My English Teacher Wants To Brainwash Me

Today our English lesson was all about "white privilege" with this document being discussed: Priviledge Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.pdf

Alright Sup Forums- what's wrong with these claims? Also red pill me on white privilege.
Also english teacher hate thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dude trust me just write whatever they want you to write and get the grade.

Ask her about Asian Privilege and how all the top paying positions are filled with jews.

I think anyone who has been through education recently can agree English is by far the most feminist and cucked main subject there is.

The men are usually gay or so beta as they are surrounded by either bitter, divorced middle aged feminists or just all round cunts. My two female tutors decided studying 4 feminist texts would be the most enlightening for my basically all male class.

Good luck to you.

>5. I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed.
Because if you go to an area filled with black people, even as a black person, you know you will be harassed.

>8. I can be sure that my children will be given curricular materials that testify to the existence of their race.
Do we completely deny that black people exist in classrooms? I'm pretty sure I could open literally ANY history or literature book currently in use and find black people represented.

>9. If I want to, I can be pretty sure of finding a publisher for this piece on white privilege.
Wouldn't that mean there isn't white privilege if you are allowed to openly speak negatively about whites? Would you be able to publish a piece about black privilege?

>10. I can be pretty sure of having my voice heard in a group in which I am the only member of my race.
Literally dependent on the group, could display discrimination against blacks, whites, asians, or no one. Irrelevant.

>11. I can be casual about whether or not to listen to another person’s voice in a group in which s/he is the only member of his/her race.
Once again displaying black privilege, as ignoring the only black would probably be seen as racist. Ignoring the white man is being pushed as progressive and good for equality.

>12. I can go into a music shop and count on finding the music of my race represented, into a supermarket and find the staple foods which fit with my cultural traditions, into a hairdresser’s shop and find someone who can cut my hair.
I dare you to find a music shop that doesn't have a section called "hiphop/rap/R&B/Blues" and isn't heavily dominated by black musicians.

As for hairdressers, I have been to an asian hairdresser that literally didn't know how to cut my hair because I'm a man. Maybe you need to look for people who have similar hair / customers as you to get a good haircut?

yes, comply OP. like a good goy. Pay $$$ to "learn"

Look up Lawrence Murray:Skinning The Invisible Knapsack

What a pile of garbage it is. Just go down the list and see
>Which applies to Jews
>Which applies to Asians
>Which applies to Whites
>Which applies to Hispanics
>Which applies to Blacks

English teachers have never had a job in the real world, since the only relevant career is editing.

They are usually the most restrictive and condescending to their classes. Cell phones and raising your hand are strictly enforced since they love to be in control. Fuck all self righteous gift-from-god english teachers.

Should've just walked out and said it has nothing to do with English

>13. Whether I use checks, credit cards or cash, I can count on my skin color not to work against the appearance of financial reliability.
Oh no! Black people are generally poorer! Financially stable black people don't want to get lumped into the same category! What a travesty!

>14. I can arrange to protect my children most of the time from people who might not like them.
I can just take my kids to a nice mostly-white area. Blacks could do the same, but then their children would be more likely to get shot.

>15. I do not have to educate my children to be aware of systemic racism for their own daily physical protection.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

>16. I can be pretty sure that my children’s teachers and employers will tolerate them if they fit school and workplace norms; my chief worries about them do not concern others’ attitudes toward their race.
If you fit school and workplace norms you will be accepted regardless of race.

>17. I can talk with my mouth full and not have people put this down to my color.
Wtf kind of disgusting shit is this? Don't talk with your mouth full you nigger.

>18. I can swear, or dress in second hand clothes, or not answer letters, without having people attribute these choices to the bad morals, the poverty or the illiteracy of my race.
If white people dress poorly and don't respond appropriately then they will be looked down on. If black people dress poorly, we shouldn't think less of them because they don't know any better / can't help it. By the way, whoever wrote this is a huge racist piece of shit.

Skipping a bunch of the rest because it's the same garbage. If a white man is in the presence of a group of black men, he might be "speaking for his race" or be afraid to speak out or what the fuck ever.

drop out

become a welder

Nice palindromic get.

