Why are white Americans so much more racist than all other White Western people

Even if it's just subtle, white Americans are much more racist than other white western folk. What is this? Don't just answer with "because we have more niggers."

I think it's because we've been taught about slavery and jim crow and stuff for so long that subconsciously whites see themselves as superior in this country, even if they aren't a blatant racist. Also, older people here are much more racist so that's past down. White Americans care about race much more than other whites in Europe. Why do you guys think this is the case?

Because you have better first-hand experience with niggers.


/no. End thread.

Shut up nigger lover that isn't the case

Europe was fed a diet of anti-white propaganda since the end of WWII while having little to no contact with the dark hordes on a daily basis until recently.

America was built on telling non-whites to fuck off.

This is true, but it isn't only with niggers, it's been this way with other whites too for a long time like Germans and Irish too. I bet if a bunch of people from Eastern Europe started migrating in they would face some racism around here.

>Europe was fed a diet of anti-white propaganda since the end of WWII while having little to no contact with the dark hordes on a daily basis until recently.

And no they're too filled with self hatred and cuckoldry to do anything about it. Fuck Europe and all their nigger lovers

This you big dummyStop overthinking the answer to an obvious question. The #1 cause of racism is personal experience, and the average American has that in spades.

Because the US' entire history has a racial aspect to it were as most European countries were mostly about ethnic conflict.

This. We are only like 55% white while those other ones are 85%+

And rightly so, just because you're white doesn't mean you'll be a fit for any white majority society.

They don't stick out like a sore thumb though unlike niggers and spics who will never assimilate to a white European society, they can only mimic the culture and behaviour up to a point.

This is what I mean it ain't just a black vs white thing. When I grew up we were all racist to each other, Italians, Germans, Irish, English, it's like second nature. My family was racist even if it was too a lesser much more subtle extent, most families honestly really are. America is nothing like the big cities try to portray it

Europeans don't care about race, let Europe be run over third world savages that rape their women and their economy

Americans care about race, elect Trump to get rid of illegals and keep refugees out, to give us hope

Racism doesn't exist just because, it exists because anyone with common sense can see what happens when you bring third world criminals to live with civilized whites (and a few civilized minority groups, to be fair)

That's true. I like it this way

This is true. I used to be a liberal when I grew up in a small white town. Then I got into the real world, got a degree, started a career, and I'm a hardcore conservative now. I have seen so much shit. Had a lot of bad shit happen to me at the hands of Indians and African immigrants, I even had a Muslim try to get me kicked out of my apartment because I baked a ham on Easter and he complained to the manager saying I did it to offend him because I'm racist. Meanwhile he got kicked out of his apartment after I called child services on him because I could hear him beating his small daughters through the ceiling. He was also smoking weed in his apartment.

I won't say I'm 100% racist, but I'm done with the "everyone is good until they prove otherwise" mentality.

>Don't just answer with "because we have more niggers."

But that's exactly it. You cannot pretend that a skunk doesn't smell bad when you have to live right next to a whole family of them.

Racism is normal and healthy, it takes a lot of brainwashing to get people to pretend they like other races. Luckily it's hard to maintain and people are breaking the conditioning.

Trust me you arent even if some of you make racist jokes anonymously on the internet.

white americans are only 65% white

Not really honestly I'm not just a racist sperg on here most Americans on here are probably quite racist with their friends or with family. My grandfather used to rant about niggers to me all the time when I was a kid.

>it takes a lot of brainwashing to get people to pretend they like other races.

the emphasis lying on "pretend"
even people who go full turbocuck do (most of the time) not actually believe it. if you scratch away the surface layer you realize that they have the exact same opinions as everyone else, they just express them in a socially aceptable way, like supporting AA and so on

Even the huge cucks still subconsciously know they are different from blacks and don't go around their areas or hang out with them

White americans from my experience are alot more discriminatory than white western europeans. I think its due to history of the u.s and how it was literally built on white supremacy, slavery, genocides, jim crow laws etc.. it really doesnt help either when the media constantly race baits and america goes to war with non whites every 10 years.

because brown communities are only getting worse and more degenerate.

Yeah the left doesn't understand that attacking whites only makes them more bitter and makes us angry and brings out that vicious side of white Americans

Looking at your media American racists sure are doing a bad job.

I really wonder at which point politicians forgot that it is easier to get people to follow you when you say something positive about them.
All they seem to do is take a massive dump on them and assume that will be enough to shame them into submission. But even if it were, that is an insanely fragile "loyalty" because they never believed in your cause to begin with, the moment they see a promising alternative you are fucked.
As can be easily seen by Trump defeating both the GOP and the Dems.

I'm not racist I just hate niggers regardless of skin color
be they niggers sand niggers curry niggers rice niggers wiggers or mexiwiggers

Because the people who fled Europe and the people who colonized America were Alpha. They were the Men that struck fear into their enemies hearts and we are all descendents of them. White Americans have a natural programmed will to conquer and eliminate the weak. The pioneers saw some shit. White Americans have a DNA connection to the old Warrior class of Europe. We have Alpha traits, explorer traits. Shared DNA with the Romans, Germans, English, Russians, Spanish and French. All the pussies stayed behind in Europe.

>white Americans are much more racist than other white western folk.

Citation needed.

Also define "racist".

Your cultural Marxism is showing.

Because we have MANY more niggas

Because Democrats started to think they could build off their coalition that got Obama in power: niggers, brown people, and white cucks, and some white working class. That totally failed of course. The old GOP didn't care about social issues and culture and just allowed the dems to control that so they started to go with the whole anti-racism anti-white bullshit.

Trump defying all that is how he won

Lived in South Carolina my entire life. Always makes me laugh when I meet someone from up north or out west and they tell me, "I understand why people are racist here now."

So many niggers and spics.

1. African-Americans are shit.
2. White Americans are combination of Europeans so race replaces ethnicity.

>Why do you guys think this is the case?
googles and skypes always bitching about muh reparayshunz
normal people get sick of all the bullshit that is (correctly) associated with jews and blacks



Descendants of those who were brave enough to make the leap into the unknown

More minorities actually would make them more racist. More racial conflict increases testosterone, which increases ingroup bias, which is the psychological basis for racism. If anything, white Americans should be thanking minorities stirring shit up for their alphaness compared to Europeans. In fact, after the refugee fiasco, Europe is going to get a whole lot more racist

Not true. I'm starting to internalize 'being a white racist.' I'm not racist to begin with, but I hate having everyone assume I am. I'm respectful to liberals and they make pointed remarks about how I'm masking my racism. It's fucked

Well you're just a cuck then. Next time they say that put your fist down and call them nigger lovers. Don't let them walk all over you