Is she /ourgirl/?

Is she /ourgirl/?

Disgusting trailer trash whore of a woman who looks like she got 3 dicks a day for 20 years. Horrible propagandist and liar..evil woman.

Damn. White women really were made for the BBC.

my cucumber is bigger :)

That's a big penis

Trump hired her!

Why is she so ugly? Scarecrow meth addict looking bitch.

We all know why ;)

pretty good photoshop skills my man


Can you shop Moccamaster in there as well?

People don't respect the long term effects of caffeine on the CNS.

I looked through the documents, it's literally nothing. Huh, I wonder what all the hype was about. Pretty much useless stuff.

She's an attention whore and just oozes off the vibe of a gross skank. She really needs to be pushed aside. Wtf does she even do at this point?


>Attack on Titan theme intensifying



kek jewish women love the bbc

>Horrible propagandist and liar..evil woman.
She's /ourgoebbels/
Hail Victory

Fucking This.

Not even close.


Fingoloid degenerate. Take your (You) and get the fuck out of my sight.

user do you ever wonder what will happen if you drop dead and your parents go through your stuff and find your fucking blacked memes? they'll think you're a faggot

How is it that this african looks so FINN'D despite not looking mixed at all?

This is a hilarious image, but who the fuck puts all this effort into that

He is a faggot

I really don't know.

>implying those aren't his parents in the picture





Jesus, dude. Too far.

Because she's 50?

Reported for child porn.



How will Blumpfh ever recover?