead
This is why they'll prevail over the West.
Dumb bitch deserves it, she'll be only a warning to other niggers and the like to not convert.