Continuation of >>115776102

continuation of anime (cartoon child porn) must be banned because it normalises child abuse and rape

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sup Forums
>ban anime

you must be new

oh look our first buttmad paedophile

It's like they fucking want a civil war.

He's an unsuccessful shitposter from Sup Forums

it's not pedo they're actually 10000 year old demigod half hamsters who are immortal and only look like they're 3 OP it's totally fine

>gook excuses for paedophilia

Age doesn't work the same in the 2D world. You can't compare the two directly.
Also memes aside very few people actually jerk off to anime. And that's usually hentai.

>can't detect sarcasm

>paedophile excuses
you're not very good at it

>not liking anime
Fuck off normie

I think this guy has some sort of mental illness

i dont see a real debate here about baning anime, just an angry cuck who want everyone stop liking the things he dont like.

Hey Mark, how did you get out of prison?

You're not a real country!

>everyone has to like child porn
>this is how mentally ill pedos think
whom are you referring to?
i want to protect children from child predators

anime gud

I'm referring to you, bitching about anime on fucking Sup Forums

You clearly didn't even read it, fuck off UN shill. Go back to Africa, nigger.


>i want to protect children from child predators

>i want to protect children from child predators
How about focusing that passion into something more productive, like getting rid of murdering madmen or actual rapists than banning some fiction/drawing?

>wants to ban anime
>is posting on a chinese cartoons website

>anime (cartoon child porn) must be banned because it normalises child abuse and rape
I'd rather have it banned because it amplifies autism.

>anime (cartoon child porn)
You mean hentai, fucking newb Sup Forums shitposter. Can't even tell the difference between anime and hentai

>i want to protect children from child predators
Anime isn't pedo.
That's just feminists trying to induce some stupid moral panic because there's no real oppression left to complain about besides islam and criticizing islam is haram, so they take it out on anime.
Also because it's something some beta males enjoy that isn't polluted with feminism and we can't allow that now can we?

Pretty much this
There's actual rape of children going on, and some stupid ban on japanese animation won't do anything
Pretty much this
Feminists want to ban every single sexual depiction of the female body

>I'd rather have it banned because it amplifies autism.
Almost anything can amplify autism, Baka.

"OMG an ad showed a sexy woman in a bikini! BAN BAN BAN!"

>I want to protect children from child predators by banning drawings

anime is gay, autistic, fetishist & just plain dumb.

gook paedophile
Sup Forums is a politics board
>y-you were paid to say that!!1!1
banning paedophile propaganda is essential to preventing child abuse
Sup Forums is a politics board
its all the same
yes it is


I'm a pedo and I hate anime

>its all the same
Now I know your just plain dumb

>newfag can't quote

not sure which one is worst desu

>its all the same
Ok now I know you're a fucking idiot

>Hating anime

ayy imao

holy shit, florida. you're taking this way too seriously.

>hating anime on Sup Forums, a website founded to discuss Japanese culture and anime

This tread again? O youre that Georgan retard from the old tread


Rei fag

Have your (You)

>itt best way to collect animu photos

Eh. Whatever. Banning it is retarded. You might as well ban video games as well because they cultivate mass shooters, by that logic.
But I haven't watched anime in years and I barely play vidya anymore so if they really are that concerned about Chinese cartoons then do it lol. Fuck actually trying to hunt down actual pedo's am I right?

>he doesn't know the chinese words used to categorise different types of cartoon child porn
>lol what an idiot xD

>turning japland into nuclear waste dump/aircraft carrier

Unironically sounds like a good plan.

>Sup Forums
I want newfags to lurk more.

You do know that not all anime girls are children, right?
Satsuki Kiryuin's like 19

Yeah i agree. I have no idea how grown men can watch this shit.

Your country is more relevant than your opinion OP.

>Satsuki Kiryuin
>ching chong chang

is that a turtle?

Youre using the old video games cause violence argument.
but now with anime instead of games

>but muh muh cartoons=pedo it hurts muh fee fees




Wat the fuck is wrong with her legs?

>that last paragraph
based nippon. fug the jews

Asuka > Rei

Trump general has been infected with shills from the beginning. Every single fucking thread is spammed with anime posters with their 'ebin Awoo pictures'.

It's so fucking sad. The only reason I can see why they keep posting anime is to undermine the legitimacy of Trump and particularly his fan base. They try to make his fan base look like nerdy faggots who watch that stuff. I don't care if you do, but don't ruin an entire fan base.

