How retarded is this gorilla?

How retarded is this gorilla?

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Harambe mindset

Um, actually sweetie. They weren't.

Mmm those titties. I'd give her some non-consensual action.

Why does she want to chimp out on some snarky nerd?

Economic migrants, kek

>half-white progressive president says slaves were immigrants
>black conservative man says slaves were immigrants
[autistic screeching]

You think you're raping her then the tables turn and she knocks you to the ground and starts shitting and pissing all over your face.

You think it's over there, but her fun has only just begun.

Happy International Women's Day.

I like how Ben Carson grew up in Detroit during the WORST times to ever live in Detroit. Yet people wanna act like he's dumb, when in reality he's probably ultra redpilled


I thought she disappeared after those bestiality pics of her surfaced

Oh god that sounds even better.

>cash me outside

What does this mean

Holy fuck I work at a warehouse and this is how they all act and look. Mind boggling really.

She's like those retarded kids that are allowed to score touchdowns taken to the extreme.

>cash me outside
It's nigger for "meet me in the yard for fisticuffs"

It's begging for gibs, I believe.

Why do they keep making up stupid phrases

Regardless of immigrant or not, coming to the US was the best thing that could've happened for their descendants. There is no arguing that

I like how Shaun King is a more respected black man than Ben Carson is, and he's a fucking doctor.

let me give you a quick run down on the cock carousel

Ben Carson is an excellent example of what every leftist fears; a successful black person. Carson was raised by a single mother who was also illiterate, in one of the worst crime ridden shitholes in the USA, yet he is now he is a world renowned pediatric brain surgeon. It's almost like blacks can succeed in America if they try, just like anyone else.

I'd stream that PPV - wouldn't you?

Lmao it was a white girl that said it on Dr. Phil.

She is definitely a wigger and ghetto trash but still

Oooga boooga

Yeah, Carsons childhood was nigger-tier even by black standards. The average slave had a better upbringing than him.


Cash Me Outside Howbow Dah..

I'd dominate that loli and force her to speak English.

>reported for calling for violence or harassment against another user

I think Ben just does shit like this to rustle niggers Jimmie

I would love to see him upper cut that fucking animal

It really makes me mad that this racist piece of shit is allowed on twitter but Milo isn't

>deepthroating a banana covered in pesticides


>fat Reddit humor nigger beats up retarded, elderly WE WUZ KANG nigger

Do it, faggot.

I am an advocate of meritocracy.

Meaning that the great majority of black people I see should be hanged if they can't at least have the decency to be off welfare. As you might guess, Ben Carson would be one of the few I wouldn't cast a rope on when the day finally comes.

I agree with the point, progressive vs conservative, but Ben Carson is probably half white too. Very few blacks in the US who have been here since slavery are more than 3/4s black

He'd be more likely to slash her with a blade, IIRC.

The blacks if you haven't noticed get all their memes from whites

>Ben Carson is half white

u wot?

They are probably going insane with boredom and feeling trapped.

its a shit normie meme spread by liberals on le rebbbit


Are there some legit sources to read up on/link to in the future? This is insane. My fiance is a former prostitute/porn star and this concerns me.

She is right they weren't immigrants they were imported farming tools

>ywn see mike tyson train sleepy ben in uppercuts
just end it

For real though, where would all these blacks be today without slavery? Dead, never born or in a mud hut somewhere.

But still let's keep using whatever we can to our advantage like the animals we are.

Why do niggers complain about this, would they really rather be in Africa?

Why do i want to try this?
I wonder if i can

The latest white imitation of nigger culture that Jews are pushing.

I love how Shawn King just projected his own rationale for pretending to be black on the fucking Apollo program. kek

It's been proven firsthand how anti-white racism is allowed on Twitter.
You can report a post that says "I hope all white people die" and one that says "I hope all black people die" and only one violates the rules.

I was banned for telling a fag that he was going to be hanging from a lamppost.
Not because he's gay, but because he pretends to be a commie.

there are journal articles linked in the picture

also have some self respect and dump that cumrag

They literally are based on the definition though.


He's very retarded. Makes harambe look like Steven hawking


Shaun King = Talcum X

Go back to writing your race-baiting piss poor "pieces", Talcum X.

Man, she's an ugly woman. It's not even a 'lol blacks r monkees' thing, she legit looks like a gorilla. Her hairstyle and everything.

This statement never stops to be retarded (about phallic objects)

Is she going to fight Obama too then?

Ever since Robin died Leslie was never the same again.. :(

I'm an actual scientist and there is literally no way for this to be possible. If you could introduce DNA through semen in the vagina it would be an multibillion dollar discovery. In reality we use extremely expensive reengineered HIV viruses transfer DNA.

What a hoe, I hope Ben Carson pop that nigga with a .44 mofucka

>Nigger Obama makes a speech comparing slaves to immigrants
>nobody says a word

>Ben Carson says the same thing
>everyone loses their fucking minds

Perfect example of a double standard where it's okay for Obama to say it because he's on the left side, but Ben Carson gets ridiculed and called an Uncle Tom when he says it.

Fuck niggers. Ben Carson shouldn't have to endure this bullshit.

Rockets need to be watermelon shaped and we need to include mentally ill trans race people like Sean King in every single design of every single device.

You can take the ho out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the ho.

i wouldn't be surprised desu. he got the dark skin tone, but if you study his facial features they tend to carry non-black influence.

report the tweet for threats of violence.

It's not black vs white, it's R vs D.


>slaves were not immigrants

wow rly made me think

Technically, slaves are property, so she isn't wrong

Shaun king projecting so hard kek

why do nigger lovers on pol keep saying based and other nigger words

Link her the video of Obama calling slaves immigrants too.

She'll be so distraught she'll have to let someone else film her getting fucked in her ugly ass and release the video.

In 2008 when nigger 0bama said he got where he was because he was black nothing happened. When Geraldine Ferraro quoted him it was racis' and she had to resign from Hillary's campaign for being a white racist.

>In reality we use extremely expensive reengineered HIV viruses transfer DNA.

what a (((coincidence))) Weird that HIV came out of no where and then they "started" using it as a delivery system

It's true, it was a pretty big deal when it came out.
A lot of cucks were like "Yeah, and?"

Liberals also raised hell when Clarence Thomas (2nd ever black justice, and successor to the legendary Thurgood Marshall) was nominated for the supreme court.

They're ok with black people making history, but only if they're leftists.

I believe this guy, he spent a few minutes looking through the journals, nothing substantive, sadly.

I'm lost. I really don't get this metaphor.

Is she threatening his Life?

Still not asking for it



Is he speaking from experience?

This. I bet half of them haven't even heard of Marcus Garvey.

When did "cash me outside" become fighting words?