I would argue the white privelidge argument draws attention to racism, and shifts the conversation away from
for everyone to a confrontational one towards white people.

A corollary is various members within the white community may take umbrage to this leading to further conflict instead of greater integration.

Social privelidge (and concomitant opportunity) is largely based on your Socio-economic background; not skin color.

After all in the U.S. More whites are on welfare than other ethnicities.

The concept of social justice missed the mark, since it aims towards equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity.

After all as students - not everyone is given the same grade.

While due consideration should be given to reasons conflict arises between different social groups, the purpose should be towards egalitarianism rather than drawing attention between different races.

Don't be a retard just ask questions that will make her squirm a bit

Then again even that might get you sent to reeducation these days I dunno I mean fuck me it's only 6 years ago I was at uni and back then we had all this exact same nonsense but you know... it was (or certainly seemed like) just a minor assortment of freaks & nutcases that normal students didn't ever pay much attention towards. These days they literally seem to be running the asylum

Mind you I never went into an ENglish dept so what would I know

Just yell TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP as you walk out, make the news and get them all fired.

This teacher made their bias loud and clear. Use it against her. In all your assignments, praise niggers and Hillary Clinton every other line.

Guaranteed A+ on every assignment.

>24. I can be pretty sure that if I ask to talk to the “person in charge”, I will be facing a person of my race.
I'm not sure why you would even care you racist. Why is the color of their skin the first thing you think about? I'm usually focused on the problem that is making me want to speak to a manager.

>30. If I declare there is a racial issue at hand, or there isn’t a racial issue at hand, my race will lend me more credibility for either position than a person of color will have.
So never. This is an example of black privilege.

>31. I can choose to ignore developments in minority writing and minority activist programs, or disparage them, or learn from them, but in any case, I can find ways to be more or less protected from negative consequences of any of these choices.
Literally everyone ignores minority writings, especially if they are not of the minority it's coming from. Do you read much asian literature in America? Ethiopian? Muslim? Jewish?

>32. My culture gives me little fear about ignoring the perspectives and powers of people of other races.
Most white people seem to respect black neighborhoods by avoiding them for fear of being shot or robbed. Black men seem to not respect the authority of police (of any race).

>34. I can worry about racism without being seen as self- interested or self-seeking.
If you can, then you are probably lying.

>39. I can be late to a meeting without having the lateness reflect on my race.
It's reflecting poorly on YOU. If you happen to be of a race, then that is completely circumstantial to how you are making yourself look bad and are also a race.

Truly these people don't seem to know about basic pattern recognition. If one white person is late, that's an incident. If the whole nigger race is late 99% of the time, that's a racial thing.

This video directly addresses the very article you're talking about. You should find more than enough material to start in on it. Good luck.

Blonde and green eyed, here

..........I'm actually the minority.

And I fucking LOVE saying that to any psycho leftist.

Just go on an epic but well written tirade on how 'white privilege' is made up Marxist bullshit.

It's too easy. Seriously.

First of all they spent almost an entire generation indoctrinating millenials to be 'color blind' and not someone's character rather than color of skin.

Then that group of kids got to college and found out darky got into college with lower scores and essentially for free because 'mah discrimination'.

Society has yet to acknowledge what is staring them in the face, that affirmative action is literally preferential treatment based on the color of ones skin.

Darkies represent roughly 13% of the population, whites around 73%.

Statistically we have more whites living in abject poverty than darkies... but do you hear about raising whites out of the slum?

White privilege is essentially marxist indoctrination trying to legitimize white guilt.

But the thing about guilt is....

If I'm being punished for something I had no part in, I might as well take part in whatever I'm being punished for.

Equality is about opportunity, not outcomes.

You're essay should primarily be focused some two things are that absolutely shunned in todays liberal society.

1. Responsibility

2. Merit

True freedom means respecting someones choice to do the wrong thing. If you can't be effected by repercussions, you have no true choice.

By sheltering the nig nogs and 'minorities' from their own actions, you're taking away true freedom from them.

Drag the whore behind the school, rape her, then kill her. What are you waiting for? What, you think posting online will fix it? You need to send a clear message.