Most ridiculous is that now most of the people here think it somehow belongs here. One of their main arguments is that Sup Forums = anime. Which it is definitely not. Sure Sup Forums started out with one board for anime and one for random (everything else), that doesn't mean newer boards need to be the victim of anime spamming (New boards have been made for a reason). Spamming should be a thing for which you get banned.
I don't care if one posts something multiple times, but EVERY SINGLE THREAD is just ridiculous.

Another argument is "but it is our mascot". Yeah no, maybe because you think you forced some weak-minded people into believing that doesn't make it legitimate.

Call me a "divider" a "shill", it is all bullshit. I've been here from august 2015. I have the book Crippled America and a Trump hat (white). If I'm suddenly not a Trump supporter in your eyes anymore because I got annoyed by people spamming cartoon pictures EVERY SINGLE THREAD I don't think you'll function well in society. I have experienced countless funny moments here, unfortunately I've also seen the cancer which consists of awoo posters seen grown unchecked.

This post will not stop the anime spamming shills, I never expected that, but I hope more people who have become numb to the annoying spammers will again realize those people need to go and need to be reported.

huh. i was confused for a second but just realized the jersey flag does look like my state flag

Anime is never going to get banned, don't even hope it will, you'll only leave yourself disappointed. Sure, there may be some regulation on certain types of Hentai, but it will never go past that. Don't be stupid. I bet you aren't even white.

Also: >Anime and Hentai is the same
Oh, so I guess porno and pretty much all other films are also the same, eh?

Back2leddit for you,

Nice, parroting CNN

Regardless, comes from no sandnigger culture so I'm fine with it

japan is a nation of paedophiles
moot is gone pedofag



Wow looknow at this retard. Kys faggot

But seriously moeshit is killing the industry's creativity


Go back to /r/The_donald faggot

>Sure Sup Forums started out with one board for anime and one for random (everything else), that doesn't mean newer boards need to be the victim of anime spamming
Sure, the US started out as a country for free white men, but that doesn't mean we need to keep it that way.
Just replace the anime, I mean the whites with more diversity, as diversity is strength.

dont ban anime
ban sexualization of children in anime and manga

>im not a pedo bro
>its just a cartoon bro
>its just a drawing bro
>so what if she has a childs body shes over legal age so its ok bro

Are we dealing with a Barneyfag but with anime now?

>Not picking shinji
Reddit is that way

like many humans, it has proven that legs are useless now and cause so much pain so she ask for removal and use engines because "fuck pain and fuck walk" fly is way better.

Not at all, user. The people I know who do it are actually pretty based, if not regular posters in here. We aren't trying to undermine him at all, if anything it's our odd way of going the extra step to support him.

>inb4 conjecture
>inb4 tumblr weeaboos

>I've been here from august 2015

This thing that is not harmful must be banned because of a metaphysical link to something that can be harmful, despite the fact that this link only exists in our minds.

The same can be done with violent media, depictions of irresponsible behavior, books about crime, historical accounts, etc, etc.

Good thing I like Shinji, too
Shinji and Asuka are made for each other

>Sup Forums is owned by a jap now

>tfw looking back at it now on the calendar
>i've been here for 7 fucking years
end it

>ban sexualization of children in anime and manga
>fictional children
Let me guess next we should give them human rights too? Look at yourself in the mirror, faggot. Your letting fiction become your reality.

New season of Love Live Sunshine when?

you are shitposting in the wrong neighborhood boi

Wait so they are banning all anime or just these kinds of hentai/doujins?

Deal with the fact that a lot of young Trump supporters like anime. If you don't like it you can go to the SJW crowd. Bitching about things you don't have any control over doesn't get you anywhere in life.

>moeshit is killing the industry's creativity
Moe's been a thing since the mid-80s though, it's definitely not doing a good job at killing the industry considering nearly all of the best-selling anime series and movies released after the advent of moe.

Stop responding to him he's a kike looking for (You)s

you will never be so weakwilled that simple japanese cartoons posted on an internet forum throw you off from your quest to eradicate earth from niggers and leftists

Than why are you Posting on pol? America caused anime you have no right to complain about muh anime
Had you never occupied japan anime Wouldn't exist

I just wanted to be a lesbian animu grill

nothing is being banned lurk more

Exactly fuck rei fags

hentai=child porn
anime=paedophile propaganda

both will be banned, just you wait
>t. buttmad child abuser
stop touching kids
go away paedo
its all the same
>paedos defending child porn
get help

Banned in your household of shit
