Philip Defranco just redpilled over 1 million normies. What have you faggots done other than reply to slide threads all all day. Look at this board not even a sticky of Vault7...
Philip Defranco just redpilled over 1 million normies...
Reminder to all Sup Forums users: Be out by the 15th
when gen Z comes of age they are all gonna end up on Sup Forums . site will probably go up 10X in the next few years
Why , what did I miss
This video is pretty shit desu
right eh? nothing to see here turn it off and go
back to watching your pop stars
Goddamn that is a beautiful emblem/seal
whats that about???
Is that Hanna Montana ?
Out where outside?
I wrote a scathing buzzfeed article.
that actually would be something a polack would write?!
I said John Podesta was a pedophile.
I tried to dismantle the CIA.
I fought for open access to free information.
Globalism is the problem, like always. Too big companies, like CIA or NSA(which is the largest company on planet) and internet not being run independently by each town. We need more borders, more security, we need to kill those who don't want borders and open security holes and we need to make their families bankrupt.
I narced on Jews for the Nazis.
Oh how oblivious normies are.
All that he mentioned is just the tip of the iceberg. All MS products have built-in backdoors so it could be access by the spooks at any time and bypass whatever encryption. Storage and chips also have backdoors. The CIA and other intelligence agencies are either aware of it and not telling or they force the manufacturers/developers to built-in those backdoors and exploits so they may use them. That's why the work of Black, Grey, and White Hats like LulzSec and other groups are important. Because by continually bringing to light new backdoors and exploits to everyone's attention, the manufacturers and devs are forced to close them (or lose business/get sued/etc.), disrupting intelligence gathering. They'd have to arrange another backdoor/exploit for the agencies to utilize, while all parties involved (manufacturers, devs, and the agencies) are the only ones who know how to use them. Until hackers find them again and the cycle of closing and creating new exploits and backdoors repeat. That's really what "Patch Tuesday" is, or any patching for your devices. Expect certain software and hardware/devices revealed in the leak to release a patch closing these supposed security flaws, while creating new ones and keeping them a secret to everyone except intelligence agencies.
And as far as that (((Chaffetz))) talking down the middle class or any goyim, was there any surprise? As long as they are in power and are filthy rich, they could care less about the goys. But their time is coming. Their time is ending.
who the fuck is Philip Defranco? is there another one besides James and Dave
I released this shit, but you think I'm dead, so fuck me, right?
don't you have a no-go zone you need to go get your pork ass kicked in swede
defranco was a ron paul supporter back in the day (2008 election) so i've always had a bit of respect for him. always hated the super snapcut style of youtube video though so i can't say i'm an actual fan, not gonna watch this video either. good on him for redpilling normies though.
User #71475 Imgur = elfuriosogato
What will happen? Just finished work
there was a larper who claimed all /pol posters after the 15th will be arrested or something