>41. I can be sure that if I need legal or medical help, my race will not work against me.
Aren't there medical programs that will selectively help out only minority races? For instance, if two women need an abortion, then Planned Parenthood will provide services to the black woman at a drastically reduced cost compared to the white woman.

>42. I can arrange my activities so that I will never have to experience feelings of rejection owing to my race.
Not if I want to use the internet I can't, no matter what race.

>44. I can easily find academic courses and institutions which give attention only to people of my race.
Any class that is giving attention to only one race is probably racist unless the class is covering some specific subject. Such as a course on Chinese history would probably feature mostly Chinese writers / philosophers / leaders / movements especially before global trade.

>48. I have no difficulty finding neighborhoods where people approve of our household.
People are under no obligation to approve of anything you do. If you move into an area predominantly of another culture, they will expect you to fit into that culture. This is irrespective of race.

Post all your assignments so people can see for their own eyes how fucking far the termites have eaten away at the wood.

Their sjw propaganda is doing nothing for the students. It's just bigotry being taught at the expense of future generations of Americans. They need to be exposed at every possible opportunity.

Nope, that is their game they have no power against the TRUTH, CHRIST, HUMOR. Know your enemy.

Although the time will come.

Or, you know, throw an austic shitfit, flunk out, and work fast food. English teachers are tyrants because they can give you whatever grade they want.

Show your teacher this


>I think anyone who has been through education recently can agree English is by far the most feminist and cucked main subject there is.

This is very true because it's a subjective bullshit topic where the teacher can dump whatever they want down your throats and you're expected to shut up and regurgitate what you're supposed to regurgitate.

Feminism thrive in these types of fields for this very reason. STEM is much harder to crack because it's based on logic and proof. The best they can do is pollute the student body with girls that can't or won't conform to the strict "show your work" environments.

can we ban anyone who posts about their fucking freshman class. like shut the fuck up faggot. no one gives a shit about your propaganda class

saged, reported, back-tracing OPs ip so i can kill him and his negroid family

>50. I will feel welcomed and “normal” in the usual walks of public life, institutional and social.
No white person has ever felt like an outcast or been ostracized. Especially white males are always accepted everywhere, and always get special treatment no matter how they act or dress. Marilyn Manson is loved by white Christian communities. Gay white people are loved by black churches. White women aren't shunned for sleeping around. White murderers and rapists are often loved by their communities and not sent to prison.

It is natural to prefer and support your own race.
White dna is superior to black dna.
These are good things.

White privelege is a thing, its just not immoral like the left claims it to be.

Is this a public school?

If so, go to the local news and report that your class is literally being propagandized on the taxpayer's dime.

I know I sure as shit don't want my tax dollars wasted on this BS. Plenty of others feel the same.

plenty of ways to get ahead without college.

>White user goes to DeAnza, a feeder CC to UC Berkeley
>hoping for an easy 4.0GPA and transfer, to get a coveted Cal degree, perhaps to work in Investment Banking or McKinsey



This, just become a sleeper cell. I tried in my public speaking class and I was ostracized the entire time. I gave perfect speeches and she gave me Cs and gave these Nigerian retards A+s and they couldn't even speak English. I made a C in her class and an A in EVERY other course. Mechanical Engineering Program..

Oh yea she even told the campus psychologist that I needed help and I was getting emails trying to get me to come in. I'm pretty sure I'm on a list or something just for doing a speech on the national debt.

Are you racist or something?

>being white is a privilege
Your teacher sounds pretty racist tbqh

this and make sure to include the thread today about that polish guy and how woman are inferior in every way on average, and don't let her boss you around.


Listen to your teachers arguments, then critically evaluate them.

If the arguments don't stand up to scrutiny, then they can be disregarded. If you can't defend your own position in the face of your teachers arguments, then you must disregard your own position.

This is why you're in education.

trips of truth.

When you only hear how you are evil whitey though from a person with power over your future you may see how it will only lead to worse as many taking that course are lazy and in many cases encouraged to be so.

Granted. However it isn't worth losing your degree in a real subject by flunking these mandatory fluff classes over political statements. There's plenty of opportunities to change the system but while you're a student in their subjective class they have you by the balls

There really aren't. Getting by WITH a degree is fuck hard, you're literally throwing your life away if you don't get one.