Really makes you tthink...
Really makes you tthink
>Being a filthy roastie who exposes her filthy gash to the world
>Modern western women consider it as a role model
I wish we could all create a REAL day without women
God, how fucking patronising.
What is this trying to say? That under the dress is a shirt?
>>>>>>implying all women have concave curves
The chromosomes never lied.
>I wish we could all create a REAL day without women
There is one, it's called "Every day of user's life"
>then she gets raped and the cape gets used as a coverup mask
put a KNIFE or a FIREARM under that """dress""" and you LITERALLY HAVE the six BILLION percent increase in crime that allowing transgender people in female toilets will cause
Why are dresses bad?
Why is she not wearing pants?
because of chad and tyrone
that was uncalled for
What kind of mentally retarded faggot walks around IRL wearing a god damn cape
anything that is feminine is bad now
Its clever imo.
>Women are literally children that live in a fantasy world
great uplifting message womyn, you've infantilized your self
jokes on you faggot, i see my mom every week when she comes to empty my piss drum
It's an apron
This picture objectifies women and shows how unfair societies beauty standards are. It's not fair to morbidly obese blobs.
I thought the idea was rather clever but swissbro here delivered an even cleverer rebuttal
Y-you bastard man!
God damn this is some hokey saccharine shit.
If it's a cape, then women don't live in reality.
If it's an apron, then women are objectified
If it's a dress, then its conforming to gender norms.
But even though we shouldn't conform to gender norms, we need streetlights with outlines of women wearing dresses so that everyone feels empowered.
>it was a fat man
>empty piss drum
I bet your mom scrapes your turd tupperware too you filthy neet
no. im not an unhygenic piece of shit, i shit in the furnace
Pantless ginger mullet.
like everyday in your life?
it was never about what you wore, it's about what you're hiding underneath.
feminists at it again with the pop culture trash
>those curves
>those expanded hips
>that ridiculously high waist and long legs
Honey I love the apron the camera is that way
But no pants
fuck you mang
Wew wtf man
ummm, so like
*sucks dick*
so you're, like, saying
*takes selfie*
*fixes hair*
so, umm
*complains about period for the 6000000000th time*
what you're saying is
*gets stare-raped*
ummm, like
*welcomes refugees*
we're literally, like
*burns coal*
superheroes and shit????
*pays toll*
Why is she undressed from the belly button down?
wew lad
Here it is, a rare yankee bantz. Nice.
Fucking roasted my dude
>using your shit as energy to produce heat
The ultimate red pill
>body shape
women come in all shapes and sizes. sexist.
What did they mean by this?
Shes too thin. Stop fat shaming you cis ableist bigot
Captain Blankface
>Any social standards for women are oppressive
>Men should still have to go to war for us, give us money after divorce, give us money if we decide to take advantage of their lack of reproductive rights, take care of us, give us free shit, kowtow to us in public social situations, be automatically assumed to be guilty in any sexual harassment claim, blah blah blah.
Daily reminder that feminists don't want to do away with privilege, they just want a combined female and male privilege. The entire movement exists to garnish what the men at the top have while the men at the bottom still suffer for scraps.
ALWAYS pump and dump feminists. Do NOT ever date them.
ALWAYS make feminists feel like shitty sluts afterwards. Do NOT have sympathy for them.
Good socially well adjusted women do not become feminists. Feminists are ALWAYS to be seen as only useful for their pussy as temporary fuckmeat.
It is better to never marry than it is to marry a feminist. She will make your life miserable, and there are plenty of young non-feminist women out there thanks to gen-Z being more conservative. We do not need these old worthless slags anymore. Directly into the trash they go.
Yes, very feminist.
>no pants
fine by me
It's a trap
reminds me of sabrina suzuki
The funny part is women who actually buy into this kind of thinking always exemplify the worst female stereotypes. Think of one women you met that believed in this shit that wasn't a lazy, whiny, emotional basketcase. There probably aren't any.
s-s-shut up
I would argue attractive women have it easier than anyone. Rich men usually have to work hard in some way, attractive women just need to fuck rich men and pop out a kid and they're forever provided for
It was tight slutty yoga pants
>average man has it as easy as an average woman
>poor chad has it just as hard as a poor robot
>women wear capes when they go to the bathroom
and I thought WE were autistic
It's cute how hard they try and how fragile their egos are
s-shut up
Ya got me.
Good one
Could this possibly work?!?
>1 post by this ID
Every fucking time
Strong women don't need pants. Also they didn't have one in her size.
Why cant leftists meme?
Yankee-doodle went to town
Riding on some pussy
Slew some roastie in the ass
Either way, wew lad.
you son of basterd bitch
>poor chad
Oh my sweet summer child.
u fuk my mohter poodoo???
Cooking dinner with no pants on, waiting for her man to get home.
Here's a (You), newfag
>shirt, cape, no pants, no shoes
that was a low blow
oh fuck
wow womyn are superheros damm hmmmmm I am thinking so hard
>People bitch about us niggers stealing Egyptian culture to make ourselves feel good since we have nothing of value to our our history
>People don't call out women who steal every fucking thing from men to make it their own and generally act like the niggers of gender.
You only have yourselves to blame.
>supergirl wears lycra
>tights all day
>gets a UTI
>kidney failure
I'm new to this hope you like it
I like the amount of attention this got. Stop hurting all my fellow anons feelings!
My only problem with women is hoping I don't end up with the same girl from last weekend.