How the FUCK can we save Germany?

Germany is my ancestral homeland, ever since I was young I wanted to move to Germany, and even took German in high school.

But seeing the state it's in today just makes me upset and depressed. I love all things German and want to preserve the German Volk and Culture.

It's clear that either angela or even worse (((Schulz))) is going to win, and then there will be no chance of Germany ever being salvaged democratically. They will irrevocably change the demographics of the country and give them the right to vote. Germany is so close to crossing the Demographic Rubicon to the point it will be unsalvageable.

How can we save Germany? There must be hope. Has it come to literally revolution that's required? Does there have to be an actual takeover of the government in order for things to change?

Other urls found in this thread:öhm,_Paul_Josephünger


Do you want to save Germany or your idea of a Germany that has never existed?

My idea of Germany is a Germany, FOR the Germans. Has that never existed?

Yes before WW1.

It doesn't just look at a map comparing the two. No Germans in those historically German areas at all its quite sad really.

It always existed until the Allied Occupation. Even Weimar Germany was a German government for the German people. Germany didn't lose their self-determination until it was partitioned into puppet states. It would be independent again if it weren't for the EU and Merkel's Christian Cuck Union.

For what purpose? Both Communism and Nihilism were shat out of that hole. German philosophy is like getting high with a hot chick who cuts herself.

She's fucking disgusting, but you'd still hit it in a pinch.

>13.7% of germans are muslims

The time will come when you fuckers hang from spikes.

Such a fucking meme nation man

>muh heritage

Sorry for offtopic but what would be the equivalent to matura/abitur in murrica? I always thought it was like a highschool diploma but apparently there something like A courses.

lol source for this?

official numbers state 5.7%

>source for this?

His ass

You are American. Learn to accept that, shart. Do you even speak German?

The US need to be destroyed or reformed
They were the ones that brainwashed the germans.

Currently Germany is just a (((american))) puppet state

>Wanting to be ruled by a woman

Stop being a cuck

are you suggesting they should be our vassal again

Allright, here is a detailed map of the current situation.
We've already got east germany and rural regions in bavaria on our side. But the bigger citys like Berlin, Hamburg, Colonge etc. are beyond saving.

It's over burger. Go visit now and see the sites you want to see. You will be heartbroken by what they have allowed to happen already but its only going to get much much worse.

See and enjoy the Germany that still remains and say goodbye to it.


5.7% too much, we have to get rid of everything one of them.

Nothing is beyond saving
Extermination and removal

Striking fear into the heart of the German government by carrying out mass terror attacks against the establishment and its liberal- marxist puppets in a violent and bloddy germanic-nationalist revloution of gurrilea warfare.

Many inocent lives will be lost but as far as I see it we are beyond the point of peaceful soloutions, Germany has been infected by a terminal cancer and the only anwser is to cut it out directly from the source by awakening the spirit of the German people.
Only then will the Germanic people be able to bring up their children in a homogeneous white nation free from many of the multicultral horrors we see today.

Bring these people backöhm,_Paul_Josephünger

rip in pieces

What else do I have in America. There is not American heritage anymore.

A total economic collapse is all you can hope for. It's what led to the rise of Hitler.

>This map
t. Bavarian

>muh german heritage
fuck off mongrel


Stop asking and start doing. How about that you fucking useless fat bitch.

NRW is white and based
t. colognebro

Cut the influence of those who occupied us and never left the important positions

>my ancestral homeland
Fucking wehraboo

Stupid advice as always.
"We must take power" hurrrr durrrr
Well thank you captain fucking obvious.

Just wait. Germans can endure a lot of pain.



That's about right.
However, Middlegermany (ex GDR) still sufferes from entrenched old-commies in politics and in the state-bureaucracy


Before WW1 maybe.
But all that's left of it is something written in the history books.
And these can not be trusted.

>Perception builds reality.
>Whoever controls the perception of humans controls past, present and future.

>occupied us and never left the important positions

The worst part is that this specimen probably considers himself to be redpilled, well informed and generally smart even though he is as stupid as shit.


Let me give you some insight into political correctness and female privilege.

Females are viewed less dangerous than men, they are perceived less threatening and people also tend to go softer on them - not saying "litterally Hitler".

For this reason female politicians whom are hardliners in a national-conservative ideology are overall preferred over the males.
Most parties are not governed by one person, but by a group of persons in a lesser-organized fashion; So obviously if a female is in that party-top group, then she almost by default becomes the spoke person.

t. Mahmoud

>wanting to save the eternal Kraut

Have you ever heard of the tale of the scorpion and the frog?

You can't.

The people have to want to, and they don't.

most be infuriating with Americans stealing your culture and identity ever chance they get.