Roast me
Roast me
>Dark hair (= not white)
>Poor head-to-body ratio implies manletness
u look mexican, hope trump deports u and ur 10 cousins
You look more white than 70% of the Sup Forums fags
You look boring
fuck you i dont want to
norway flag = somalian behind the screen
You have no right to speak
You're too young to be posting on /pol, and if you're not you look like a little kid
keep your vidya related shit at home.
medium rare
Stop looking me in the locker room shower. I'm only there to shower up for work you degenerate faggot.
You are the ugly compromise that your genes made when they couldn't decide over Mexican or asian.
you make that mirror look miserable
>sink, mirror, towel... framed comic book
Who puts that shit in their bathroom?
gypsie flag = shit skin degenerate by birth
im whiter than u faggot and more alpha aswell
Framed comic book, and fall out phone case.
looks we got ourselves a Sup Forumsirgin.
I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you look dead on the inside already.
usa flag = mexican or nigger so stfu faggot nigger
You look a native American who decided to be emo because his dad abused him due to systematic rape in a residential school
>im whiter than u
Congrats on you "alpha status" amongst the savages and wild dogs we refer to as Romanians.
And stop sending you're untermensch wores here
The kind of person who buys too much "star wars" shit. A vapid consumerist that does not look beyond the perscribed for beauty. The corpratist "safe space". This one needs to climb a mountain and bring back some momento to replace those.
faggot cuck virgin, you look like your dad was a down syndrome Mexican and your mom was fat, white with very few teeth remaining.
Fuck off
Go shoot a school or something.
ur probably a tranny like all the men in norway, while norwegian sluts fuck somali and afghanistan niggers
Being this buthurt of a gypsy
>while norwegian sluts fuck somali and afghanistan niggers
and your sluts are eny better right?
>Dark hair (= not white)
what did he mean by this?
Why is this disgusting romanian nigger triggered?
I apologise for my countryman, he must be a retarded eastern norwegian.
they are quite cucked and feminine. and why the fuck is he calling you a gipsy.